42 Achievements
Fully unlock a branch of the skill tree
How to unlock the Acorn achievement in ScourgeBringer - Definitive Guide
This one is very straightforward, just go into the dungeons and kill mini-boss and boss enemies to earn Judge Blood(the golden blood droplets). Next time you die after obtaining one you can go to the pedestal on the left side of the hub area(The Chiming Tree) to check out the skill tree. For the completion we'll be focusing on the first branch, the one in the bottom left corner. This contains largely defensive skill options but they are also the cheapest skills to purchase.
You'll want to buy Oak Skin, Ground Pound, Resilient and Dirty Barry.
After these, to speed up later branch achievements I recommend getting the following skills ASAP; Combo and Crystallization. The first is found on branch 2(bottom right branch). It is the second skill, available after taking Lightning Travel. As your combo increases during fights the amount of Blood you obtain per fight is boosted. Fighting well pays well! This pairs very nicely with the second skill of branch 3, Crystallization. Every 1500 Blood you have earned gets turned into a Judge Blood when you die and respawn at The Chiming Tree. This means even if you fail to defeat a boss every run, as long as you keep your combo high and earn enough blood you'll always be progressing a little at a time.
You'll want to buy Oak Skin, Ground Pound, Resilient and Dirty Barry.
After these, to speed up later branch achievements I recommend getting the following skills ASAP; Combo and Crystallization. The first is found on branch 2(bottom right branch). It is the second skill, available after taking Lightning Travel. As your combo increases during fights the amount of Blood you obtain per fight is boosted. Fighting well pays well! This pairs very nicely with the second skill of branch 3, Crystallization. Every 1500 Blood you have earned gets turned into a Judge Blood when you die and respawn at The Chiming Tree. This means even if you fail to defeat a boss every run, as long as you keep your combo high and earn enough blood you'll always be progressing a little at a time.
I'm not very good at this game, I haven't been able to beat a mini-boss yet.
By ALoneWolf42 on 28 Dec 2020 18:07
Took me a few runs to figure out the pattern for the first one, but it is doable for sure. Maybe focus on learning how to avoid the attacks, and don't worry about dealing damage for the first few attempts? The best way to survive in these types of games is knowing how to avoid taking damage at all, and that takes practice.
By Grimgolde on 29 Dec 2020 00:32
Playing the game you will gather some coins ( bottom right - they are not coins but i dont remember the name ). In the Chiming tree jump on the pedestal which is on the left and press x. Here you can spend the coins.
First branch -> achievement
First branch -> achievement
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