Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
45 Achievements
Nailed It
Got 100 kills with the God's Hammer
How to unlock the Nailed It achievement in Saints Row: Gat out of Hell - Definitive Guide
Any questions? Ask away in the comments.
You should use this for the rest of the mission, and only this. That will get you over 50 kills and since you're killing imps it'll be easy to smash them.
After that point just use them against normal demons, but note, it'll be a lot harder, you'll usually need to hit them twice or thrice to kill them. You can upgrade it's damage but it's really not needed. Just focus on using God's Hammer and eventually it'll come.
See "Plague of Gat" for details on grinding this achievement.
You receive God's Hammer when rallying Blackbeard. Don't go out of your way to get kills with it just yet. Instead go to a Sinterpol Armory (Weapon Store) and buy the smite upgrade for 20,000. This way you are working towards the associated challenge and not doing some unneeded extra grinding.
God’s hammer is a melee weapon given to you by Blackbeard the first time you meet him. For this trophy you simply need 100 total kills with the weapon. I would recommend not working on this trophy until you purchase the Smite ability for God’s Hammer, as you need 100 kills with this upgrade on the hammer for an in game challenge. Once you reach 100 total kills with the Hammer you will earn this trophy.