SEGA Rally Online Arcade

SEGA Rally Online Arcade

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Conditioned Reflex

Conditioned Reflex

You mastered the Classic race!


How to unlock the Conditioned Reflex achievement in SEGA Rally Online Arcade - Definitive Guide

This one is easy just goto single player and choose classic race its on the far right than win 5 races. the race is only between you and 1 cpu car.

19 May 2011 17:32

From the Main Menu go into 'Single Player' and then scroll right for the option to play a Classic Race.

There are two cars to chose from, the Toyota Celica ST205 and Lancia Super Delta HF Intgrale (1992). You can use either but you will need to win a Classic Race with both cars to unlock the Desert 95 course for Super Challenge in SEGA Rally Online Arcade.

A Classic Race takes place against you and 1 CPU car on the same track with 3 laps each time. the course is fairly easy to win, the 5 wins do not have to be in a row so don't worry if you lose at any point. The race takes about 2:30.

Manual transmission is said to be faster than Auto

09 Feb 2014 02:18

The classic race is a 1 on 1 race between Toyota and Lancia. You have to drive 3 rounds on Desert. Win that event five times.