Silent Hill 3 HD

Silent Hill 3 HD

22 Achievements


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If Looks Could Kill

If Looks Could Kill

Unlock the Heather Beam.


How to unlock the If Looks Could Kill achievement in Silent Hill 3 HD - Definitive Guide

You need to kill 333 enemies to unlock this weapon. It will most likely take 2 playthroughs if you kill nearly all enemies. You can use the weapon by unequipping any weapon and wearing the Princess Heart costume.

24 Feb 2014 05:52

To earn this trophy you will need to end the game with a collective kill count of at least 333 enemies. To earn this many kills you will need to play through the game multiple times. Kill as many enemies as possible and try to reach at least 111 kills per playthrough. The higher difficulties also have more enemies spawn; playing on Normal can earn you 333 in two playthroughs if you do some hunting. Once that is done the game will unlock the Heather Beam for you at your results screen and give you this trophy.

To open the Heather Beam, you need to kill 333 monsters. We start the first playthrough as normal, killing everything that moves. The second is easy, we are trying to achieve the desired result.

When you reach the required amount, Heather will have a triple “Halo of the Sun” spinning around her head at the beginning of the game, in the toilet.

16 Mar 2012 18:48

1 Comment
Start playing on Easy difficulty.
During the run you can kill about 135-140 monsters.
After the first passage, you will openthe Infinite Machine , Laser Sword and Flamethrower , with which the passage on Normal will seem easier.
But do the second playthrough on Normal difficulty (there you can get about 215 monsters) and finish up to 333.
By Demon-Sanya on 14 Nov 2012 21:24
To get this beam, you need Heather to kill 333 monsters during the game. You won't be able to do this in one playthrough, but it doesn't matter - start Extra New Game, and the number of monsters killed during the first playthrough will be added to the new result. You will immediately understand that Heather Beam has become available to you - in the toilet of the shopping center, three red “Halo of the Sun” symbols will rotate around Heather’s head.

17 Mar 2012 04:26