Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2

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Blue Collar

Blue Collar

Completed all levels of Tow Truck, Fire Truck, Ambulance, and Taxi diversions


How to unlock the Blue Collar achievement in Saints Row 2 - Definitive Guide

Each of these activities are done on a singular basis, meaning that if there is a co-op partner in the game they won't get credit for it if you complete it. You start these activities by getting in the related vehicle and hitting Y when prompted to do so. They all have 10 levels that must be completed.

Tow Truck:
This is probably the hardest of the diversions to complete. Tow Trucks aren't a common car, but you'll certainly see them every now and then so finding one won't be an issue.
In terms of what you are doing, it is rather a simplistic design. You simply need to tow the marked vehicles by backing up to the front or back and holding both LB and RB. Where it starts getting difficult is that you will gain police and gang notoriety as you get into the higher levels and you can't use a mechanic while doing this activity. This often leads to having your vehicle destroyed, and loss of the activity because of it, at around level 7 or 8 of 10.
That said, you can glitch this activity if you are in a co-op game. First, start the towing activity for yourself, then have your partner start an activity that disables notoriety levels, such as a race. You'll still have to worry about people standing near a vehicle, but at least you won't have to worry about people chasing you.

Fire Truck:
If you play the game normally, you're not likely to ever even see a fire truck. However, you can guarantee that you see a fire truck whenever you want by using the phone to dial 555-3473.
This diversion will have you running to a building with fires happening inside. The only real predictable way to put out fires is to get out of the truck and head inside with a fire extinguisher. Your best bet is to try and line up several objects that are on fire before you start spraying them so you can put out multiple targets at a time. There may be people running around on fire, but you don't have to put them out, however you will have to try to avoid them for health's sake.
Personally, I have had the fire extinguisher glitch on me once and wouldn't put out any fires. This only happened once though.

These aren't just real common during normal gameplay, as such the best way to get one is to call 911.
During these missions you drive to an accident and have to revive people by doing 1 of 2 on-screen prompted mini-games. As you go up in levels you'll have to revive more and more people and you'll start being given more targets that you can revive than you'll have to. The only real worry during this is making sure one of the targets doesn't get run over. This obviously means you'll need to be careful when driving around the targets. It is possible that the targets can get run over by traffic, this normally won't happen however unless the traffic gets spooked somehow.

Taxi's are fairly common, so finding one shouldn't be a problem. Even so, you can always call 819-8415, 018-0174, or 455-8008 to have one of the companies drive to you.
During this activity, the basic idea is to drive a person to a target.
You will occasionally get bonus objectives that can earn you extra money (or occasionally cause you to get less). Most of the time, there isn't much point as how easy it is to get money. The one exception to this is when the person wants you to drive slow. If the place they are wanting you to take them is far away, this can end up forcing the price to drop to zero if you are driving fast (though I am uncertain if this actually causes them to get out considering it has never happened to me). Unfortunately, depending on how well you drive, you may end up in a situation where you'd run out of time if you drive slow. This causes you to have to judge whether or not to follow that rule on a case by case basis.

30 Nov 2008 05:55

These indications are really useful, thanks Seraphim. But I wanted to stress out that Tow Truck mission really are frustrating and difficult. Even if you upgraded your tow truck it will explode due to gang members or cops. Pray your friends to help you out.
By MortyDice on 19 Feb 2009 13:37
One last addition for Tow Trucking:
1. Do it in coop no matter what, or your game is going to learn how to fly. Ask your friend to get in a checkpoint race because there's no time limit.
2. Above lvl5, get out of your tow truck from a distance and kill the ones protecting the vehicle you have to tow. Some are equipped with Rocket launchers and you don't want this to hurt your tow truck.
3. Be patient, as it gets boring very quickly. Especially after your 4th or 5th try.
By MortyDice on 20 Feb 2009 09:21
I found an easy way to do Tow Trucking without being in coop. You just need two or three homies, the second homie will drive the marked vehicle if you get in your tow truck close to it. After that, just put a marker on your map to the location of a mechanic, go to it and tow the marked vehicle which should be just behind you. You can drive it to the blue light before any cop or gang member come after you. I completed all levels after being shot by a rocket in level 7 with no problem.
By Dwarfal on 26 Apr 2009 18:21
Okay I'm gonna point this out because I felt like a freaking idiot when I realized this so maybe this will help out other people. Turn the games difficulty to casual and it is a breeze. Given still stick to the guide above. However I did this in single player.
By Nodwarves4u on 07 May 2009 12:59
Do it in co-op, you can repair your truck if it takes too much damage. Just back the truck into the repair shop over the shopping cart icon and get out of the truck. Let your co-op partner get in the truck and they can repair it for you.
By BlindAssassin24 on 19 Jun 2009 09:45
Tips for Fire Truck:

