12 Achievements
Xbox 360
Xbox One
Xbox Series
Complete the entire game without losing any lives.
How to unlock the Perfection achievement in Scramble - Definitive Guide
Probably the hardest Achievement in the game for most. You must successfully bomb the base without losing one life. The best advice one can give for this Achievement is memorization. The pattern and level layout remains the same each time you play, so you should be prepared for each area and know what to expect before it comes. Don't be discouraged if you mess up, this will more than likely take several attempts. Try to be patient, the game is rather short.
One thing to note is that some people, such as my myself, died while playing through the game once and still unlocked the Perfection Achievement. Speculation behind the reason for this happening is because you start the game with 3 lives and after reaching a certain amount of points you are given an extra life. The game recognizes you still have all 3 lives, even if you lost one. Remember, this is all speculation and has yet to become official.
One thing to note is that some people, such as my myself, died while playing through the game once and still unlocked the Perfection Achievement. Speculation behind the reason for this happening is because you start the game with 3 lives and after reaching a certain amount of points you are given an extra life. The game recognizes you still have all 3 lives, even if you lost one. Remember, this is all speculation and has yet to become official.
1 Comment
Since this is top guide I’ll add a suggestion.
I recommend playing on original graphics since working for the 150,000 points in the anniversary collection uses that. It gives you more wiggle room also in my opinion.
I recommend playing on original graphics since working for the 150,000 points in the anniversary collection uses that. It gives you more wiggle room also in my opinion.
By STx SHROOMS on 20 Dec 2021 15:32
I have one thing to add to the other two solutions: use the D-pad in level 5 and the base level! I could not, for the life of me, pass level 5 at all with the stick. When I switched to using the D-pad, I got through it the first try, and got Perfection the next day on my first attempt of the day. It is far easier for me to make the ship go diagonally with the d-pad than the stick, and that is crucial on the last two levels. Other than that, the previous levels are all about memorization, and on level 4, spamming bullets and bombs.
Hopefully this helps the like, 5 people in the world who care about this game and want this achievement.
Hopefully this helps the like, 5 people in the world who care about this game and want this achievement.
Definitely the hardest achievement in the game and the only one that I had any real trouble with. The game does change the timing of the enemies between runs although I believe there are only a limited number of variations and it only does this for level 3 with the fire balls. I will try to provide a guide for each level to help with this achievement.
Level 1 - Pretty simple really. The easiest level in the game. Just try not to get too cocky and fly too close to the ground to bomb or shoot stuff for extra points since points make no difference to this achievement. Also, if you find yourself dying on level 1 after a number of attempts ended on level 4 or 5 it's probably because you're getting a bit stressed out and need a break. I know this happened to me a number of times
Level 2 - Stay as low as you can without having to move your ship. Your ship should be just above the tops of the rock peaks. Once there, fire your laser and drop bombs constantly. Your laser fire should be in line with the enemies just as they are altering their direction from down to up. This makes them much easier to shoot. If you do miss one and it's on a collision course with you then just navigate around it. Try and hit a few fuel containers as you progress as that will make level 3 a bit easier.
Level 3 - I die more on this level than any other simply because I used to get trapped by fire balls. The basic tactic is to use the rocks as cover. Hide behind them and as soon as an opening in the fireballs appears move your ship over the rock and back down into cover. This works well but sometimes you just get pounded by fireballs and no opening arrives. A way to get around this is to bring your ship as far forward as possible and move over each rock as soon as it is close enough. If you find yourself being pinned by fireballs then just hold backwards and your ship won't crash. This gives you an extra couple of seconds for an opening to appear and can make the difference between surviving and dying. Also, make sure to bomb the whole way through the level for fuel pods.
Level 4 - Fairly similar to level 1 except everything is elevated giving you less room to maneuver. All I can recommend for this level is that you replay the level a few times until you recognise where the difficult points are. These are 2-3 points during the level where the rockets are timed to launch either just before they leave the screen, killing you instantly if you're at the back, or just as they enter the farthest forward point your ship can occupy. This requires you to move your ship backwards and forwards a few times to avoid being subject to a cheeky kill by the game. These points are usually when the level is exceptionally high and your ship is only just avoiding hitting the rockets even before they take off. So watch out. And as always, bomb and shoot all the way through the level making sure to hit a few fuel pods on the way.
Level 5 - This level can wither be extremely easy or extremely annoying depending on how aware you are of the position of your control stick. Almost every instance where I died on this level I had done so because I hadn't held my control stick in a completely diagonal position. This meant my ship either moved backwards without moving up or went up but didnt move backwards. Make sure your control stick is in the right place and you should be fine. Every time you shoot a bunch of fuel pods move forwards at the same time. Once you enter a new cavern hold the control stick in the direction that will stop you from moving forward while also allowing you to move towards the next tunnel.
