Shrek Forever After
35 Achievements
100% Green Ogre
Fill up the Ogre Power meter (primary profile)
How to unlock the 100% Green Ogre achievement in Shrek Forever After - Definitive Guide
I suggest using Fiona (up on dpad) as she seems to have the best attack.
This ach seemed to pop quite late for me, I'd filled the bar which emtpied so I assumed i'd been hit and started over only to have it pop 25% through filling the bar again.
You fill up the Ogre Power meter by defeating enemies. As time passes, the meter will deplete. Also, the meter will drop to zero if you get attacked. The earliest you can get this trophy is in the Dragon’s Keep level, as only at this point are there enough enemies to defeat. While it is possible to get this during the battle sequences in this level, I recommend just waiting until the boss battle at the end of the level. At the beginning of this battle, if you don’t bother attacking the main boss and focus on killing the indefinitely spawning minions, you will eventually completely fill up your meter. Just be sure to defeat them as they become available. Otherwise, your meter will drop. And, of course, don't forget to not let yourself get hit.