It's very helpful to have the fireproof suit that's a reward for beating all 12 levels of Trail Blazing. While wearing it you'll never have to worry about getting set on fire when pedestrians on fire run into you or you accidentally get too close to fires. You can beat fire truck without it, but having it makes it MUCH easier.

It helps to customize the fire truck you're using a little (you'll have to do that at Semi Broken; it won't fit in the garages of Rim Jobs). Durability isn't much of an issue as it's pretty durable anyway, but would be a big help to add nitrous (helps speed things up on straightways), and torque (helps get it started and gives it more pushing power in case of collisions). It also would be a good idea to paint the truck a color other than red; this prevents you from mistaking the fire department's fire truck from the one you're using for the diversion (it will not let you switch trucks; you have to use the same one all levels).

Practice driving the truck, especially doing K-turns to get it turned around. You'll have to do that a lot.

Know the area you'll be firefighting in, especially what shortcuts the fire truck can navigate. You'll notice that when you start in a certain area, although it's somewhat random, you'll often get the same fire locations. Familiarity will help on future runs.

When driving from one fire to the next, make sure your siren is on (push down on the right analog stick). With it on, the other drivers will make a reasonable attempt to get out of your way. They won't always succeed, but the fact they're trying will cut down on collisions that slow you down. Also with straightways clear and people out of your way, you can get a burst of nitrous that will help you get to the next fire more quickly.

If you don't have the fireproof suit, try your best to avoid people on fire. If you can't avoid them, at least position yourself by the fires you're going to put out so when you're not on fire anymore you save a few seconds.

Try to get the early fires out quickly; this will give you more time to use on the later fires. It's almost guaranteed that on the last fire your extinguisher will run out and you'll need to get it refilled. Have some time to do that. If you need to refill it, run back out to the glowing cylinder near your fire truck (don't need to press anything, just run into the cylinder) then hurry back in to put out the rest of the fires.
By Troodon9999 on 16 Apr 2010 01:12
From my experience, having a co-op partner helps a lot for Tow-Truck and Fire missions, and as mentioned above, the HazMat suit makes the fire missions a breeze, as you do not need to worry about the randoms setting you on fire. Another time-saving tip is to jump out of the fire truck just before you get to the location, as some of the doors can be in awkward places. This allows your co-op partner to grab the truck and position it in a better place for a speedy exit (eg, sitting it crossways next to the road for a quick left/right turn in the right direction).
By crewdy#4923 on 27 Apr 2010 08:13
Oh my god nodwarves4u you are a freaking genius! Kudos.
By Kloxicon on 22 Jul 2010 05:07
God damn the tow truck. every time i get to lvl8 the cops just pile into me and blow up my truck. ive reinforced it, set the difficulty to casual but keep running out of time when using homies. Has anyone done it useing the co-op race glitch? does it work?

Many thanks
By TFU Ichigo on 04 Mar 2011 10:12
Wouldn't have posted it unless I tried it myself.
By Ashen Seraph on 04 Mar 2011 16:54
Great guide. During the Tow Truck Diversion my co-op partner and myself used the northeren most race in the Trailer Park District. Its a 4 car checkpoint race, so you don't have to keep restarting it. It was absolutely no challenge at all doing it this way, no notoriety or anyone chasing you.
By Solo P3T3R on 31 Mar 2011 17:16
good soultion just would have liked if you stated how many levels there is in each activity
By NoobgamerValbo on 28 Sep 2011 18:47
Ummmm.... I did.... "They all have 10 levels that must be completed." Right at the end of the first paragraph.
By Ashen Seraph on 28 Sep 2011 19:16
sorry redface
By NoobgamerValbo on 19 Oct 2011 04:11
After about a year, I finally decided to give that tow truck a go in co-op, was a breeze. +1
By chanjamluke on 23 Feb 2012 11:49
Tow truck in coop, first try!
By Firing Dutchman on 22 Nov 2021 21:42
What were they thinking with Tow Trucks. Eliminating notoriety is the only way to best this. If someone can do this solo without coop help. Your superhuman. It's impossible without coop.
By Aphelion Rem on 18 Jul 2022 12:44
Looking for someone to do the tow truck co op it’s just ridiculous
By Mr Ashby on 30 Jul 2022 15:45
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By far the most common problem with this achievement is completing the Tow Truck missions, and rightly so, as they are intensely frustrating. However, there is a way of making them very easy, and you wont need a second player for it either. In fact, as both players share notoriety, I would recommend going it alone, as an over-zealous trigger-happy partner could quite easily ruin this for you.