Base Level - The base level, almost done! All you have to do is destroy the base without dying. After level 5 you will have enough fuel for one fly-over before you run out so don't feel like you have to make a move immediately. Pause the game if you want to take a couple of minutes. The best tactic here is to fly over the Konami tower and then hold 'down' as soon as you are clear. Once you are past the second smaller tower just in front of the base move the control stick to a diagonal down and left position to stop your ship moving forward but still downward. Once in front of the base drop a bomb and pull out. This whole action take no longer than a few seconds so you need to be quick.
And that's it, you have conquered Scramble to perfection The game will congratulate you and send you back to the start of level 1 to play again. The achievement will pop on the congratulations screen.
If you need any other help or clarification then feel free to send me a PM on here, not Xbox Live since i'm not always on.
Level 1 - Pretty simple really. The easiest level in the game. Just try not to get too cocky and fly too close to the ground to bomb or shoot stuff for extra points since points make no difference to this achievement. Also, if you find yourself dying on level 1 after a number of attempts ended on level 4 or 5 it's probably because you're getting a bit stressed out and need a break. I know this happened to me a number of times
Level 2 - Stay as low as you can without having to move your ship. Your ship should be just above the tops of the rock peaks. Once there, fire your laser and drop bombs constantly. Your laser fire should be in line with the enemies just as they are altering their direction from down to up. This makes them much easier to shoot. If you do miss one and it's on a collision course with you then just navigate around it. Try and hit a few fuel containers as you progress as that will make level 3 a bit easier.
Level 3 - I die more on this level than any other simply because I used to get trapped by fire balls. The basic tactic is to use the rocks as cover. Hide behind them and as soon as an opening in the fireballs appears move your ship over the rock and back down into cover. This works well but sometimes you just get pounded by fireballs and no opening arrives. A way to get around this is to bring your ship as far forward as possible and move over each rock as soon as it is close enough. If you find yourself being pinned by fireballs then just hold backwards and your ship won't crash. This gives you an extra couple of seconds for an opening to appear and can make the difference between surviving and dying. Also, make sure to bomb the whole way through the level for fuel pods.
Level 4 - Fairly similar to level 1 except everything is elevated giving you less room to maneuver. All I can recommend for this level is that you replay the level a few times until you recognise where the difficult points are. These are 2-3 points during the level where the rockets are timed to launch either just before they leave the screen, killing you instantly if you're at the back, or just as they enter the farthest forward point your ship can occupy. This requires you to move your ship backwards and forwards a few times to avoid being subject to a cheeky kill by the game. These points are usually when the level is exceptionally high and your ship is only just avoiding hitting the rockets even before they take off. So watch out. And as always, bomb and shoot all the way through the level making sure to hit a few fuel pods on the way.
Level 5 - This level can wither be extremely easy or extremely annoying depending on how aware you are of the position of your control stick. Almost every instance where I died on this level I had done so because I hadn't held my control stick in a completely diagonal position. This meant my ship either moved backwards without moving up or went up but didnt move backwards. Make sure your control stick is in the right place and you should be fine. Every time you shoot a bunch of fuel pods move forwards at the same time. Once you enter a new cavern hold the control stick in the direction that will stop you from moving forward while also allowing you to move towards the next tunnel.
Base Level - The base level, almost done! All you have to do is destroy the base without dying. After level 5 you will have enough fuel for one fly-over before you run out so don't feel like you have to make a move immediately. Pause the game if you want to take a couple of minutes. The best tactic here is to fly over the Konami tower and then hold 'down' as soon as you are clear. Once you are past the second smaller tower just in front of the base move the control stick to a diagonal down and left position to stop your ship moving forward but still downward. Once in front of the base drop a bomb and pull out. This whole action take no longer than a few seconds so you need to be quick.
And that's it, you have conquered Scramble to perfection The game will congratulate you and send you back to the start of level 1 to play again. The achievement will pop on the congratulations screen.
If you need any other help or clarification then feel free to send me a PM on here, not Xbox Live since i'm not always on.
1 Comment
I died two times throughout the game once on level 2 and once on level 5. My plane also crashed after I blew up the base and still got the achievement. I had a score of 21k and 1 life on reserve including the life I had. So I had two lives left and not three like the theory.
By jjaldana on 23 Nov 2022 23:07
For the extreme players only. Don’t bother breaking your controller over these couple points if you can’t get past level 4 without losing a life. Good Luck.