Shadow Complex

Shadow Complex

12 Achievements



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Complete the game with less than 13% of items


How to unlock the Minimalist achievement in Shadow Complex - Definitive Guide


Okay Minimalist isn't that hard to get, just have to be careful. Here is what you should have at the end:

This is 11%:

-Climbing Gear
-CLD Thrust Pack
-Omega Armor XOS-7
-Friction Dampener

-WSAR60 Coil Rifle

Health Upgrades 0/8
Armor Upgrades 0/8
Grenade Packs 1/30
Foam Packs 1/20
Missile Packs 1/20
Gold Bars 1/12
Passkeys 0/12

This took me only 1hr and 50 min so it's not too long.

Here are some tips before you start:

There is one gold bar you are forced to get after you get the friction dampener and you break some boxes, so don't worry about that.

Getting to level 20 before trying this helps if your having trouble, because then you will gain access to the full map from the beginning, so you can make sure to be careful on squares with ?'s.

Play on casual because you'll only have 100 or 200 health (depending on your level) throughout it so it'll be hard to complete on Insane.

Even though the achievement says "under 13%" you will still get it if you have 13%. Since only 11% is the necessary items, you have a bit of room for error for the other 2%.

You can follow these percentages to see if you might of picked up something by accident or to know what you need to get:

Note: At the very beginning, before the spider boss, right after a save, there will be a health pickup lying in the ground in front of you, just try to jump over it, if you accidentally get then just reload your last save.

-Had 1% at Flashlight
-Had 1% at Backpack
-Had 2% at WSP40 (Pistol)
-Had 3% at Grenades
-Had 4% at WSMP50 Compact (Submachine Gun)
-Had 5% at WSM400A1 Carbine (1st Assault Rifle)
-Had 6% at CLD Thrust Pack and Fusion Body Armor (Light armor and Double Jump)
-Had 7% at the SCHCA Mask (Scuba Mask)
-Still had at 7% after getting foam.
-Had 8% after getting Omega Armor XOS-7 (Full Body Armor)
So right now you should have:

Climbing Gear
CLD Thrust Pack
Omega Armor XOS-7

WSM400A1 Carbine (Because I'm using Gold Guns)

1/20 Foam
1/30 Grenade
Everything else at 0.

The only other pickups left are 1/20 missile and 1/12 gold bars, nothing else.

-Had 9% at the Friction Dampener (Super Speed)
Note: At the point a few minutes after getting the Friction Dampener, you have to run through some walls, and in the middle of them is a gold bar. It's unavoidable so just go on after you get it.
-Had 10% after getting the gold bar.
-Had 11% at WSAR60 Coil Rifle (2nd Assault Rifle)
-Still had 11% at the missiles

By now you should have everything you need to beat the game, so just go and finish the guy attacking the girl, then don't go for any of the suit upgrades just goto the blue exclamation point things to finish the story. Don't follow the blue line and don't go for the little grey pictures, those are the armor upgrades.

Note: The game expects you to pick up the armor upgrades, so that's why the blue lines goes to there, but you don't need them to continue and it will only add to your item percent. So ignore the blue lines, and just goto the exclamation points, those are the story events, you need to finish all of them to activate the end boss fight and beat the game.

You'll get the achievement at the time/score menu thing after the credits.

Thanks to Renesis for the original list of stuff you should have at the end, it's what I used to beat Minimalist myself, but I was still confused and it would've been easier with a guide, so I made this for anyone else

Thanks to Audio Radar for a list of the item percents, so I could fill in the ones I was missing

Note: Also going to the jeep and doing the joke ending ("Status Update: Single" Master Challenge) won't count as beating the game, so you can't just do try to do that ending to finish the game quicker, you have to do the whole thing, or you won't get the achievement.

Note: Using a Gold Gun will not effect the items percent, or the achievement at all, the game will treat it as if you are not even using it. For example, you might grab the gold vers of the shotgun at the beginning, and then you pick up the pistol, it'll say in the inventory menu that you are only using a pistol.

21 Aug 2009 00:30

Thanks guys. I think the total items you could have was 15, but I'm not sure. You need 11% to beat it normally, so you have some room for error, like the health pack.

