SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection

SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection

35 Achievements


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Don't Get Lost

Don't Get Lost

Fatal Labyrinth: Progress to the fifth level of the labyrinth


How to unlock the Don't Get Lost achievement in SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection - Definitive Guide

Easy way to get this achievement:

Find 2 shortbows, equip one of them, and equip the second one straight after - make sure you choose "equip" and not "use"
This will give you 99 armour, so you will not take damage at all, then you can just wander around and not get killed.

11 Aug 2009 13:21

Very handy tip! Thanks :)
By takuto neko on 16 Sep 2012 11:03
this sucks, i keep spawning on levels where the stairs arent spawning :(
By Fear The People on 16 Feb 2013 22:47
This really helped! Thank you, helpy helper!
By on 27 Jan 2014 20:24
i couldn't even find a single short bow the whole way through XD
By LEGENDARY2GAMER on 15 Jun 2015 10:29
Excellent guide
By skepta11 on 22 Feb 2018 22:52
I didn't find the second bow until just before the stair to the fifth level, but it still works. If you already have armor it will go down to zero, then just equip the second bow again and you're immortal haha.
By Rourc on 28 Jul 2014 09:01
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An excellentwalkthrough. Reach level 5 in just 1 minute in this awesome video.
It is not me playing. Respect to the original player who posted this video on youtube.

EDIT: As i found out myself the dungeon is different every time you play. So i took the achievement running all the time and saving every time i reached a level with good health.

22 Jun 2009 09:08

The easiest and quickest way to get this achievement is to run, run from enemies, i never had the need to pick up any items. As mentioned in the other guides, the labyrinth is randomised.

So to counter this, each time I reached a new floor, I used a state save (back button, then select save game)

From my starting point, I would search for the steps, and if I lost too much health finding them, I would reload, and take a more direct route.

Repeat for each floor, I got the achievement with fairly high health in about 10 minutes

21 Jun 2010 22:51

I got stuck when following the guides. So I tried my own method.

In the bottom left hand corner it states the level you are on. L01 during the game I killed a few people and this power up noise went off.

I looked and I had went up a level without going up any stairs. This was just on the first part about a few small rooms in.

I managed to complete this within 5 mins by just killing a few and collecting power ups.

22 Sep 2009 19:13

I looked at these solutions and just thought I'd run for it, and it worked first go, just wander around an ignore the enemies, you should be able to do it within about 2 mins. Good luck!

17 Jul 2012 19:24

This achievement is not so simple as it seems, first things to know you never start the game at the same place, so the only thing to do is avoided any contact with the enemy and saved after each stair, because if you die and it was not the good way just reload the game and take another way.
I unlock the achievement with this method

08 Jun 2010 11:31

quite easy to get this achievement, take it slow, kill some enemies and just wonder around through the dungeon, enjoy the game a little smile for ever few steps you take your hp rises so if you get low just keep running in circles. lol
also if you see a bunch of enemies ahead and don't wanna risk dying, lure one at a time to you and kill it, also saving on every floor saves time in case you die.

10 Jun 2015 11:59