The easiest method for completing this activity is simple. Simply recruit as many homies as you are allowed (up to 3, depending on your story progression, but you'll need at least 2 for this method), and spend a little money on reinforcing a Tow Truck for yourself, just so you can last a little longer on the mean streets. With homies in tow, you should have one sat with you in the truck, and one or two trailing behind. It doesn't matter if they follow in a vehicle. In fact it's better that they do, as you wont be stuck looking for a homie to recruit near your target vehicle.

Start the activity, and drive to your target vehicle. Park as close as you can to it and then get out of your tow truck. When all your homies are close by, get back into your truck. All being well, your homie(s) not riding shotgun should take the target vehicle, and not the one they followed you in. Simply lead them back to the marker at the garage, hoist their vehicle and tow it the few remaining feet to complete the level.

Ultimately, the most important factor when using this method is that you don't shoot anyone and just concentrate on driving. Any enemy gang members killed by your homies will not count towards your notoriety, thereby making stealing their cars infinitely easier. Of course, they will still offer a little resistance because they'll be trying to kill the guy in your passenger seat, but they wont be coming down on you for the slightest infraction as they would be if it were you shooting them. Just remember to keep your finger off the trigger.

Also worth noting is that the game will occasionally spawn the required vehicles in the ground, meaning you won't be able to get them. Sadly, there does not seem to be a way to fix this, and you'll have to restart the activity and pray it doesn't happen again.

Using the above method, I was able to complete the activity on my second try, compared to the dozens of times I tried it with friends. Give it a shot and let me know if it works for you.

18 Jun 2009 14:07

This is my solution, and on the contrary, I don't have the achievement because the game glitched, I got it because it didn't (for once). I have it legitimately, and I got it using the method I detailed above. You might not get it first time, but perserverance is key.
By TheTCD on 13 Jul 2009 15:59
I'm goin to be trying your method, I hope it works and that I can get this achievement out of the way :D Thanks alot! :)
By Mehticulous on 15 Jul 2009 21:52
Good luck! Just don't lose heart if it doesn't work the first time, or even the first few due to glitches or whatnot. This is the slow but sure method, but it works well when the game decides to play nice.
By TheTCD on 17 Jul 2009 23:01
If you are going to do this alone, then this method is by far the best. It took me a few atempt's but I got it:)
Just one addition too the guide that I found helped was to do up to the first four level's on your own, don't use Homie's, you won't need them and it build's up a nice bit of time that you will probably need later as the Homie AI is sometime's a pain!
By System of a Dom on 22 Sep 2009 19:11
It's worth noting that it's best to do the first few levels more normally, either backing up to the vehicle or parking close by, driving the target vehicle behind your tow truck, and taking it from there. These methods are generally quicker and will build up your reserve of time for the later, more painful levels.

Also: homies are idiots. The number of times they blew up my tow truck (shotgun blasts directly into the side will do that) or grabbed the wrong car...
By JadedJonty on 26 Oct 2009 22:58
Argh, my homie destroyed my tow truck at lv 10...-__-
By Plaguewielder87 on 21 Mar 2010 17:58
This solution eventually worked for me after a few attempts.

One tip I would add to this solution is, instead of driving your tow truck directly up to the target vehicle before getting out (as the guide recommends), park and get out of the tow truck a good ways away from the target vehicle, run to the target vehicle, and drive THAT back to the tow truck.

