Silent Hill 3 HD

Silent Hill 3 HD

22 Achievements


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Makes My Head Hurt

Makes My Head Hurt

Complete SH3 with 2 saves or less.


How to unlock the Makes My Head Hurt achievement in Silent Hill 3 HD - Definitive Guide

This trophy is best acquired while going for the Revenge (UFO) ending as you only have to play through half the game.

I would recommend saving after the Split Worm and again when you leave the underground sewer area and arrive at the office building.

The only challenging aspect of this trophy is the game freezing all the time.

24 Feb 2014 04:15

(Missable) This is not as hard as it sounds. Make it from the start of the game to the results screen while saving no more than 2 times. The easiest way to do this is via the UFO Ending as it cuts the game length in half, making this trophy much easier to achieve.

NOTE: Silent Hill 3 affords you a Continue option if you die. If you choose to continue from a death the continue will count as a save and you will therefore be hampering yourself while attempting this trophy.

WARNING: Out of both games on the HD collection, this game has received more reports about freezing and being unable to play. Proceed with caution when attempting this trophy as you may find yourself losing progress to the games poor optimization.

You can easily get through without making saves at all, if difficulties arise, set the beginner mode.
The mode will open after beating the game, or if you die often, the game itself will offer to switch to it.
You can get the ending by going to the UFO.

16 Mar 2012 18:47

If you play the speedrun (which I posted for the Adrenaline Junkie trophy) on easy, then you simply won’t need saves. Well, if you really want to do 1 or 2 sessions, then it’s better to save in Heather’s house and on the attractions.

17 Mar 2012 04:16