Rock of the Dead

Rock of the Dead

26 Achievements


Xbox 360
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How to unlock the Collector. achievement in Rock of the Dead - Definitive Guide

This simply means collecting all data crystals and picks, it doesn't include the Rob Zombie pieces.

Make sure to pay attention as you're going through the levels. When you see pick or data crystal measures, quickly use your blast attack to pick them up. If you don't have enough power to use a blast attack, pause the game and look at the notes and unpause and try to play them as fast as you can. You have to pay attention because some of these disappear very fast (in some cases in less than 1/2 of a second, no joking).

04 Jun 2011 19:45

1 Comment
Don't know if it was just my game, or will work for everyone, but I got this achievement upon collecting my last pick & only having 35/36 data crystals.
By Duanedust on 27 Jul 2011 21:19

This is kind of misworded. You only need to collect the picks and data crystals for this achievement. The picks are black and have pictures of a skull on them. You will find 1 per level in the levels marked on the story screen. Every level with them has 2 picks, and 2 Data Crystals. If you DO NOT see 0/2 picks or 0/2 crystals on the story level selection for that level then there is none in that level. They are all out in the open and I got most of these just button mashing. YOU CAN get these one easy difficulty.