You'll have to be careful not to let the "get back in the tow truck" timer expire, but doing it this way can reduce the amount of gunfire the tow truck takes and can sometimes even prevent the target's guards from triggering aggro at all.
By Tupacca on 28 Jun 2011 20:32
When homies are in target vehicle, the spot marker for drop off does not appear,making this solution completly useless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By doc2084 on 18 Oct 2011 22:22
You can place waypoints on the map manually. So no, it's not.
By TheTCD on 18 Oct 2011 22:24
Worked like a charm!!! Great solution.
By Zurbum on 03 Feb 2012 13:27
Good guide. +1
By chanjamluke on 23 Feb 2012 11:50
Best method i found to finally get this one done. Thanks for the tips!
By HYBRID HIVE on 09 Mar 2014 04:12
This method still makes it extremely hard to keep my truck from being damaged, since the homies try to shoot enemies through my truck, destroying it in 2 tiers. :((((
By mrbellek on 07 May 2014 19:56
I'm working on this now.....decided to follow some tips on here from TheTCD and Tupacca's tip sounds good but I will recommend jacking a tow truck (Shaft), storing it at a crib first, and after modding the tow truck, starting this diversion at the Suburbs Rim Jobs.....the area is SO open!!

P.S. Kneecappers seem to be very counter-productive!!
By Warboy925 on 27 Jul 2014 22:47
This was going well until one of my homies decided to shoot the crap out of my tow truck! Joke of an activity there's so much nonsense to deal with angry
By Wardieshire on 08 Sep 2017 23:36
I only needed homies for Levels 9 and 10 which became really easy due to the solution, my Truck didn't even start smoking by the time I finished.
By My Ringtones on 09 Mar 2023 03:44
If you are able to destroy the target vehicle if it is stuck in a wall it will spawn again in a different spot, it does not fail the activity
By snow pirate 117 on 13 Oct 2023 04:28
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This is a lot easier to do in Coop.
Keep your Tow Truck in front of the garage for the entire time.

1) Do the tow truck diversion near the F&F in the upper left corner of the map.

2) Start it and go to your map, then have your partner pause the game. Now you can mark where the cars are with X while the game is paused.

3) Once you marked all the spots, have your partner resume game and have him drive the cars to you. He will get around 75% of the cops after him. Try to get out of your vehicle as much so they don't shoot it. When u have about 10 seconds left just jump in and jump back out.

4) Once he brings the vehicle to you, pick it up and drive into the area. If your truck takes too much damage, your coop partner can quickly take the Tow Truck into the garage and repair it. Just make sure you get in once he's done repairing it because you won't have much time. If there are too much cops, just have your partner drive it through the F&F. You will get a lot of stars on level 10 so instead of waiting by the marker wait by the F&F.

Level 1 - 1 car
Level 2 - 1 car
Level 3 - 1 car
Level 4 - 2 cars
Level 5 - 2 cars
Level 6 - 1 car
Level 7 - 2 cars
Level 8 - 2 cars
Level 9 - 1 car
Level 10 - 1 car
Your tow truck solution worked perfectly! Thanks
By cherryontop420 on 19 Feb 2012 01:27
Good guide +1.
By chanjamluke on 23 Feb 2012 11:50
Upvote for Yakety Sax.
By Skeptical Mario on 19 Oct 2012 14:14
Tow truck video is the way to go.
By napoearth on 23 Oct 2012 01:59
Omg! Works like a charm. Double thumbs up
By Cuda Chris 72 on 20 Dec 2015 17:06
This was super glitchy for me. The tow truck got stuck in the ground, and other times I would fall through the map, etc.

I will try this method again soon. Whenever I tried to repair my tow truck using my second console co-op partner, the garage door would crush the tow truck. If I made it into the garage, it would say that I 'can't store your partner's vehicles' and I would be unable to repair it.

Could this be because I saved the tow truck in my garage? Should we all use a tow truck off the street, reinforce it, not save it in the garage, then do this trick?
By Manb3arSquirrel on 02 Jan 2018 16:27
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Blue Collar:

The first thing is I have to say, if you don't like the results you are getting in any diversions, change locations. That always makes it easier. 2nd thing I have to say is, save the vehicle in your hideout vehicle spot. Also make sure to upgrade your vehicle in any shop, upgrade all the parts so its more durable and can last longer.

