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Serious Complex

Serious Complex

Level up to experience level 50


How to unlock the Serious Complex achievement in Shadow Complex - Definitive Guide

Hello all,

Ok this is the strategy I used to complete the level 50 achievement (Serious Complex) in a couple of hours I started at level 24.

Use the Gold Coil Rifle and make sure you are playing on Insane.. FYI any Unlocked Gold Weapons will give you double XP, so use whatever you are most comfortable with however I prefer the Coil Rifle as it's best for headshots (which will still give you a multiplier). Next you'll need the Grapple Hook, the 2 Thrust Packs, and Missiles you can however alternatively use Unlimited Missiles which makes this strategy a little easier to do.

Near the top of the map you'll come across another lake (not the main one with the cottage), near the gold guns secret room.

Save your game in there, then exit to the surface and run up the side of the mountain using your grapple hook. There will be 3 enemies who you can melee or if need be headshot for a total of 5x experience bonus. Next run to the left and use your Inertial Dampner (not required) and double jump down the side of the mountain. Once you have hit the other side of the dock there will be 3 more enemies. Melee them and you will come to a WSA3 Devastator, one of the walking robots. Leave him for now and jump over to the left and another gatling gun enemy will be present, once you kill him your combo should now be at 9x. Now go back and finish off the WSA3 Devastator, with a missile strike at it's back or undercarriage, for a Max Combo. Killing this nets you a high amount of experience. Now, run back the the save room and once the game is saved, simply hit start and select 'load from last save' to have the Devastator respawn. Rinse and repeat.

I did not create the video and this is somewhat the same strategy as the one I just posted. Use this video as a general guideline.

Video Here:

09 Sep 2009 22:00

Are excellent way!
By MEP3ABKA on 25 Nov 2009 09:52
I do the method in the vid but I jump down to the heavy gunner on the far right (he's standing in front of the purple tanks) that way you don't have to save and reload. You can just keep going back and forth with out stopping.
By oDEADDOGo on 12 Dec 2009 03:15
This is the method I'm currently using. Took me around 90 minutes (including a break) to get from level 20 to level 37 :)
By on 04 Mar 2010 11:56
There's another save room to the left and down from the bridge at the top of the mountain, where there are full refills for health and missiles (I think it's a square or two to the right of the one used in the video). Taking the path from down here up, then to the left down the cliff towards the walker, there are enough enemies to get a max combo even if you miss a couple headshots. I found it was much easier than starting at the closer save point because you don't have to worry as much about keeping your health up.

I think that headshots also give more experience than melee kills, but if they do the difference isn't extreme and both give a multiplier bonus anyway.
By JotaroRaido on 24 Sep 2009 08:37
Great guide. Worked great for getting my last 10 levels.
By Turduken on 18 Oct 2009 18:16
This is the method I used, but doing it from level 20, it takes quite a while.. sure, levels increse fast in the beginning.. but in the end, you must do that like 9 times for a single level.
Boring, but it gives good results !
By Tanelorn82 on 12 Mar 2010 14:16
This never works out for me... the enemies are never in the same positions, I sometimes die when jumping over the first set of enemies
By SoiledDoughnut on 31 Jul 2010 14:45
Working fine with me. If you don't want to die on your way up, just put the difficulty to Casual and switch it back to Insane before you start the chain kills.
By RadioOW on 16 Aug 2010 04:23
Jumping up to the right takes too long, easier to just stay down with a lower multiplier and repeat more times. I could do the lower portion twice in the time spent hopping and jumping up to the right.
By G3n3ralG3n0c1dE on 01 Jan 2011 18:25
This guide is helping a lot. Congrats Hyperglide.
By Jorge Bastos on 28 Apr 2011 15:06
strangely if I melee somebody it only does 2x multiplier, not 3x?! I'm positive I'm playing in insane what am I doing wrong???
By Vinchucca on 30 Apr 2011 07:08
Life saver. The stars never aligned for me like in the video, so I was always one guy short of a max bonus and you mentioned that there's another gatling guy past the devastator, so I just use him if I never get a guy like in the youtube video.
By Perpalicious on 28 Dec 2011 23:03
This is not as efficient as just going to the left. You get a 10x mutiplier on the guy every 80 seconds (at best) with this method and a 6x multiplier every 35 seconds if you ignore the guys to the right. To get the same benefit/time spent as just going left you'd need a 13.7 multiplier
By JMJimmy on 24 Apr 2012 05:22
I completely second jimmy’s solution here. I’m running this and sometimes the timing doesn’t work out for the full multiplier, but this is super efficient still in 2022.
By theEchness on 17 Dec 2022 15:48
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If you're at the end of the game but don't want to start over to get your experience up, there's a save room on the far left of the map that you can access from the surface, on the right end of the lake.

