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Kill all enemy players while taking no damage yourself.


How to unlock the Godlike achievement in Shadowrun - Definitive Guide

This is notoriously hard to earn legit and in the eyes of many, impossible to earn legit, even ridiculously skilled players would find it a challenge if you take into account all the different factors.

Right, so the achievement requires that you kill the entire enemy team, that means you need to kill every person on the enemy team and you're team mates aren't even allowed to inflict any damage on the opposing team. To make it even more ridiculous, you're not allowed to take any damage while doing this, which means you're not allowed to get shot, you're also not allowed to say, fall down a high ledge and get hurt.

Chances are you're not gonna be able to earn this legit, even if you're prepared to sink hundreds of hours into the game and become insanely good, like I said, given all the factors you need to take into account, it's still gonna be ridiculous.

If you opt to boost the achievement, it can be obtained in a private game, unlike the other achievements which require you have a minimum of 8 players, this one requires you to have 10, you have to be in unbalanced teams, 6 versus 4.

If you're going for the achievement you need to be on the team of 4 and kill the 6 players on the opposition, make sure you don't take any damage whatsoever!

If you're looking for boosting partners, check and see if there are any gaming sessions up and running on here, if not create one, from past experience I can tell you, there are plenty of people out there that want to boost this game.

17 Oct 2010 05:03

Since the achievements pop at the end of the game. Do you have to do this for all 6 rounds? Or just for 1 round so that the other 3 people on the team of 4 can take turns getting it on the other rounds?
By DrSchlepenstein on 01 May 2012 21:46
You only need to do it for the one round.
By Jaggexedge on 30 Jun 2012 05:40
It was almost impossible to do but I did do it on the temple map. Just hid and waited for enemies to come around, but that was years ago
By Kanchanaburi on 25 Aug 2013 17:02
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This is the MOST HARDEST and IMPOSSIBLE Achievement on Shadowrun.

Basically, you have to take out the whole enemy team without dying and NOT to get hit by the enemy team and EVEN TEAMMATES.
DO NOT ALLOW your teammates hit the enemy team because this will NOT count and also when boosting, say to the enemy team DON'T hit your teammates as well, of course, this will NOT count.

NOTE #1 Be very careful, try your very best not to hurt yourself by falling from a high fall. Better safe than sorry, buy a Glider to stop this from happening.

When I got this Achievement, I just couldn't do it legitimately so I boosted it.

If you wish to boost, then these are the tips to follow:-

1) Host a private match

2) Then find and invite 9 people who would like to boost with you (10 people needed to boost Godlike; 6 on 4)

3) Before you start the private game to boost, make sure that everyone knows the DO'S and DON'TS for them to help you get the Godlike Achievement.

4) If it's your turn to gain the Godlike Achievement, then you must be on the 4 player team against the 6 enemy team.

5) After you have taken out all the enemy team without being damaged in 1 round, then the Achievement should pop up at the end of the match.

VERY IMPORTANT Make sure that the enemy team DOESN'T resurrect their team mates because it will NOT count!!!

I hope this helps!!!

P.S If you haven't found anyone who would like to boost Godlike with you, then check out the forums.

Before you give me a negative vote, please explain yourself why you did it and I will be more than happy to improve my solution. Thank You.

03 Jul 2009 18:19

I tend to enjoy your solutions. Nice job.
By Yin on 02 Sep 2009 19:30
hey i need this to ill help out in i have someone else would be glad to help with this to
By TDX069 on 24 May 2011 02:39

Although you could include some of you xbox live friends if you test it out first and you don't lag out.

First off you will need to create user accounts on your PC. You do this by going to the control panel and finding the user accounts section.

(The Next two steps can be done in either order)

Once you have 10 user accounts (9 new ones and your own) you will need to log into each one seperately and activate Shadowrun on each user account.

Next go to (or a mix of hotmail, yahoo, gmail, etc) and create 9 new xbox live accounts on

Now you can log back in with your account or one of the boosting ones on each account so that you can change the video settings. Set everything to low and put it in smallest size in windowed mode.

Once you have all 9 accounts made and the correct settings for each one you need to choose 1 for each new user account. Then set the login to auto for each of the "bots" to save you time later.

Add all 9 of the bots to your friendslist or add 8 or the bots to one and add just that one using that one bot to send invites to all of the bots when you start putting the lobby together.

Now that you have that all in order its time to boost.

Make sure that you are also set to the lowest settings, or if you think you can handle it go ahead and bump up a little bit.

1) Host a private lobby of extraction on Lobby.

2) Invite all of your bots

3) Log in as each bot to join the game.

*NOTE* This is where many people screw up. Do not, do not, do not use CRTL+ALT+DELETE to switch between user accounts. Instead hit the Windows Key (Its right next to the Alt key on most keyboards) and the Windows start menu will pop up on the side. Now click on an empty area of your desktop. Then hit the windows key again and select switch user. Do this for each of the accounts as you sign in and next to switch. The reason being that when you do it the other way the game stops in its tracks. And while the bots usually stay in you will experience much more lag and they take longer to kill on occassions. That and they are much, much, much more prone to lagging out. For some odd reason when you do the click on the Desktop method the game runs just as smoothly as if the player was still there.

4) Set 4 players up on the RNA side (Including yourself) and 6 on the Lineage side.

5) Make sure everything is set to your liking. With bots set up to certain races if need be for you to work on other achievements.

6) Start the game.

7) Do not do anything, even move.

8) Your not playing a Local game with bots your still playing on Xbox Live. Everything you do has to be sent out and then re-recieved by your computer for each and every user account. The first few kills or minutes can and will lag. Although on a few occassions during non-peak hours I ran silky smooth from the get-go.

