Rocket Riot

Rocket Riot

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Two Thumb Master

Two Thumb Master

Finish the single player campaign.


How to unlock the Two Thumb Master achievement in Rocket Riot - Definitive Guide

To add on to other solutions, I have tips for the last boss.
-Never stop moving, but there is one exception, when you are unloading triple rockets into him at close range.
-Search for triple rockets right away, if you dont find them in a minute, suicide.
-Once you have the rockets, go up close and fire like crazy until his health is 3 bars or you are almost dead
-After that, run around to heal for NOT TOO LONG. because you don't want those triples to run out.
-After you heal slightly, take out the crates near him and then blast away at him until he dies, it took me only about 5 trys of this method after an unsuccessful 70 other tries doing other things.

05 Apr 2010 15:53

Goddamn, I hate the last boss. If its not his zapper killing me, its the flying boxes.. or the suicide bombers, or one of the other hundred enemies. And if all that fails, his rocket somehow hits me. He'll go down eventually but right now, ARGH!
By Carbokris on 09 Aug 2010 15:35
I tried about 300 times so far. Most of the time I don't find a single green power up...
It's so frustrating!

Is there any trick to find more power ups?
By DC Abaddon on 19 Mar 2015 05:19
First of all, getting the triple rocket is totally random, so you can't count on that only.
This last boss is based on LUCK ONLY (depends on your bonuses, on the movements of each enemy, etc..) You can beat it in a few tries or trying to get him for years.
So it appears to me that your solution is more frustrating than something else, cause you make players think it's doable quickly.

It. Is. Not.
By AkSoV on 13 Feb 2015 10:27
Getting dual triple rockets is the only way, over 250 attempts and 4k guys killed.
By Humpyrton on 18 Apr 2013 20:30
The last boss sucks. Big Time. I found the auto-fire rockets to be relatively safer. Kept running around counter-clockwise and aiming at the boss when he was slightly off the screen. Still didn't stop him from sniping me with the damn electricity, but it happened less often.
By QuanticJustice on 10 Mar 2015 05:47
I cant get to the boss, any tips on level 66. The soldiers level with the football. I cant even get close after hours of trying. There is just to many of them and I cannot dodge 20 rockets at once being defenseless. I even tried thinning the heard and they seem to multiply faster the more you kill
By on 28 Feb 2018 00:36
I know this probably isn't needed at this point, but my tip for level 66 -- go to where the football is and wait for the guys who come at you to start burrowing through the green section up and to the left. Once they're in the middle, grab the football and haul ass around the outside of the map -- up, far left, down. The top is pretty clear, and on the left side, getting hit means you just drop down toward the goal to grab the football anyway. Once you score, burrow the entire way across the bottom of the map to the football. Rinse and repeat.
By The Globalizer on 10 May 2020 21:16
It's hard as fuck. Honestly, the best weapon is speed rocket (you just hold right stick and release it this boss) and triple rocket while you are very close near him. And counter clockwise movement through level is your way to bring a success. Pretty tough achievement and this must be much more worth in this site.
By Sonic1994PL on 21 Oct 2020 13:08
@Sonic1994PL Agree 100%, this game hurt to finish. The ratio is absurdly low relative to difficulty, IMO.
By The Globalizer on 21 Oct 2020 16:54
The boss is so fucking frustrating. Those power-ups are hardly working. On other platforms it is not nearly as difficult as this one.
By Musquito on 02 Apr 2017 14:06
The ratio is low due to very low player count, I agree some levels are bollocks where they dump you in a small arena and want you to kill 70+ enemies with some being Neo and dodging everything
By on 26 Jan 2021 12:18
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So here is my method, with which I managed to do every fighting level (also level 70+) without losing.

Always go to the left upper corner. Once there, don't move at all! shoot every enemy, that is attacking you (only the enemies - don't go for power ups!!!). Normally it's only one at a time - and here is the reason: the enemies will every time line up and shoot each other, when trying to shoot you, so that only the last one of the line is left in front of you. Take him out. 90+ enemies? No problem, you won't even get hit.

-- last boss fight easy method --

always go around the edge in a perfect circle anti-clockwise - and shoot behind you (on the ground, where there are obstacles in front of you, shoot in front of you, of cause). Do this, until you find a speed-shot power-up. Spam the Boss with your rockets. Do this twice, and he should be defeated.

23 Sep 2012 15:17

1 Comment
Ha, this is how I did it last night, I was going to post a solution. toast Works best with speed shot, continuous shot, and the targeting power up. Triple shot is useful when you're going up if the boss is directly below you as well.
By The Globalizer on 11 May 2020 11:52
After completing the single player campaign which consists of 80 stages (10 of which are boss fights), you will get this achievement. Also note that you CAN save your game in this mode and always replay any level you have completed or move on to try the next level you are up to. (Also see "General Tips section).

Blockbeard is the Final Boss in the game and is the most difficult boss to beat. Some tips for beating him would be use the power ups to your advantage. Get in close to him for only short periods of time and if your health turns yellow get away from him and let it recharge before going back in for more. This may take a few attempts.


BlockBeard is the final boss in the single player campaign and is found in Level 48. This is by far the hardest level in the game, but it really is not too bad. He is much easier in this version than the XBLA version. Some tips:


  • Constantly keep in motion and look around feverishly for green power-ups, as they make it significantly easier.
  • Try not to get too close to BlockBeard as his lightning attack can be nasty.
  • Make sure to shoot the red homing blocks he fires that constantly track you down.
  • Be patient. Longshots are your friend in this battle.