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Win a Public Match game as each race.


How to unlock the Well-Rounded achievement in Shadowrun - Definitive Guide

Just pick a different race each(public or private) match you play and win. There are only four so it shouldn't take long. Majority of the time you will need at least 4vs4 player count in the match and you will get the achievement at the end of the match.

25 Sep 2008 02:30

I am guessing that you need to play an entire game and win it, not just jump-in in the middle?
By Epsilon Theta on 04 Jul 2010 14:11
I have now won a public match with each race while staying from start to end. Still nothing! Doesn't seem to be so "self-explanatory" after all.
By Epsilon Theta on 04 Jul 2010 16:50
You need to have enough people in the match for it to count...even on PUBLIC games there is a minimum number of people you have to have in the lobby for everything to count for your achievements.
By Curtieson on 22 Dec 2010 17:20
and of course that number is four on each side....
By Fafhrdd on 29 Nov 2011 03:57
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Lot's to read here, but well worth it. Expect to get 100 games played in 90 minutes or less with this method.

This is the official server quit method for ALL 4 Shadowrun "Play as this Character" achievements. This method will ALSO work for "100 Wins", for "Well-Rounded" and "Well-Traveled". (See below).

First things first, to do server quits you need a minimum of 8 players. 4 on RNA, 4 on Lineage. You can have more than 4v4 and the teams CAN be unbalanced, but you NEED 4 on each team minimum.

There are two keys roles in making an effective server quit session go down.

One person will be the "Server", this person is chosen by the game and is usually the person with the best connectivity to all other players. The other person is the "Party Leader".

Here's how it works:

Start the game with 8 players, 4 on each team (you can have more, and you can have unbalanced teams after the minimum 4v4 has been achieved). Once you (the host) have launched the game a countdown will begin, at which time the game will pop up with a box in the lower mid section of your screen informing you of who the server is. This is the person that will need to quit out.
Once the server quitter has left the match, a screen will appear informing you that they have left and the game is choosing a new person to be host. You will be stuck on the in-game menu for 15 seconds or so and then it will take you back to the lobby. IMPORTANT: Once you are back in the lobby, hit SETUP, then select a MAP, and then a GAMETYPE. This will bring everyone back into the lobby as well (except for the server quitter, they need to join) and it will also ready up the entire party! Once the server quitter rejoins, they will need to ready up and then you can launch the game again! Sometimes after you have hit SETUP and selected the MAP and GAMETYPE it will still show everyone as invisible, if this happens simply REPEAT the method of choosing a MAP and GAMETYPE a second time, this will always bring them back. Once is usually enough but sometimes you need to do it twice.

NOTE: To keep the method going fast as possible, the party leader and server quitter should be on each others friends list (in case of online privacy enabled) and in the same party, the party leader should also make the game options set to OPEN, NOT Invite Only. This will allow the server quitter to join faster via the guide menu by simply going to the party tab and selecting Join in Progress.

As soon as the game starts up you can quit out. You DO NOT have to wait for the announcer to say "Game on", once you have quit out the game will take you back to the main menu. From here you will need to open your guide button on your controller and go to your friends list/party tab. Find the person who is the party leader, or anyone in the party, select their gamertag and hit "Join Session in Progress". This will put you back into the lobby for the next quit out. Once you have joined the lobby you will need to select "Ready". You are the only player that will need to select ready. Once you have done so the host should launch the game again.

NOTE: 9 times out of 10 the server will remain the same person, however sometimes it will change it to another random party member. You will know when it has done this once the normal person who server quits has left and the game continues to run. If this happens, simply have the party leader bring the lobby back to the lobby and start fresh.


Q: Does the person quitting out, (the server quitter) get any credit?
A: YES, even the person quitting out will get the achievements!

Q: How do I get 100 wins with this method?
A: Simply choose any map with the game type EXTRACTION and make sure you are on the team RNA! Every time the server quits with you on RNA in the gametype Extraction, you are gaining 1 win!

Q: Can I get "Well-Rounded" with this method?
A: YES. Even though the achievement CLEARLY says you need to play a public match, you CAN do this in private. Simply choose each of the four characters per match. This can also be done while server quits are going on.

Q: Can I get "Well-Traveled" with this method?
A: YES. The only thing you need to remember for Well-Traveled is that you NEED to be on the winning team for it to register, this too can be done in private matches, even though it CLEARLY says public. The winning team for Extraction will always be RNA, and the winning team for Attrition is always Lineage. While doing server quits, if this achievement is needed, simply have the party leader cycle through every map on every gametype. This should net the achievement for anyone who does not yet have it!

Further questions can be sent to me via PM.

Thanks all, and enjoy!

30 Jun 2012 19:29

Simply just win a game while playing as each race.