And yeah, you could game-break to get past it faster, but it's easier to just do it the normal way, for most people the game-breaking path is pretty confusing :p
Someone else posted a link to a guide for it, though, so if you want to try doing it that way just check it out.
By TehHobo on 25 Aug 2009 21:46
Curious though, could you use the golden gun room to get the Coil Rifle early on and make it even easier? Otherwise, thanks for spelling out what pick ups you need.
By Codsternation on 21 Aug 2009 22:23
Great guide, thank you.
By Franknsteinr on 02 May 2012 05:14
Thanks for the guide. Just FYI, it's okay to pick up that first health pack, I did and got all the other items you listed and finished with 12%.
By Doozer Blake on 25 Aug 2009 18:21
Nice guide TehHobo.

You might want to add that you can use the Foam break to enter the "tower" left from where you send of Claire. It is impossible to reach without either the triple jump or the Hookshot. You can however build a mountain of Foam once you reach level 30! This will get you to the other side of the lowered bridge (just start blasting Foam at your feet and jump up).
By MastaGus on 25 Aug 2009 08:21
Thanks for the great guide, but I'm starting to think this achievement is impossible for me. I've tried the explosion room at least 50 times and I cannot make it up that f-ing elevator shaft. I'll still have 280 of my 300 hit points when I get there and start wall jumping, but it's like he will NOT stick to the f-ing wall and always falls back down and dies. I can wall jump just fine in other parts of the game, but in this part it seems impossible. I have no idea how so many people are doing this.
By risseless on 06 Sep 2009 23:17
Apparently hit points don't really matter. I have 400 now (went back for another health pack, now at 13%) and have 376 usually when I reach the elevator shaft. Once in the shaft, it's pretty much insta-kill after a few seconds.
By risseless on 06 Sep 2009 23:50
For the explosion room, make sure you don't skip the cutscene, it gives you a few extra seconds. You can still make it out of there with no hp packs if you don't mess up, I did it on my second try.

So try not skipping the cutscene, maybe you need a few seconds, I didn't have any problems walljumping the elevator, just make sure you don't miss at the beginning.
By TehHobo on 11 Sep 2009 01:51
When I was going for this I ended up picking up a couple things I shouldn't have so I ended the game with 14% and had to do another play through.

Had to hit level 50 though so I needed to do 5 actually.

And I actually did minimalist on Hard difficulty (not sure what it's called but the one before insane.) Some parts were hard but I just had to retry a few times.
By Quarantane on 01 Jan 2010 07:53
I skipped the first health pack, but got the hook and thrust boots. My items were at 13% and I got the achievement. I can therefore confirm that this one should say "13% or less" instead of "less than 13%"
By gaiaquasar on 03 Jan 2010 19:26
Was going for minimalist on my 2nd run (I'll get completionist after that on the same run because I missed the Inertial element the 1st time) and can confirn that the objects in the solution + 2nd booster (needed to get the inertal element) + inertial element = 13% of the objects. Achievement unlocked for me.

So for the people planning to do minimalist and completionist in the same run, you can !
By Wicelow on 25 Mar 2010 01:48
Thanks, great guide ! done quite fast too. I also say that it's really easier once you get to level 50 from a previous playthrough. This way you get unlimited grenades (level 30), unlimited foam (level 40) and unlimited missiles (level 50).
By Tanelorn82 on 17 Mar 2010 13:29
Awesome guide; followed it to a T and the percentages we spot on as was the completion time! Saved this achievement for last so that I was a lvl 50 and from start to finish, took me approx. 1hr and 33mins. Excellent job, thank you!
By guycarb on 14 Aug 2011 01:51
Great solution, in all you can "mistakenly" pick up 2 items beyond what you need to get to the end. I recommend the health upgrade that's out in the open that you'll likely run into anyway and the grenade pack that sits in the dark tunnel you must climb a couple times as you go through the game. It's directly in your path if you take the left of the ducts (easy way to climb) instead of trying right of the ducts (harder to climb)
By JMJimmy on 23 Apr 2012 21:56
@Tanelorn82, it's definitely easier with the unlocks, but it's foam at 30 and grenades at 40, not the other way around. The foam is a nice addition that you can use to skip some areas or get up into hard-to-reach places, I'd definitely recommend being at least 30 before you try this. The missiles and grenades are nice to have, but not critical if you're willing to play on an easier level, and I for one don't want to "waste" the play by already being at level 50 instead of having this run count toward that point.
By PuckJunkie on 31 Jul 2012 16:23
Excellent guide! I propose one refinement:

