Rock Revolution

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Illustrious Drum Career

Illustrious Drum Career

Complete all album and gig events in the drum career at Expert difficulty


How to unlock the Illustrious Drum Career achievement in Rock Revolution - Definitive Guide

First, use a Rock Band drum set and change your options to 5 pads.

It's been a little while since I ran through this achievement but I remember a few things precisely. First, for the memorization it doesn't matter if you hit wrong notes, just that you hit right notes. Watch the run a few times and know where to place your sticks over those pads and every time the strike line crosses hit both pads and the pedal. Worked like a charm. For the points you'll have to basically perfect the songs, but for the most part they aren't too hard after you beat your first and get a feel for the timing.

The 2 hardest challenges are the last 2 studio sessions. I'd suggest getting a friend to do the pedal while you hit the pads, especially for the Megadeth song.

Other than that it's a pretty straight forward run. If you're having trouble on some songs just hit the red pad, the pedal, and the blue and forget about orange and yellow. You'll still pass the song and can get a platinum record.

20 Dec 2009 23:28

Question - if wrong notes don't matter in memory, is it possible that a turbo controller (turboing all 5 buttons) could get these at 100%? Or am I misunderstanding?
By The Globalizer on 27 Aug 2012 23:48
@The Globalizer I thought the same thing, I'll try it later.
By cooorpse on 03 Sep 2012 17:01
I Can confirm that the turbo controller works. I just did it for all 4 of those challenges on expert.
By CanaDa Fwend on 27 Jul 2013 02:18
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This takes a lot of patience, and a few replacement drum sticks. Getting this means you have to get all of the gig events (poison, memory, and so on) at the expert difficulty. The songs aren't too tough. Poison and the Difficulty Up Challenges aren't too hard either, but the Memory challenge was the death of me. You have to play back the entire section while aiming for a quota of correct notes, while the screen is blank. Take a few times to watch and feel how the drum part goes, then try it. I found the voice in the background highly annoying, so maybe a mute button nearby is good too. And finally, the Practice session requires you to FC a run of part of the song. The hardest one in my opinion is the last challenge, and like I said before, just watch the chart and feel the rhythm, and take your time.

02 Sep 2009 16:28

I have created a way to use a computer to play drums perfectly and obtain this achievement. I have created a video tutorial for this method but I have included full text instructions as well.

This is not a complete solution but should help those that are having difficulties with the final Holy Wars challenge. The only file available for Rock Revolution is the Holy Wars challenge.

Text instructions can be found here.

25 Aug 2013 07:18

1 Comment
If the only file is for holy wars, how can you get the achievement?
By wBRY on 15 Feb 2014 15:21