Save your game in there, then exit to the surface and run to the left. There will be 3 enemies who you can melee for a 5x experience bonus, and at the end of this chain of enemies there will be a WSA3 Devestator, one of the walking robots. Killing this nets you a high amount of experience. Run back the the save room then simply hit start, and select 'load from last save' to have the Devestator respawn.

This is much faster than running through the rest of the map killing normal baddies for little experience.

Obviously, set difficulty to Insane for best results.

21 Aug 2009 21:04

There are some youtube videos of this actually. One had a good idea to ignore the Devestator at first and jump past it, there's another guy you can melee so your combo is x6. Then go back and one-shot the robot as stated above.

Also, use the golden guns cause they give more xp.
By RadiantViper on 27 Aug 2009 04:26
This is A wonderful GUIDE Its Great it helped alot
By TriColorHippo on 31 Aug 2009 00:59
The enemies are to the LEFT of the save point.

I did this for a couple of levels, but quickly got bored. I started a new game on Insane; it is taking me a lot longer to level up but I'm having fun with it.
By Windex on 01 Sep 2009 14:13
I'm with Windex. This area is good for boosting but I think starting a new game on Insane, with the Golden Guns of course, is better. You could even argue it's a quicker method as you are constantly gaining XP for each room and item, in addition to the enemies and of course bosses.
By Ry Fryy on 03 Oct 2009 23:02
Extremely helpful in getting my last 5 levels. Also, is you run up under the Devastator and fire a missile into the undercarriage, you'll one-shot it giving you an extra multiplier. You have to hit the right spot to get the multiplier, so it might take some trial-and-error.
By Taco Bob on 22 Aug 2009 18:26
Starting a new game is indeed faster, but if you noticed the first lines, it says "If you're at the end and don't want to restart".
Also, this was written before anyone knew the golden guns gave double exp.

So definitely use those.
By Stiqe on 12 Oct 2009 01:14
a video please :)
By xavius01 on 07 Dec 2009 02:01
I actually did 5 play throughs trying to level up to 50.

1 at 100%, another at 14% because I accidentally got an item I wasn't supposed to for minimalist, then another at 12%, another at 47% just getting items I remembered about on the way, and by last one I was only level 47.

Decided to use this method for those last three levels.
By Quarantane on 01 Jan 2010 07:33
After leaving the save room, if you hook and triple-jump your way up the cliff to the right, there's a compound on top of the hill with 5 more enemies. Just jump past all of them until you get to the one on top of the tower. Uppercut him a few miles off the tower, then run back to the left, taking out the others with melee as you run by. Keep running, and triple-jump off the edge of the cliff, but make sure you don't hit hyperspeed in mid-air.

You should land right next to the first of the guys mentioned in the above solution, and you'll end up with a 9x or 10x combo. There's one guy up on the tower/building to the right that paces back and forth into the background, so depending on his timing, you may have to skip him and only get 9x.

Using this method only took me about 2 hours to grind from level 30 to 50.
By Bonus Eruptus on 27 Sep 2010 15:34
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Geoff and jack from Achievement Hunters show us how to get the "Serious Complex" achievement for Shadow Complex. This is a great guide on how to get it. Its not the only way but its one of the best ways to do it that I've seen.

31 Aug 2010 04:33

A good method. I know other guides climb up to the mountain to the right first to hit some more guys before coming down to get a 9x or 10x multiplyer but they often forget that it takes twice as long and it's not as easy as just doing this method twice.

I hit level 39 tonight so here's hoping it goes really quickly.
By HeyMrBassman on 09 Sep 2010 21:43
I tried other methods but I would always mess up. So this method takes a bit longer but it works.

I'm currently at lvl 45.

