Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves

Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves

14 Achievements


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The Hiccups

The Hiccups

Achieve a score of 4500 in the Acid Reflux Survival Challenge.


How to unlock the The Hiccups achievement in Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves - Definitive Guide

Key Location: Near the beginning of the Inside Big Rex, you’ll have to jump left to right from pink platforms. On the second set, jump to the left instead of the main path leading to the right, and the key is waiting.

This was the easiest of the selection. The Move controller takes control of the glowing beetle which he wave around at his dispense; this is used for destroying incoming obstacles and helping the Sackboy catapult towards the score bubbles, which are falling through a chute at top speed. At intervals, a spherical object will hang from the middle of the chute, enabling Sackboy to grab on and attain a LOT of bubbles and a multiplier of up to 7x. Use this to your advantage. I recommend aiming for the middle of the chute; it gives you the most bubbles while you jump at it.

It’s very difficult to get it alone, it’s better to go through it with friends, or just connect 1-2 more joysticks.

11 Jan 2011 00:12