Rusty Spout Rescue Adventure
19 Achievements
The Master Goal
Collect all Trophies to get it.
How to unlock the The Master Goal achievement in Rusty Spout Rescue Adventure - Definitive Guide
This guide was translated automatically.
- Trophy difficulty level : 3/10.
- Offline Trophies : 19 (3 , 7 , 8 , 1 ).
- Online Trophies : None.
- Approximate time to receive platinum : from 3 hours.
- Minimum number of passages to platinum : 1 - if you use a cheat, without it it all depends on your skill.
- Glitched Trophies : None.
- Number of trophies you can miss : None.
- Does difficulty level affect trophies? : Yes for Endless Easy, Endless Normal, Endless Hard trophies.
- Do cheats disable trophies? : No, they only give you a bonus.
- Additional devices : No.