This solution is mainly for the Tow Truck while done in a COOP game. Now what I did for my friends was sit in the racing activity near the lighthouse in Stilwater Boardwalk HOTELS & MARINA DISTRICT. You can go around while on the motorcycle and don't have to worry about finishing the race, or you can just sit there and this will block any notoriety.
If you ever need to restart the race, just push down on the D-pad and you will appear back at the race spot, just click A to start it again.

While being the Tow-Truck person me and my friends had a couple of glitches happen.

1) most common I heard of is a vehicle being stuck in the wall. To fix this, you MUST blow up the vehicle and hurry to the next one.
2) This one is by far the worst, you will get to the shop to drop the vehicle off, once you go into the drop off point, it will dissapear the vehicle, timer will stop, but you will not be on the next level. This happened to both my friends at lvl 9, and it happened to me at lvl 5. There is no known way to fix this other then to push down on the D-pad and restart. If anyone finds a way without restarting how to fix this please comment or message me.
3) I had a vehicle on the roof of the house completely impossible to tow, so I got out and shot 2 rpg's at the vehicle, surprisingly it flew off the building and I was able to tow and finish the level. If anyone has anymore to add to the list and if you can find the solution message me.
4) I had my tow truck become invisible to anything other then buildings, this was awesome, but when I hit level 5 it may have been the reason why I got the #2 glitch, so if you get this to happen to you too, I would recommend getting out of your tow truck, then getting back in and you will be a solid object again. Note: I was driving through vehicles/trees/fences not the vehicle I was carrying.

Any questions or need advice, message/comment.

Good luck, and please, have fun.

23 Mar 2013 10:01

OK, so at time of writing, I have not got this achievement but I have completed the tow truck diversion, which is the most ridiculous one. Here's some tips on how to do it in single player.

Switch to casual mode if you have been playing on hard or normal.
Do it in the suburbs area and learn where all the short cuts are. If the pick up is to the east, you can smash through fences and squeeze between houses, if to the west, roll over the grassy area next to Freckle Bitch's. To the north, just make sure to cut corners and go over parking lots etc.
Try to avoid running over stuff (pedestrians aren't too bad but the cos go crazy about lamp posts and post boxes while doing this one for some reason).
Don't do turn in road manoeuvres, spin round as if you are doing a doughnut instead and always make sure to point at the rim-jobs before picking up the car as turning when hitched sucks.
It started raining at the later levels for me, which made it HARD. If this happens to you, you may want to save and reload till it's nice and clear.
Up to level 5, drive to the areas spin round, steal the car (shoot the people if you have to but try and sneak past), place it near the truck, hitch it, go back as carefully as possible.
Start hitching as soon as you press Y to get back in the truck, don't wait till he's in it.
Level 6 is the ambulance, go to the general area and position the truck then kill the paramedics, run back to the truck to reset the time, grab some homies, move the ambulance near the truck, get out and get in the truck, wait for your homies to get in the ambulance (they are sometimes slow and stupid so you have to poke them), drive back to rim-jobs without hitching it, hitch it right next to the drop off point, drive in.
7 will be 2 ronin bikes or a truck - it's easier than 6 so use the original method as it's faster.
8 onwards, go back to the homies method.

I did this first time after switching to easy from normal when it driving me mental so I'd say if you are having trouble at harder difficulty then this may just do it for you.

Some of these tips were from other solutions and walkthroughs so if they are from yours then thank you :)

Edit: Have now got this one. The others parts were a walk in the park compared to the tow truck. Only one I had trouble with was fire fighter but I tried it in the suburbs and had no problems.

27 Nov 2011 13:39

When you enter any one of those 4 cars, you will be given the opportunity to start a diversion. In this diversion you will have to do, well, whatever you would do if you drove the car for a living. Tow cars, put out fires, revive people, and take people from place to place, respectively. You need to go to the side of a normal street (not highway or dirt road) and call the corresponding numbers on your phone to get a car delivered.

Tow Truck - This seems to be the hardest one. There is no known number to call, you just have to drive around until you happen to see one. Additionally, the diversion itself is a huge pain. Please see this post for help.
Fire Truck - 555-FIRE
Ambulance - 911
Taxi - (555) 455-8008