Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
70 Achievements
The Whole Story
Found all Audio Logs.
How to unlock the The Whole Story achievement in Saints Row IV: Re-Elected - Definitive Guide
Go to you map and use your D-pad to make it collectibles only. Each character has 3 audio logs.(13 Characters-39 audio logs) You can obtain that characters audio log after you get to a certain part in the story. If you collect the audio logs and dont get an achievement then you have to progress farther to obtain their audio logs.
Heres a map-
Hopes this helps pm me or comment if you have any questions or anything to add to the solution. If you give me a negative vote please comment or pm why so i can fix it.
There are 39 audio logs; 3 per character, 13 characters. You have to get pretty far into the story in order for all the audio logs to show. As with the clusters, they show up on Matt's collectible finder and show up on the full map. You can filter the map down to just show collectibles. So you can set way points to their exact locations. The last set of audio logs show up after finishing off Kinzie's loyalty mission.
There is a total of 39 audio logs spread out throughout Steelport. There is a side mission that will reward you with a "Collectible Finder" ability. This will display all of the collectibles in the game on the map. To see them, switch to collectables on the map. They appear as faces on the map corresponding to the character speaking (other than Zinyaks). Some of these won't be available until after certain missions and side missions.