Section 8

60 Achievements


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Feat Expert

Feat Expert

Earn each feat in ranked matches


How to unlock the Feat Expert achievement in Section 8 - Definitive Guide

All feats, individually, have to be done in one life in ranked matches.

This takes some patience. You have to earn all 16 of the 16 feats. Feats are certain requirements you do in a life, not a round.

Medium Armor refers to the armor that you are wearing automatically. Heavy Armor is the large assault mech suit deployable that you can purchase. Tanks are... That one should be rather self explanatory.

You can check these Feats by starting Section 8. From main menu select DROPSHIP. Under drop ship check AWARDS. As I said before there are 16 feats. These feats fall under Four Categories; Assault, Recon, Siege, and Support.

Here is a full list of them, with solutions:

Assault Feats:
Assault Killer: Kill 2 players with an Assault Rifle or Grenade

Probably one of the first you'll get. It's rather easy to kill someone with the Assault Rifle if you are up close. Because if you are within a certain range of them the Assault Rifle doesn't damage the shield. It directly damages the player.

Assister: Get 2 Kill Assists

My advice is have a friend run with you, both of you run up and start to lay into a player with what ever weapon you have. Be sure though to stop in time for your friend to get the final blow. This doesn't have to be done twice in a row.

Armor Destoryer: Destroy 1 Heavy Armor

Run with a friend again, only this time take Shotguns and Rocket Launchers. They will do the most damage. Remember though, this is Heavy Armor. It will take a bit to get one of these big boys down. Preferably done in a tank though.

Impact Killer: Kill 1 player by either crushing or colliding with them while in Medium Armor

This will also net you the achievement for Killing someone by dropping on them, Drop It Like It's Hot, it is a 0 point secret achievement.What you should do is when you spawn, make sure you aren't in AA range and aim for the little red triangles. the best luck I have had is to put my maker on my mini map over the red triangles. It is not easy so keep on tryin.

{Edit September 23, 2009} Saint Gerbil pointed out to me that you can also get Impact Killer By running into some one while in overdrive, though they have low health. I didn't know this because I avoid people when in overdrive.

Recon Killer: Kill 2 players with a Sniper Rifle, Pistol, or Knife

Not all to easy. if you can get close to someone, lay into them with the pistol. It does quite a bit of damage. If you have the Auto pistol, I would avoid using it. Yeah it has a great fire rate but it doesn't do as much damage. But if you are trying with a Sniper Rifle, and trust me it's not that easy, Sniper Rifles take out shields first then the health. Though if you are trying with the Sniper Rifle. Try it on Blackstone Marsh. There is a high up rock formation that is fantastic to snipe from. Be sure to drop a deployable Supply Depot up there because it may take more ammo than you have.

Scanner: Scan 8 enemy targets

This you can get by Sensor Arrays or Mirco Sensors. I advise Micro Sensors because if you can, get close to an enemy capture point and deploy it. It will scan enemies as they form around the Capture Point. Also if you can have it last there then you could also net the feat Micro Sensor

Stealth: Have Sensor Blocker active within range of an enemy sensor for 20 seconds

Some Loadouts come with Sensor Blockers. Chose one and get close to a Rocket Turret or a Minigun Turret and use it. Stay there until either the feat pops up or the Sensor Blocker runs out.

Micro Sensor: Have Micro Sensor active within 100m of a non-friendly control point for 60 seconds

Certain Loadouts have Micro Sensors. So what you want to do is get real close to an enemy Capture Point and deploy one. They stick to almost anything, like Detpacks. With any luck no enemies will notice it and it will stay there for 60 seconds. Plus if there are a lot of enemies spawning at that Capture Point you may also net the Scanner feat.

Siege Killer: Kill 2 players with a Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, or Mortar

Solution: Easiest done with the Shotgun. If you can get close to an enemy, it will take 3 shots with a shotgun to take them at close range. Also if you can zoom and use a lock-on ability at the same time it makes it easier. You will follow them until lock-on wears off. It should be long enough to get 3 shots off into them.

Base Destroyer: Destroy 2 Sensor Arrays, Supply Depots, or AA Turrets

Easily done by destroying any of these. Rocket Launchers are a big help with destroying any deployables/depots/arrays/turrets. A Rocket Launcher will only take a few hits to them to take them out. Destroy 2 and the feat will show up.

