SEGA Superstars Tennis

45 Achievements



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Swinging Report Show

Swinging Report Show

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How to unlock the Swinging Report Show achievement in SEGA Superstars Tennis - Definitive Guide

My friend, DangerSlave, and I, were going for this achievement. Using the previous solutions, the achievement never popped. By observing other players who were on the superstar channel at the time and had the achievement, we came to the conclusion that by prolonging a match the achievement will pop. As soon as we played the match and forced a 5th game, the achievement popped for the both of us.

Achievement pops when your game is good enough to be put on the Superstar Channel.

Alternate wins forcing a game 5 and the achievement is yours.

Credit goes to DangerSlave

12 Jan 2011 06:41

You should post this as a comment on the #1 solution so he can incorporate it into his solution and so people will actually see it.
By Curtieson on 12 Jan 2011 21:03, by posting it as a separate solution, he IS guaranteeing people will actually see it. The comments, on the other hand, are more occluded since they have to be clicked on to be visible.
By redsales on 01 May 2011 05:23
good solution, much easier than I thought this would be.
By Stevanno on 19 Jul 2011 19:24
It worked for me and 1 friend in our first game, but we can't get it to work with our other 2 friends :S
By SpeciallyTDerp on 11 Sep 2011 13:41
your match must go into a tiebreak in one of the sets.
By SlasherManEXE on 16 Oct 2011 00:32
In my match, I made sure each game had a ~20 hit rally (just one) and that each game went to 40-40. My achievement popped toward the end of the fourth game (not even requiring a game 5). Thanks for the solution, Spartan.
By Mr Rodster on 05 Nov 2011 15:35
This is funny: I went back and watched my match. It stopped recording the moment the achievement popped, meaning that the recording ends at 15-00 in the fourth game. Even though I finished the game when I played it, it did not even record after the achievement. laugh
By Mr Rodster on 05 Nov 2011 15:46
Tried forever in player matches, couldn't get it to pop until I switched to ranked matches. Otherwise Mr Rodster's comment worked perfectly.
By ThreeKingdomsR on 14 Jan 2012 04:06
It worked for me. In a ranked matched, only aces all the way through, achievement popped when 3 games to 3, 8-8 on the tiebreaker. No rally at all, just aces all the way. Thanks!
By LanEvoIX on 27 Jun 2012 04:51
Nice worked like a charm, last chivo i needed so extra thanks.
By Reg006 on 22 Jul 2012 15:13
i got it on the 3rd game half way thru after dragging it out for ages. top guide
By boldfoxrd on 28 Sep 2012 21:40
I got mine in Ranked Matched today, just did 3 wins each, then when we were on the 8 matches, popped for both of us on the 3rd match. So you just need 2 people.
By Onlyonevince on 03 Nov 2012 02:21
Won the match 4-3, 13-11 in the tie-break and didn't get the achievement. Tried again, won the match 4-3, 11-9 in the tie-break and got it. So all I can say is, if you don't get it on the first try, keep at it!
By Shinnizle on 07 Feb 2013 03:54
WARNING TO EVERYONE! I just want to point out in the comments that this achievement is indeed glitchy. No point in reporting as it usally doesnt get updated but i just like to help out so people reading this can see that it is glitchy. It unlocked first for my friend in the middle of a ranked match but not for me. Next match in ranked it did unlockf or me in the middle of the match. We tried many matches and it did not unlock. It just seems to unlock a bit random but my advice is to play ranked matches and do what this guide says. If you dont get it keep trying.
By MattiasAnderson on 24 May 2015 04:45
I got it in a similar fashion to the way Shinnizle is describing. The first match went to my opponent 4-3, then we entered Sudden death, and my opponent won 23-21. In the next match, just as we entered sudden death again, the achievement popped. I think you have to enter sudden death twice for the achievement to pop, just like Shinnizle explains.
By AbsolTheDarkOne on 26 May 2017 07:38
By getting to 3-3 in rounds and then 10-9 in sudden death got us the achievement.
By DarkDragonEye7 on 04 Sep 2021 13:44
An confirm making it to the tie break after going 3-3 gets it
By RiIey on 08 Oct 2021 17:58
Used the 3-3 sudden death method and it worked on my third try.
By Baby Sheamus on 08 Dec 2021 21:51
We literally never returned a serve and this popped. This is a perfect guide, down voters be damned
By GamePadZebby on 29 May 2022 15:51
If someone can help with this achievement, add me please, Mariio X
By MARIIO X on 07 Sep 2022 17:11
Add me or look out for my game session GT charg1nmalaz0r
By ChArG1nMaLAZ0R on 10 Sep 2022 10:17
Anyone down to go for this? Just give me a message through Xbox.

