Rock Band Country Pack

Rock Band Country Pack

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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We're Better Together

We're Better Together

Score 10 million total points across all songs in Band Tour


How to unlock the We're Better Together achievement in Rock Band Country Pack - Definitive Guide

You'll need to play in Band Tour mode and get your cumulative score over 10 million for this achievement to unlock. This score is sum of the highest scores you've gotten for each individual song with your band, so no simply replaying one song over and over to accrue points that way, sadly. The cumulative score is on display right at the bottom of the song selection screen, so it's easy to know just how close you are to getting this. You can play any given song with any combination of instruments and difficulties; the highest score you get with any configuration is the one that will count.

Generally speaking, so long as they're not failing out, the more players you can get into the mix, the merrier. More note charts on the screen make for more points available in each song, after all. If you can talk a roommate into limping through some songs on Medium bass or get a sibling to sing along with you on Easy, that'll really help matters. (Two really talented players who play absolutely lights-out can probably get this achievement by themselves... but more band members will really make things tons easier.)

As with all Rock Band games, keeping combo and getting unison bonuses on overdrive phrases are supremely important towards getting a good score. I know it might make your pride sting some... but playing one difficulty level easier than you usually do can really be a big boon, especially on more difficult songs. (Hitting 95% on Expert often nets you fewer points than hitting 99% on Hard.) You should also take care to make sure that band members have overdrive activated at the same time whenever possible; that increases the multiplier for the whole band, which can really ramp up one's score in a hurry.

Us, we did this achievement with a three-person band (guitar, drums, bass) of reasonably experienced people, all playing on Expert in the early songs and dropping down to Hard later on in the setlist, and hit 10 million with multiple songs to spare. A four-person band would've gotten us there even earlier. If they're hitting unison bonuses and using overdrive in a smart fashion, a four-person all-Medium band could certainly achieve this as well. (Heck, maybe even an all-Easy band, too. Wouldn't surprise me if they could.)

27 Jul 2009 05:25

Does everyone in the band get the achievement even if not everyone was there for all the different songs?
By IMINTOFOOTSTUFF on 10 Jun 2010 03:23
I tried doing this by voxtar and I don't think it can be done, judging from the leaderboard scores for expert guitar alone. Has anyone else been successful in voxtaring this alone?
By greenturtle36 on 15 Mar 2010 17:59
Q. "Does everyone in the band get the achievement even if not everyone was there for all the different songs?"

A. Yep. If the band career is over 10 million points, everyone playing a song in that band will get the achievement. This works to an absolutely ridiculous degree. Say that your friend Steve already got his band to 10 million points earlier on without you. If you play a song with Steve in his 10 million point band now - even though you weren't there for ANY of the songs to get to 10 million in the first place! even if you'd never played the game before anywhere! - the achievement will pop for you. A little silly, but great if there's a group of local friends who want to pick up the achievement without having to do needless career grinding.
By youhas ahoy on 28 Sep 2010 01:16
@greenturtle36: Sometimes the Vox/Bass combination has a much higher points potential than Voxtar.

My girlfriend and I did this with just the two of us. We JUST cleared 10mil with all but 2 or 3 songs at Gold stars. Mostly Vox/Drums and a few other Vox combos as well.
By Beez 808 on 19 Dec 2010 16:45
I did expert drums with a medium guitarist and bassist and we got about 8 million. Granted they weren't too amazing but I'm not sure full band medium would be possible. I've started adding easy singing to the songs and its been making a big difference though so who knows. I'd definitely recommend someone doing mic singing if they can though. While I AM missing quite a bit more on the drums, the extra overdrive more than makes up for it.
By Elite1111111111 on 20 Oct 2015 15:43
Just to add on with my experience,

We had a full band of 4 for the full thing, expert everything except easy vocals for the first 15 songs, everyone getting around high 90%, coordinating overdrive for a majority of it. And then someone left so bass had to go down to easy. We ended at about 11.5 million.

So saying that, the requirement is relatively strict and i think you will generally need at least 3 instruments playing at around expert level to make it
By An Seven on 13 Feb 2023 15:20
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