If you're like me, you saved Minimalist for after your Completionist run, so that you could do Minimalist with the Golden Guns room unlocked (and if you're really like me, you also waited until after you got Serious Complex so that all ammo is unlimited). Pick up your Golden Gun (which should be the Inertial Element shotgun -- besides it being the best weapon in the game, it's the weapon pictured in this achievement's icon). DO NOT PICK UP THE WSP40 PISTOL! This means do not walk toward the monitor/desk, which will engage the monitor cutscene and force you to pick up the pistol.

The reason is, even though you're wielding a golden gun before you pick up the pistol, the pistol still adds 1% to your item percentage, and you don't want that. As far as I know, the "middle three" weapons -- the Compact SMG, the Carbine, and the Coil Rifle -- are unavoidable as they progress the story. But you can avoid the pistol, and certainly you can avoid the regular Inertial Element since you're already rockin' the golden one.

Exiting the Golden Guns room, leave the way you entered via the duct beneath the room. Now, the game will stubbornly keep that "Find a way to get into Interrogation Room B5" objective active. Just ignore this and head back the way you came, working your way rightward to exit where you first entered the complex. Keep heading right while outside, and you'll come upon the helipad. With Claire at the chopper, the game will catch up to you and give you the next objective, as you're now in the Chasing Claire section of the story.

So instead of the pistol, I picked up that first obvious Health Upgrade. With that, my percentages were still perfectly in line with what TehHobo has laid out: 11% after picking up Missiles. This leaves room for two more discretionary/luxury pickups. That's THREE luxury pickups total, but again, only if you avoid picking up the pistol. If you pick up the pistol, that only leaves room for two extra pickups. And again, finishing with exactly 13% is OK.

I went with two Health upgrades (400 health) and one Armor upgrade before dealing with the exploding room and the final battle. It was more than I needed, but it was nice to have the extra protection.
By z 4assed monkey on 27 Apr 2015 01:37
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The easiest and quickest way I found was to do this the same way as the Insurgent Master Challenge. There is a great guide here.

I beat the game and got the achievement in under an hour and with 3%, and this way there is a lot less items you have to worry about accidently grabbing.

25 Aug 2009 16:23

This works, but fair warning for those who are thinking about this: there's a couple stretches in this way of doing it that are quite hard (going up the elevator shaft outrunning the destruction sequence for example)..

Good tip all the same though.
By Pedle Zelnip on 06 Jan 2010 18:07
Blasted through the game with 3% pretty easily using this. Had a few tricky bits. It took me 5 attempts to get the passage to open, I think cause I was letting the first boss hit me. Then three times I fell after the secret passage.

However, after that pretty much easy game. Died once in the self destruct bit then second time took next to no damage. Can't really even say I reacted much differently either.

Anyway, 58 minutes and some change, 3% items.
By MacDOfGlasgow on 22 Jun 2011 17:17
def the best way to do this! I did it with 3% in 50 odd minutes!
By Molloy2006 on 31 Aug 2009 11:05
Thanks, really helpful.
By RianFL on 21 Jan 2010 21:31
This is a great link. Managed to finish in about 55 minutes. Thank you!
By Doctor Shawn on 13 Mar 2011 14:12
If you're looking to bang out this achievement, this is the way to go. I also followed some youtube run-throughs-- there are several.
By Diachron on 21 Jun 2012 03:39
Unfortunately that is now a dead link.
By TAJ Pro FIRE on 24 Mar 2013 12:07
Strange, should be fixed for the moment.
By Box#4473 on 24 Mar 2013 16:38
Ok it's back up! Thanks
By TAJ Pro FIRE on 24 Mar 2013 19:25
The reason the secret passage is not opening is because you are getting too close to a certain green door. After you first get the grenades and kill the boss, when you have to climb up and backtrack make SURE you dont touch or go anywhere near the green grenade door on the right.

