Rogue Warrior

Rogue Warrior

45 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Supressing Fire

Supressing Fire

Kill 20 enemies using blindfire. (Single Player)


How to unlock the Supressing Fire achievement in Rogue Warrior - Definitive Guide

You can enter cover by pressing "LB" near an object. Once in cover you can blindfire by pressing only "RT". While in cover you can still direct your fire in a general direction by using the left stick. The blindfire has decent accuracy so when enemies are at close/medium range you should be able to score a kill. You will need to kill 20 people when firing like this. Since you need to play through the game 3 times you should get this easily. Probably half way through your first playthrough.

13 Jan 2010 19:03

Thanks, I thought by blindfire they meant just killing people by firing at the hip. I was wondering what it hadn't popped.
By on 02 Oct 2011 01:01
Edit: Actually I think just hip firing counts as well. I am on my second playthrough and I hip fired through the first mission and half way through the second I checked this guide and started doing it the way you describe. But I kept dying so I just killed one guy ,reloaded the checkpoint. But I only did it 4 times before the achievement popped so those hip fire kills must have counted.
By on 02 Oct 2011 01:10
Where I got this was in Mission 1.

After killing the first handful of guys, you come to a building you must enter and go up a set of stairs. The game gives you an instruction about shooting out a fuse panel to disorient the enemy.

Wait until the guy walks off to the right, stick to the cover on the right of the top of the stairs (LB). You can pre-aim your coverfire by moving the little white dot that appears when you enter cover ... put the dot right over the guy when he stops walking.

Personally, I used the starter machine gun instead of the silenced pistol, so you might want to do the same. Then just empty a clip into the enemy (RT) without breaking cover (do not touch the LS to pop out of cover).

You will know if you blindfire/coverfire when only your arm and your gun pops above the cover while the rest of your body is hidden.

Once the enemy is dead, restart checkpoint and you will be at the base of the stairs. Repeat until you have the achievement.

18 Sep 2013 18:24

1 Comment
Worked perfectly. Thank you =)
Got it in less than 10 minutes.
By spegelbilder on 10 Apr 2015 18:30
When in cover hold the on its own and you will blindfire, on the easier difficulty's run right up to a piece of cover with an enemy behind and fire away. The accuracy with it is terrible so make sure you are close!