Gamertag - (Gloebal)
By Gloebal on 27 Sep 2022 23:02
I’ve tried this with someone and we can’t get this achievement. Guess I’ll have to find someone to help myself and my buddy get it to spectate with us playing :/
By Ox1893 on 07 Aug 2023 19:21
Does anyone know how to even get to game 5 i been doing the sudden death method and has not popped
By Drakemonster666 on 25 Nov 2023 06:52
randomly popped for me and my boosting partner during the 3rd attempt when it was 7-8 so it is weird and glitchy indeed
By DubstepEdgelord on 01 Apr 2024 17:33
Want to throw in my experience from boosting just now. My partner got the achievement in our first game, but I didn't get it even after several tries. What finally changed on the game that I got it was that my partner had the first serve instead of me. So it seems like whoever the game deems as first player may not be able to get it.
By TheOceanic815 on 22 Jun 2024 01:05
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For this achievement start a ranked match and try get a friend with you, now once the match starts whoever is serving wins the match by hitting 4 aces then the other hits 4 aces and so fort. Do this until you go to a part that will be like a sudden death match which you'll have the chance to score 1 point at a time, whoever has the ball will get 2 shots then it will switch players and the other player will have 2 shots, now once there just keep scoring points until your at 9-8 and it will unlock and never be more than 1 point ahead.

This will unlock in the match as well and this was my time that it took me by doing this method: 2 minutes 58 seconds. So very quick method.

Also by doing this you don't need to use the Super Star's Channel to look at the match to unlock this.

16 Nov 2012 21:36

Works like a treat, takes 5mins with only 2 people. Goes 3-3 and then when the Tie-break got to 8-9 it unlocked. Best guide by far!
By FailedSeppuku on 13 Jan 2013 12:12
Works perfectly, thank you Taz smile
By Randomnutta on 23 Jun 2013 17:24
This guide is the answer.
By trek5900 on 05 Sep 2019 06:03
I’ve tried this with someone and we can’t get this achievement. Guess I’ll have to find someone to help myself and my buddy get it to spectate with us playing :/
By Ox1893 on 07 Aug 2023 22:29
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This achievement unlocks randomly pretty easily, however if you want to boost this, here's what you need to do.

You need 3 players (including yourself) to start. You set up a ranked match and play the game. You can either Ace the game or actually play a good back and forth (might as well go for Sega Rally if you don't have it) with the 2nd player, and win the match against them.

After the match, have the 3rd player browse and continually refresh the HIGHLIGHTS CHANNEL as you create a 2nd match to play against the 2nd player. During the 2nd match, your previous match's highlight should have appeared on the highlights channel, and as long as player 3 watches that highlight, the achievement should unlock for you.

NOTE: The highlight MUST BE UNDER YOUR NAME. If it's under player 2's name, the achievement will go to him. So this must be done at most 3 times if boosting, to help all parties involved (if they need it).

*EDIT* - According to Spartan's solution, if you prolong a game to 5 matches (by alternating wins), you automatically unlock this achievement. Since I haven't confirmed it myself, I trust him and the people that voted his solution up to vouche for that strategy. Try it if you do not want to try my method listed above.

Hope this helps.
I'll try both of these solutions within the next few days and report back on both.
By s1nTh23 on 26 Jul 2011 17:38
I'd appreciate this.
By on 26 Jul 2011 17:48
We finally unlocked this in a recent boosting session. Here are a few notes, in case this helps someone else:

- Players 1, 2 & 3 all played several matches of various lengths with each other and none of us ever found highlights for any of those games.
- P1 had a highlight from 2 days ago, but having it watched by P2 or P3 didn't pop the cheevo.
- P1's friend (P4) joined the party, found a P2 highlight of a P2vsP3 game and watched it while P2 & P3 played a prolonged match. When P4 finished watching and returned to the main menu (the point where the game saves), it popped for BOTH P2 & P3 while they were still in their match.
- P4 then watched a P1 highlight (I don't recall which one it was) while P1 & P2 played a match, and it popped mid-game for P1 once P4 was at the main menu again.

Thanks to Paulissimo, B Diddy620 and oKid UKo for their help & patience!
By Ripley LV426 on 02 Sep 2011 03:45
So you need a third player to watch highlights of your match while you're still in the match playing?
By Das Kuhnen on 11 Jun 2012 19:16
Based on my personal experience and what Ripley said above your comment, yes.

It's not exactly clear how to pop the achievement, but there's another strategy that says if you prolong a match to 5 games, it'll automatically unlock without anyone needing to watch anything.

It's my belief that both of these methods work.
By on 11 Jun 2012 19:36
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For this achievement, someone on LIVE must watch one of your highlights. For this I suggest getting a buddy to go in the game select menu at the same time you are playing a ranked match. Then he should keep refreshing the list until your name appears then have him/her watch the highlight, and the achievement will unlock for you.