Rocket Riot

Rocket Riot

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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You're Like Some Kind Of Robot

You're Like Some Kind Of Robot

Get 50 longshots.


How to unlock the You're Like Some Kind Of Robot achievement in Rocket Riot - Definitive Guide

To do a longshot kill you have to be quite far away from the enemy

The easiest way of getting this achievement is to quickly fly away from your enemies and when you can't really see them just shoot randomly behind you and you should get a couple of longshot kills

Several of the powerups (like the one that is basically a homing missle) will also help you get this. If you are looking to complete the game, you'll get this without even trying.


18 Jun 2009 20:57

you'll get longshots even when enemies are surprisingly close, maybe about half a screen away. It helps to get into practice shooting farther (holding the aim stick longer) on the early levels.
By Cheese Touch on 03 Jul 2009 13:07
Several of the powerups (like the one that is basically a homing missle) will also help you get this. If you are looking to complete the game, you'll get this without even trying.
By DragonYen on 22 Jun 2009 11:11
Thanks i'll put it on the guide
By zJakey on 22 Jun 2009 16:02
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This should unlock through normal gameplay, but if you want to grind it out, the level Pirate Factory is a good level to get it on. The conveyor belt spawns enemies, but they will not move or become hostile until they reach the end. You can stand at the end and charge up shots and you will be able to easily get long shots.

05 Sep 2023 21:12

Once again, any level/mode is fine. All you need to do is to get 50 cumulative longshot kills. A longshot is when you push the right stick in a direction but don't let go right away (DON'T simply flick the - that would be a short shot). When you do this successfully, it will fire your rocket far. I think you also need to be a decent distance away from your target but you will know you got one if it says longshot in red text on the screen.

You get a longshot when an enemy has not entered your sight on the screen but they can be identified by a yellow triangle. Shoot them before they enter the screen to get a longshot. This should unlock just playing through the story but if you have trouble, just find a corner and keep shooting and you should get easy longshot kills.


This will definitely unlock while progressing through the campaign. To get a longshot, just shoot an enemy that is farther away. A notification pops up in the bottom middle of the screen when you get one. You will likely have more than 500 by the time you finish all other achievements.