9) Buy whatever you want that you can afford. Avoid explosives or even using your grenades the first time. And do not jump off of anything.

10) Run over to the Lineage Spawn and kill all 6 of your bots. I just used my pistol.

11) Continue doing so for the next five rounds with whatever weapons or spells that you want and that you can afford.

12) When the game is over the achievement should pop.

Thats it. You can use this method with a few alterations to earn many of the achievements. I used it for 3 for the price of one, Summoner, Master Theif, Master Blaster, and That's one Frustrated Sniper. Although I wish I would've thought of this sooner.

*NOTE* you can also just load up a game like this and sit around and boost smoke time if you really really really find it necessary to do so.

15 Apr 2011 23:00

hey can anyone help me with this i been playin this game 4 2 year in im lookin to be done with this so if anyone is down 4 a boost hit me back
By TDX069 on 09 May 2011 22:22
hey can anyone help me with this i been playin this game 4 2 year in im lookin to be done with this so if anyone is down 4 a boost hit me back
By TDX069 on 09 May 2011 22:37
Took me about 2 and a half hours in the end, about an hour of that was trying to get everyone in the same lobby and not crash! Also worth noting, i tripped the activation limit after about 5 more activations (so 6/7 total) - but you can use any GFWL Legacy DRM key to get it working. I used my Batman Arkham Asylum key for the other 5 accounts.

I'd avoid doing it this way unless you're finding it impossible to get boosting partners. Real pain in the ass.
By Barrwg on 09 Mar 2017 18:42
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You have to deal 100% of the damage to the entire enemy team (at least six of them) whilst not taking a single hit yourself.
If an ally fires at the enemy and hits, you won't get the achievement.
Fall damage/friendly fire? You won't get the achievement.

Communicate with your entire team and tell them you're trying for this. Make sure they know not to fire at the enemy OR you. Get them to give you all their cash.
Try using the glider/teleport combination to fly over the map and fire rockets/grenades at unsuspecting enemies. If you're good super-mega-uber-good, maybe even try sniping whilst flying like that.

BOOSTING METHOD (works for all get xx kills achievements as well as Godlike)
If you don't have 10 people for the session, don't even try. Nothing will count, nobody will get an achievement (other achievements only need 8). The optimal number is 13 people. For this guide I will assume you have 13 people, but if your numbers are different it's easy enough to figure out :)

Create a private game. Invite everyone in. The maximum party size is 8 and Windows players won't be able to join, so tell everyone the order of who takes their turn and when at the start to ease confusion later.
Have 5 people on RNA (either the first 5 to take their turn, or people that need the achievement for winning) and the other 8 on Lineage. You won't get an achievement if there is less than 4 people on either team, and having a fifth helps in case someone disconnects.
Set the map to Dig Site (on Raid).
Host makes sure Killer is on RNA and RNA has 5 players, then launches again.

The entire Lineage team should stand still (NOT even running around).
Everyone on RNA gives their money to 1 person (from now on named 'Killer').
Killer then buys a weapon they need as well as smartlink and either smoke or glider.
As soon as the round starts, Killer jumps down the well by the RNA spawn and uses glider/smoke to stop them taking damage at the bottom.
Killer then realises he is at the Lineage spawn zone and procedes
to kill the entire team. Round finishes.
Killer repeats this a further 5 times to end the match (RNA wins 6-0).
The 'Killer' title then passes onto the next player.
Host makes sure Killer is on RNA and RNA has 5 players, then launches again.

If done correctly, each time it's your turn you get 48 kills (8 players * 6 rounds). You will also pick up the Godlike achievement if you don't take that fall damage. If everyone agrees, you can also get Unstoppable if a few revives are performed on the Lineage side (other than that, there should be no revives).

If Killer intends to go for the Special Delivery or Master Blaster achievements then the entire Lineage team should group up.
If Killer intends to go for the Summoner achievement, Lineage players should be any race other than dwarf. Elf is preferable.

Whilst the Lineage team just stands around doing nothing (so they can be easily killed), the RNA team can do whatever they want to (EXCEPT following Killer to the Lineage team).
It's an ideal time to work on Heavy Smoker/Teleporter. In my boosting sessions we ended up with the RNA people running around the map in a race- as the rounds progress we used teleport/wired reflexes to go faster or strangle to hold up the other racers :) And sometimes we all just summoned Minions and had 'Minion Fights'. It was that or standing around doing nothing.

This boosting method works for all weapon achievements, as well as Master Ninja/Target Lock/3-for-the-price-of-1/Summoner.

06 Mar 2011 01:42

This is every bit as impossible as "Master Thief." You have to kill an entire team of 6 or more with NO help from your team, and without getting hurt at all. Fall damage, Grenade damage, and friendly fire will void the achievement. If you want to get this legit, just find a weapon/magic/tech/race combination you're comfortable with and hope to get lucky.

Side Notes

All the achievements will unlock at the end of the match. If you quit early, disconnect, or are booted out of a match, nothing you did during that match will count. If the server (not you) leaves, and you see the "The Server has disconnected" screen, your stats will count, and you will credited with a win regardless of the score. Remember, teamkills will not count in an way towards any achievement. All totals will only count when the match has at least four human (as in non-CPU, not the Shadowrun race) players on each side.

In order to boost:

1) Start up a private party and invite at least 7 other people.

2) Bring the party into a Private Match.

3) Arrange the teams, and make sure all players hae marked themselves 'ready'.

Make sure all players know exactly what they need to do, and start the match.