Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2

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Completed all levels of Escort


How to unlock the Trickster achievement in Saints Row 2 - Definitive Guide

Basic strategy: Try to drive as fast as possible, and turn corners often. Keep an eye on the mini-map, and if you see news vans ahead, turn around or change direction before you get close enough to take pictures. If you're asked to kill a private investigator or other target, just run them over instead of trying to shoot them, else you'll likely get cornered by news vans. Ocassionally you'll get special requests:

55 mph for 3 or 4 seconds: You should be driving this fast anyway, easy.

Two stars on powersliding: Brake and make a sharp turn, as you'll likely need to do anyway to avoid the news vans.

Two stars on near misses: Drive close to the oncoming lane and almost hit the cars, swerving before you actually do.

Cause 1000 points of vehicle damage: Better off sideswiping vehicles so you don't have to slow down and get caught by the news vans. Good time to plow through news van "roadblocks" if you have to.

Another tip: If you're skilled enough at driving to avoid collisions, driving down the wrong way on any of the highways is a good way to avoid news vans for quite a while.

11 Apr 2010 23:21

Toodon9999's guide is fantastic if you are playing in single player. You can actually use it effectively in both single and multiplayer. This guide is just going to give you some tips for nabbing this achievement in multiplayer.

- One of the things that seemed to help my co-op buddy and I (he was always driver, I was the escort (I went through dozens of old ladies, emotionally scarred right now)), was getting the dual Kobra pistols with unlimited ammunition. These are unlocked by completing all 12 levels of FUZZ at both activity locations. The escort can blast away at the pursuers and hopefully eliminate them, allowing you to please the date faster.

- Try getting grenades, if you are the escort. Drop these out of the car if you are getting chased, and you should be able to knock out a fair amount of the pursuers.

- You can also attempt to use submachine guns rather than the pistols. They have a faster fire rate and may be better for you to eliminate your pursuers.

31 Mar 2011 22:04

1 Comment
This is very bad advice since shooting the News vans will significantly decrease the Pleasure meter. Do not shoot anyone except the PI's.
By o DEEVIUS o on 13 Oct 2013 03:18
This solution is for anyone attempting this in co-op. Most people will notice after playing this activity that once you get to level 4 the activity really starts to get annoying. Since those news van swarm you so hardcore its ridiculous, especially when your down in the red lights district and the client wants you to drive all the way to the stupid Marina. ( seriously whats so special about the marina?) Anyways me and my friend attempted this for about 1 hour just doing level 5 for the escort in the red light district, before we finally found away to make it less annoying.

The point of the escorts in co-op is that the person to initiate the activity will be the driver, while the other person is the entertainer. For the escort activity there are only two of this activity and both have 6 levels to them. One is located in the red light district the other in the stilwater university district. In Escort the point of it is to pick up a client and raise their pleasure meter to the max. You want to keep the footage meter from filling first. Ways to fail the activity is by driving into water, killing the client, abandoning the client, or allowing the footage meter to get to max. If you shoot or make kills it will decrease the pleasure meter so only shoot if you have to.

Driver: It is best for the driver to of course be the better driver out of the two playing. What the driver is going to want to do is stay at a high speed to try and keep the vans away. Good methods to lose those annoying vans would be to drive in the oncoming lane and constantly making turns. The mini map is the driver best tool, cause if you pay close attention you will see the vans when they block off a road alerting you to not go that way of course.

Entertainer: The main priority for the entertainer is simply get the pleasure meter as high as possible as fast as they can by doing that thumb stick sequence when you find the sweet spot with the right stick and hit the directions it wants you to go with the left stick. A key to really help pass these activities is for the entertainer to pay close attention to how their partner is doing evading the vans, or the private investigators, if they are starting to get to close pull out an rpg and blast them. Using an rpg doesn't lower the pleasure meter as bad as a shotgun, smg, pistol, or rifle. The rpg is much more effective taking them out anyways in my opinion.

The clients will usually ask you for side things that will stop the pleasure meter from increasing until they are fulfilled. They include:

Causing 1000 points worth of vehicle damage with your vehicle:
try not to crash straight into the cars because it will more then likely really slow you down. Brushing the sides would be the better option.

Driving at a minimum of 55 mph:
you should be going as fast as you can anyways so this shouldn't be a problem.

Earning 2 bronze stars power sliding:
Simply hit the e-brake or handbrake and make a sharp turn.

Earning 2 bronze stars doing near misses:
To perform a near miss you have to drive really close to another car without hitting the car.

Killing a specific target:
I recommend either running them over or shooting them with an rpg.

Dropping them off at specific areas is another side things the clients will ask for, this one can be annoying if they ask you to go to like the other side of that map.

I hope this helps everyone attempting this with a partner, if anyone feels like this guide didn't help just let me know and i'll try to fix it.

04 Feb 2014 21:29

In Escort, you will drive around a car while a hooker does her job in the backseat. If you are in co-op, one person will drive while the other one does the job. News Vans and the occasional Private Investigator will follow you, so keep out of their radius. It’s best to go on the highway, and drive at top speed on the wrong side. The oncoming traffic will take out most of your pursuers. On the later levels, you have to perform requests, so you may find yourself needing to get off the freeway so often it becomes inconvenient to use the freeway method.

Note: You can shoot the drivers of the cars to get rid of the radius, but this is impractical in most situations.

There are two Escort activities with 6 levels each. I recommend doing this in co-op so you can work towards the "Confidence Men" achievement as well as "Crime Lord".