Turret Destroyer: Destroy 2 Minigun or Rocket Turrets

Basically do the same thing you did with Base Destroyer only this time bring a Sensor Blocker with you. So that they don't shoot at you while you blast them to bits.

Hacker: Hack 2 Control Points

Just run to an uncaptured/enemy captured Control Point and Hack it. You must stay next to it until the hacking is complete. Repeat on another as soon as this is done. if you can do it fast enough and the first hack isn't defused you can hopefully unlock the achievement Blitzkrieg which is where you need to capture 2 Control Points within 3 minutes of each other.

Support Killer: Kill 2 players with a Machine Gun or Detpack

The Machine Gun does way more damage in close combat than the Assualt Rifle. So I advise selecting a Loadout with a Machine Gun. Kill 2 players with it and there's your feat. Probably one of the easiest feats to do.

Repairer: get 3 Repairs

Select the Engineer Loadout. This Loadout has the repair ability from the get-go. You are bound to get this feat on your way to the Mr. Fixit achievement.

Tank Destroyer: Destroy 1 Tank

Rally your whole squad around this feat. Seriously, Tanks are a pain because they have 4 different weapons that can be manned by 4 different people and all be fired at the same time. So you need Rocket Launchers and Shotguns. These will take a while to kill.

Defuser: Defuse 1 hack

When an enemy hacks your Control Point run back and defuse it. You have a good amount of time to get back there to defuse it. Don't dilly-dally though, someone may get there and defuse it before you get the chance. Just like hacking you must, and I mean MUST stay close to it.

Feel free to send me messages or leave comments telling me how this guide did or didn't help you. I am open to criticism and suggestions. I will modify this guide if need be.

11 Sep 2009 10:59

you can also get the impact killer feat by using overdrive to run through someone.

They need to be quite low on heath for it to kill them tho.
By Saint Gerbil on 22 Sep 2009 07:43
these dont need to be done all in one mathc for it to count, just overall in ranked matches
By orkhive new on 08 Nov 2010 21:58
for the micro sensor feat you can put it up to 100 meters away, so it doesn't have to be "real close".
you said it yourself, they stick to almost anything. I got that feat by deploying the micro sensor on TOP or the enemy base, the roof. It was 69 meters away but since it was on the roof no one noticed.
By Metakingkirby on 30 Dec 2010 18:31
Does it pop in game or at the end of the match?
By on 04 Jan 2012 01:20
I don't remember. it has been a long time. i think it pops at the end of the match.
By Roadkill Toast on 04 Jan 2012 04:56
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There are 16 feats in the game and can be boosted in ranked matches with a friend. You can check your progress under dropship in the main menu, then awards.


No longer possible to be earned due to server closure.

Most of these will happen while going for other trophies or badges. I put a description on the few that you will need to focus on. Refer to Badge Expert description for what team A and team B refer to. These are checkable as well in your dropship:

Assault Killer: Kill 2 players with an Assault Rifle or Grenade
Assister: Get 2 Kill Assists
Armor Destroyer: Destroy 1 Heavy Armor – This can be done whenever team B gets 100 currency, and orders in a heavy
Impact Killer: Kill 1 player by either crushing or colliding with them while in heavy armor – Use to lunge toward team B with them standing still for you

Recon Killer: Kill 2 players with a Sniper Rifle, Pistol, or Knife
Scanner: Scan 8 enemy targets – Walk up close enough to team B, kill both of them, then walk close enough again (or have them burn in close to you without landing on you). If you die it will reset
Stealth: Have Sensor Blocker active within range of an enemy sensor for 20 seconds – This is an accessory that you can equip to make it unable for them to lock onto you
Micro Sensor: Have Micro Sensor active within 100m of a non-friendly Control Point for 60 seconds – This is an accessory that you can equip and throw out near a CP team B has control of

Siege Killer: Kill 2 players with a Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, or Mortar
Base Destroyer: Destroy 2 Sensor Arrays, Supply Depots, or AA Turrets
Turret Destroyer: Destroy 2 Minigun or Rocket Turrets
Hacker: Hack 2 Control Points

Support Killer: Kill 2 players with a Machine Gun or Detpack
Repairer: Get 3 Repairs
Tank Destroyer: Destroy 1 tank
Defuser: Defuse 1 hack – Have team B hack a CP successfully, then diffuse it successfully with team A