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Sclash achievements progress.
Beat an opponent in one hit.
Trigger your parry at the very last moment to counter an attack.
Pathetically try to parry a fully charged attack.
Complete the first chapter of the story mode.
Defeat 10 samurai of the Aki clan.
Slay a fox general.
Finish a fight that lasted for more than 10 minutes.
Win a round with a single action.
Kill an opponent who is out of stamina.
Play a round that lasts 5 minutes.
Kill an opponent from behind.
Get parried 10 times in a row without landing a single strike in a round.
Knock back an opponent who was about to hit you while you are out of stamina.
Get parried 20 times in a row without landing a single strike in a round.
Destroy all the things that can be destroyed on a stage during a duel.
Destroy 100 destructible objects in total.
Kill your opponent with your last stamina bar while they're attacking you with their first one.
Win against Susanoo with her own weapon and mask.
Win against Amaterasu with his own weapon and mask.
Win against Izanagi with his own weapon and mask.
Win against Jinmu with his own weapon and mask.
Successfully parry 5 attacks in a row in a single round.
Launch the game 50 times.
Win a round by using all the mechanics successfully.
Win 10 online duels in a row without dying once.
Win an online duel with the opponent's score being 0.
Get hit by the training dummies 10 times in a row.
Defeat 10 samurai of the Natsu clan.
Complete the second chapter of the story mode.
Complete the third chapter of the story mode.
Complete the fourth chapter of the story mode.
Complete the "One life" challenge of the story mode.
Complete the "Time attack" challenge of the story mode.
Complete the "Fire wall" challenge of the story mode.
Complete the "One life" challenge of the story mode with 2 modifiers or more.
Defeat Susanoo in the final chapter of the story mode.
Defeat Amaterasu in the final chapter of the story mode.
Defeat Izanagi in the story mode.
Defeat Jinmu in the story mode.
Win a fight on a spooky day.
Win a fight on a festive day.
Launch the game on a spooky day.
Enjoy your stay with the Fuyu clan.
Unlock all the achievements.