Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition

47 Achievements

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Dance through the Danger

Dance through the Danger

Defeat 5 or more enemies with a single Obliterate!


How to unlock the Dance through the Danger achievement in Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition - Definitive Guide

This takes a little time because first you need to get the Obliterate Dance from the Snake Girl, which you should first encounter during Mermaid Falls near the end of the caverns section (Part 2). Her pot is just before the start of the Slide section (Part 3) of the stage, hit it once and she'll come out and you can talk to her to buy Dances and Potions. I believe it costs 100 gems to get Obliterate from her.

After completing Mermaid Falls, go to Sky and have her take you back to Main Street. At at least two sections of Part 1 you should come across 5 Tinkerbats at once; when you see 5 or more on the screen, press cn_Y and soon as the Obliterate option shows (It'll be in the Monkey's spot using cn_right when prompted) choose it and a second or two after all five enemies are KO'd, the achievement should pop.

Good hunting!

05 Apr 2021 10:57