What I do is jump on the boss (after it's dead) then jump to the ledge above to the left. Crouch and dangle off the ledge then jump to the ledge where the green door is. You will end up grabbing it and climbing onto it. Immediately then jump to the ledge to the left without walking towards the green door.

It will work 100%of the time :) Also the timer of 30 seconds starts when you get to the exploding barrels; This is very easy and normally takes around 20 seconds.
By Ratpoizen on 23 Apr 2016 22:45
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You can also perform a FULL run with 3-4% of all items

i found an ingame achievement:

The Insurgent
Complete the game at 4% with only the Flashlight, Backpack, Grenades, Foam and Missiles.

I looked 4 a guide on youtube and found the videos bellow.
I finished the game with 3% (i passed the health pack at the beginnig befor the fight with the giant Metal Spider)
in 51:39

Enjoy the videos and have fun with an easy and new way to finish this great game.

EDIT: I think you MUST start the game on Normal when you pass the hidden gate you can change the difficult back to easy if you want.

EDIT: I did this on casual and the hidden gate still shows. Just make sure you don't touch the door on the right after killing the spider tank in the beginning. Thx to DARKOScannley for the hint.

EDIT: You need UNLIMITED Foam to do that! THX to Thief44 4 the Hint!

29 May 2010 22:37

I recommend that you switch the difficulty in part 6 to casual when you are running out from the exploding room!
By Bazze94 on 14 May 2012 10:10
another thing people may wanna consider is something thats happened to me on several attempts at this:
When fighing the spidermech right at the beginning and using the gold Inertial Element gun (shotgun) to literally tear it to peices, DO NOT!! i repeat DO NOT throw a grenade underneath it after you've got its health bar to zero, this will make the camera get stuck zoomed into the point where the gas pipes explode and it makes it impossible to make the jump back up without going near the right hand door, I'm so sure of this glitch i can force it now, and get it to happen every time
By Lord Von Chimp on 23 Jun 2012 17:26
i can confirm this. I had this several times :(
By Sambaweb on 24 Jun 2012 07:57
I did this on casual and the hidden gate still shows. Just make sure you don't touch the door on the right after killing the spider tank in the beginning.
By DARKOScannley on 20 Jul 2010 17:01
cool thx i addet it to the solution
By Sambaweb on 20 Jul 2010 19:40
thx and np ;)
By Sambaweb on 23 Dec 2010 00:02
The secret gate in the first video might be time related, I'm almost certain the first time i got to it (it took a few attempts) it was closing. Might be worth further investigation.
By Lukario RLG on 22 Apr 2011 04:46
hum i will check this out and correct it if its true thx man
By Sambaweb on 22 Apr 2011 07:57
May want to include that u must be the level or higher to have infinite foam I mad it far without it only to relize I'm screwed now trying to go up a bluf with four foam shots.
By Thief44 on 12 Oct 2011 09:33
i added this hint to the solution ;)
By Sambaweb on 25 Feb 2012 22:19
very GOOD video guide., worked well here. thanks for share!
By ISAMU MkII on 22 Dec 2010 02:47
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I was able to get this on Easy getting

`1 Health Upgrade
`1 Foam Upgrade
`Scuba Mask
`Jet Backpack
`Foam Attachment
`Rocket Attachment
`Speed Dampeners

All these equaled 13% exactly

I highly Suggest doing this on your second run through and make sure and try for the 100% on your first as one of the collectibles "The Gold" will unlock the Golden guns which will carry over when you play the game a second time so when you start you can get the Golden Shotgun which won't add to your % and is pretty much a one hit kill for all regular enemies.

28 Sep 2009 22:58

Be very careful while progressing through the game and only pick up compulsory items as you work your way through. There is no need to take your time so try to work your way through at a steady pace and only collect the following items which are required

  • Main Armor (4 pieces)
  • Weapons (excluding rifle/shotgun)
  • One gold bar
  • Weapon Addons

Minimalist Strategy Guide