Rock Revolution (EU)

Rock Revolution (EU)

50 Achievements


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Expert Complete

Expert Complete

Complete all songs on Expert Difficulty for an instrument in Career or Quickplay


How to unlock the Expert Complete achievement in Rock Revolution (EU) - Definitive Guide

First of all it seems to benefit a large number of players to change the controller lag to 60MS. I did it this and it made notes hittable although HO/PO where still iffy. For the A/V setting it's all dependant on the TV you have. The result you get from the automatic setting will probably not be good enough so some manual setting experimentation is required.

For the songs most are fairly easy to do on Expert but here's some Danger Songs.

Pull Me Under-
3:07-3:26 (If not good with HO/PO or not calibrated correctly this will be very hard to hit) 3:29-4:09 If you are not good with Alt-Strumming it will be hard to keep a combo on this and then you are in bad shape for the next HO/PO Part. The Solo 6:42-6:54 Bad charting and Calibration will make this annoying.

Am I Evil- Only one part here to worry about which is the solo from 5:51 to 6:55
If you are having alot of trouble with this and have got the Power Meter to full I would use it between 6:20 to 6:40 depending where your rock meter is.

Stone Cold Crazy- I find the whole song very hard to keep a combo on. It may be different with you.

Joker And The Thief-
This song is horrible to play in a number of ways. The charting in the verses is some of the worse on this game and very hard to keep a combo on and the part from 0:29 to 1:08 comes up three times. Hitting the HO/PO's seem more awkward then they should be. I alt-strummed that part and hit some of it. Sometimes I'd fail if I tried Alt-Strumming or HO/PO's. The Ideal way is to get X8 in the verses and use it on the HO/PO parts. Otherwise unless your very good and have your calibration right. It's just luck

Chop Suey-
An Alt-Strumming and Charting nightmare. in the part from 1:00 to 1:08 which comes up many times I hold either the green, red or yellow and then hit the other two frets when needed and Alt-Strum everything. Your strumming speed and time you hit the other frets is critical here to actually keeping a combo.

Holy Wars-
The Verses aren't too complicated although they are tricky to keep a decent combo on. I was missing alot of time but my Rock Meter was still around 50% to 75% The solo from 5:26 to 6:11 is the danger part. Save up the power meter if you feel you will fail.

I hope this guide helps those on Expert. If theres any improvements I could make please leave constructive criticism.
1 Comment
I think it must be easier playing bass. Although I haven't found yet how to play bass through the Career mode. However you can do Expert Bass Quickplay for every song...
By Sir J Merrick on 17 May 2011 22:15