Sandlot Sluggers

Sandlot Sluggers

45 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Double Play!

Double Play!

Get two runners out in a single play


How to unlock the Double Play! achievement in Sandlot Sluggers - Definitive Guide

Pretty difficult to do legit. But luckily it's easily done with two controllers. Just let the guest controller bunt and get on base. Then have them bunt again, and as your main controller through to 2nd and then to 1st. This isn't guarenteed to get a double play, so try starting the runner to 2nd base after getting the first out and then throw to second to complete the double play.

Not a hard one at all. You can use the same method to start and stop runners to get the triple play achievement as well, but instead you'd want two runners on with no out before bunting. Both achievements shouldn't take more than two tries to get using this method of bunting and starting runners if they're safe then throwing to the bases they're running towards.

17 Apr 2011 04:08