RTL Winter Sports 2009

RTL Winter Sports 2009

46 Achievements


Xbox 360
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Art of Curling

Art of Curling

Campaign: Show your feeling for art and match the given pattern with your Curling stones!


How to unlock the Art of Curling achievement in RTL Winter Sports 2009 - Definitive Guide

I have a slightly different method. For these three methods, NEVER use the brooms.

For stone 1 (top left X), before you start charging your power, move the aim all the way to the right. Then as soon as you start charging, move the aiming arrow as close to the ice lane's middle blue vertical line as you can. You want to release the charge the moment the charged power hits the bottom side of the 2nd blue line in the power meter.

For stone 2 (top right X), before you start charging your power, move the aim all the way to the left. Then as soon as you start charging, move the aiming arrow as close to the ice lane's middle blue vertical line. You want to release the charge the moment the charged power hits the bottom side of the 2nd blue line in the power meter.

For stone 3 (bottom middle X), all you have to do is stay completely straight, and release the charged power in the small white space on the power bar just after the first blue segment.

Hope this helps.

26 Jul 2013 07:36

Was not too hard for a curling achievement. It's harder to explain, actually. You will have 4 stones and you have to hit 3 "x"'s. First, I would go for the upper left/right. You have to shoot with the help of the mini map at the top left corner. The red little arrow, is your best partner here. For the first (left) stone, you have to put the red arrow close to the end of the right side. And then press "A" and drag the arrow to the left, where the X is. Power: Beginning of 2nd blue fat line. Don't mop.
For the second stone, just do the same thing, but on the opposite side. Same power and everything.
If you got those 2, it's a piece of cake. For the 3rd stone just leave the arrow straight as it is and push "A". Power: In the middle of the first blue line and the red line.
Achievement unlocked!

01 Dec 2009 12:36

1 Comment
I did this slightly differently. For the targets on the back left/right corners, aim to the opposite side (as far to the side as you can), then when you start charging aim all the way to the other side. Get the power so it's very slightly into the 2nd blue bar. Then for the 3rd target just do what you suggested.
By Effigy on 22 May 2014 07:12
This is one of the challenges you have to complete in campaign mode. You’re going to want to curve your first to stones to get the ones that are in the corner. Take your power arrow and bring it to the far side of the opposite side you want to place it in. If you're going for the right stone, bring your arrow to the far left. Hold the power button down and wait for it to get ½ full before the first blue line or ¾ full before the first blue line. As soon as you see that, curve it all the way to the side you want your stone to go with your stick.

Now hold it until your power meter comes just a little above the first blue and release it. Don’t use sweeping! I was able to get it without sweepers because sweepers take out the curve. Just fast-forward it until it stops moving. Do the same with the other side except vice versa. The middle one is really easy, just have your stone centered, hold the power button until it comes just a little above the first blue. Release it, don’t sweep and fast-forward it. You should get this one pretty easily. You won’t get the curve ones the first time you try, just experiment with the method until you get it just right.