RTL Winter Sports 2009

RTL Winter Sports 2009

46 Achievements


Xbox 360
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Campaign: Add up the figures during the run within 135 seconds and enter the correct result!


How to unlock the Brainiac achievement in RTL Winter Sports 2009 - Definitive Guide

From the middle hexagon, this challenge can be located one hexagon to the lower right.

Get your rhythm right, and understand all of the control instructions.

Go through all of the slalom gates, and as you do, take note of the numbers hovering over each gate. As you do, do a a continuous maths sum in your head as you play, because you will need the total amount at the end. For example, if the order of numbers is: +1 +2 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 1 +3 +4 +1, the answer would be 21.

Type that in at the end, and the achievement will unlock.

22 Jul 2013 21:25

Easy. Just count the numbers shown. Press "A" most of the time, like that you have more time at the finish line to enter the number. If you're having trouble with skiing AND counting at the same time, just assign the counting to a friend or your girfriend.
Achievement unlocked!

01 Dec 2009 12:16

This is one of the challenges you have to complete in campaign mode. Refer to "Clever".