(thank you for the comment don't forget to see the others I've done)
By InugamiTheHound on 10 Sep 2010 21:51
I forgot something

(don't forget to see my other "solutions" I've done)
By InugamiTheHound on 10 Sep 2010 21:53
I used this methof, the mountain to the right takes too long. Thumbs-up.
By G3n3ralG3n0c1dE on 01 Jan 2011 18:26
The method Geoff showed us is much easier the method with climbing up the mountain is annoying and its very easy to fuck up.
By InugamiTheHound on 02 Jan 2011 16:02
The enemy that they mention that sometimes the melee button option doesnt show up, if you headshot him your combo still goes up.
By Smokin978 on 28 Apr 2011 16:22
thanks for good advice
(don't forget to check out my other solutions as well)
By InugamiTheHound on 30 Apr 2011 21:54
Very good method. While you only end each cycle with a x7 multiplier, it's much easier/faster to pull off than the previous method. Once you get into a flow you can very quickly cycle through levels.
By Diachron on 21 Jun 2012 03:44
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this one takes some time.. play the game on hardcore your first playthrough( get all collectables), this should put you at about level 30, then play your under 13% easy playthrough(easy diff). that should put you around 33-34, after this. start a new game on insane and play till you fight the first spider boss, after him climb up grenade the door and run through for the save. then quit the game, and start a new game on insane and repeat
repeat that about 30-40 more times and you will get this achievements.-- much easier than playing through on hardest diff. will take more time if u choose to play through again.
Okay, so the guides presented here are top notch, and work really well. However, if you're like me and have completed the game already, I was spending a lot of time trying to get to the save talked about. So, here is my alterantive method. It's not the fastest way, mind you, but it works pretty quickly.

First, start up a new game on Insane difficulty. The first part of the game, you earn no XP, so just get through it as quickly as possible ( I just jumped over the dumpster, melee'd the first four guys, shot the next two, then quickly aimed for the helicopter and took it down with 2 quick missile shots...but whatever is fastest for you). Once you are past that part, start playing as normal. Drop down, get the backpack, go back up, see the cutscene where the two guards are shoving Claire into the facility (or skip it, I skip them all to save time), Once inside, find your way straight through to the room with the Golden Guns, where you would normally pick up the pistol. Go in and get you gold weapon of choice (I always pick the Gold Coil Rifle). Once you have that, run back out and trigger the cutscene in the room, skip it, then jump on the desk and take out the turret. Skip cutscene. Then, you either go back into the vents and pick up the health pack down there (for a small extra XP boost), and continue back through the room with the camera. You can either shoot or melee the guy, then take out the camera. Next room is the save room. Pause, end game, repeat. I was netting around 1/5 to 1/4 XP bar each run, and while it sounds really long on paper, the whole process literally takes about 2 min. Again, it'sprob not the fastest way to gain XP, but if you're like me and don't wanna go all the way through the game again to get the save room in the video above, it's a fairly efficient way to get some decent XP.

11 Sep 2010 03:41

If you've beaten the game and you're looking for a good route to take from the start, I found this route works best - 30ish to 50 in about 2 or 3 hours.

29 Apr 2011 20:32

I know all of the other solutions work fine and mine will not be much different from the others, but I'm giving it a try:

After I completed all other achievements I started a new game on Insane. Work your way through to the gold weapons and pick one. Then work your way through the game like you would do on normal but be a bit more carefull.
When you reach the part where the chopper chases you, swim/run like hell and follow the road. You will have to drop down after a few meter so go to the bottom and go to the right. You will be in a save room.
Go back out from where you came and go to the left (crouch under the door). Shoot the vent and continue going to the left. You should see 2 guys standing above you and 1 walking around. When he is close to the other 2 guys, jump up and melee all three. You should have a 5x combo now. Quickly climb up the ladder and jump to the right. A cut scene should start and afterwards you will get a hugh amount of exp. Go back to the save room, exit game and load your last save. Repeat the last part until you reach level 50.

You will get unlimited grenades when you are level 40. This comes in handy and speeds up the runthroughs a lot.

22 Oct 2010 16:41

You will need to play through the game at least two times fully and then progress onto your third to earn enough XP. Once you start your third playthrough you can either play the whole game again or keep reloading at a save point to harvest kills and XP.

Gold weapons will give you double XP and playing on the harder difficulties will give you more XP. If you do not have the gold weapons you will need to collect all the gold bars. You can either progress at your own leisure or find a good area to kill enemies.