Rock of the Dead

Rock of the Dead

26 Achievements


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Multi Platinum!

Multi Platinum!

Aquire all badges on Thrasher difficulty.


How to unlock the Multi Platinum! achievement in Rock of the Dead - Definitive Guide

This is my first guide, so leave any advice.

Personally, I used a guitar peripheral to play this game (I found it was the easiest), but a normal controller and a drum kit are also options.

Completing all the badges on Thrasher will also unlock the achievements for the Hard and Normal difficulties.

This will take a certain amount of skill, so all I can offer is advice and some strategies that I utilized in order to complete this.

I would not suggest going for the Score,Combo,and Challenge badges until you have collected all the data crystals. It just makes it easier to have full powerups

NOTE: You do not have to complete all 5 badges in one attempt, you could get 1 badge per run through and do a level 5 times if you want.

Score Badge/Combo Badge: Each level has a score and combo that must be reached to unlock this badge. These are seperate badges, but the strategy for them is basically the same.

The shield will be your biggest help in keeping your combo alive, which equates to more points. When I found myself getting swarmed, I would pop the shield and ignore blast for the following reasons:
--Blast requires more energy
--Blast only increases your combo by 1
Then go through and kill those enemies with that shield up! If your shield is about to run out (with mutants still swarming) then it becomes a judgement call. You can use blast and wipe them all out, or spam the back button to make sure that shield activates asap. I usually opted for the shield option and would rarely get hit.

For the timed enemies, it is random which sequence you have to play sometimes it easy...sometimes its brutal. Some times a difficult one would break my combo, Luck did play a factor here, but a very minor one

Also, learn the levels. Figure out where the shield/blast is a must to conserve energy and where it is not needed.

Accuracy Badge: Each level has a target accuracy that must be reached, these are usually over 90%. For this, all I can say is don't miss notes, and don't overstrum.

Continue Badge: You must not use any continues to get this badge. This will probably unlock majority of the time without even trying. If you are dying, you can just spam notes and never die. Easier to spam with a Drum Kit.

Challenges Badge: A level can have anywhere from 1 to 10 challenges. From Rescue, Kill and Pick-up challenges.

If using a guitar, save Blast for challenges, most importantly the pick-up challenge because you literally get about 2 seconds to complete some of them.

A drum kit can be very helpful to complete some of the later challenges.

When you get to a challenge, spam the pedal and hit the Red/Yellow simultaneously with one stick and Blue/Green with the other. So your hitting all notes at once constantly. If you're doing this correctly, the mutants will die as soon as they spawn.

Edit - From ticonderoga360 "if you spam with the drum kit, it's much easier to use the ABXY buttons than spamming the pads with sticks. I was using a world tour kit so that's why I tried it".

Good Luck!
Blast works on pickup challenges? That's all I needed to hear lol.
By on 04 Jan 2011 01:41
I'm thinking about picking this game up, but I wanna know what kinda chance I'm going to have of completing it. Is it very grindy, or just very difficult? I like to think I'm pretty good at the ol' 5-button guitar, but is that the main difficulty in getting these high ratio achievements, or are there other large factors?
By Potato Handle on 17 Jan 2011 04:10
You sir, are an EFFING TANK for doing this. I can play every Guitar Hero on Expert, and yet some of the later levels on Thrasher difficulty are flat-out brutal.

How in gods name do you do the "pick-up" challenges though. The timing for those is pretty much impossible to hit. URGH. And how many playthroughs of each level (approximately) did it take you to finish this bad boy?
By on 03 Jan 2011 05:43
Yeah, if you play with the controller you aren't getting far. Plus, I HATED the game when I first tried it, but I when I played with the guitar, it was easier and a hell of a lot more fun.
By on 01 Mar 2011 23:58
Thanks a lot for the guide. It really helped me complete those last few levels.
By ticonderoga360 on 18 Mar 2011 02:50
Thanks for the reply, I've read tons of reviews, and while they are almost universally "meh" about it, the concept is something I have to try, terrible or not. :P

We'll see how I go. Thanks for the info!
By Potato Handle on 17 Jan 2011 06:55
There's no way in hell I'd be able to 1000 this game, I've pretty much just given up on playing the game normally, and I just spam buttons all the time.

Maybe if I had a guitar, or played any of those rhythm type games, but all I got is a controller, and some of the button combos are pretty hard to pull off with just a controller.

Something tells me not many people will ever 1000 this game.
By EarthboundX on 17 Jan 2011 09:24
I have been thinking about this challenge for awhile now... I have 1ked every guitar hero, rock band and third party rock game... Is it really that hard?
By oxHARMONxo on 15 May 2011 01:11
Can you please tell me how to get the 4th challenge on the round " On the Beach " no matter what I do I can only rescue 1/2 survivors every time. wtf
By wBRY on 17 Jun 2011 21:52
If you had a small TV...could you lay it on it's side 90 degrees counter-clockwise and play this without problem? wouldnt the frets look like guitar hero at that point?
By Shand Alk3 on 04 Jan 2012 14:59
I was thinking about what shand said, and I agree
By KiNG Y0Y0 on 25 Jan 2012 23:55
Using the drums for the challenges on the last two levels was SO helpful. No way I could have done them on guitar. Cheers. :D
By Karachi King on 23 Apr 2012 23:19
WTB the ability to make it scroll down instead of left. I cry.
By Dingo Salad on 13 Apr 2013 07:51
I just remembered that if you spam with the drum kit, it's much easier to use the ABXY buttons than spamming the pads with sticks. I was using a world tour kit so that's why I tried it.
By ticonderoga360 on 07 Apr 2011 10:12
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Refer to 'Platinum Record', same process but it needs to be done on Thrasher Difficulty.