Silent Hill 3 HD

Silent Hill 3 HD

22 Achievements


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Receive less than 500 points of damage in one game, in SH3.


How to unlock the Ninja achievement in Silent Hill 3 HD - Definitive Guide

Unless you're confident in your ability, this is best done while going for the Revenge ending as you only have to play through half the game.

Play on easy action level and use the unlimited machine gun to kill enemies fast. I find the Closer (the tall enemies with the meat arms) are the most dangerous as they're pretty quick and don't flinch easily so try to run away from those.

I took about 4 or 5 hits and only had about 100 damage so you'd have to take a fair amount of hits to break 500.

24 Feb 2014 04:12

(Missable) To earn this trophy you need to make it from the start of the game to one of the three endings while taking less than 500 points of damage. The easiest method is to do this while going for the UFO ending as going for that ending literally cuts the game in half. Another way to help you is to keep your distance and use only guns; if you're having ammo problems you can turn the bullet adjustment up on an Extra New Game.

Avoid battles and try not to take a lot of damage. Set the difficulty to easy or beginner.

16 Mar 2012 18:53

combine getting this trophy with getting the UFO ending trophy; there is no need to complete the game to the end of the beginner mode and go ahead!
By s777wolves on 24 Jul 2012 08:49
To reduce damage received, use a bulletproof vest, which can be found on the first floor of an alternative shopping center in a clothing store.
By Demon-Sanya on 23 Nov 2012 17:50
You can cheat and get this trophy like this:

If you are not progressing through the game very successfully (namely, if you die 12 times on the normal difficulty level of battles or 3 times on easy), then after the “Game Over” screen you will be given a message that a new game mode “Beginner Mode” has been opened. newbie). It can be activated through the newly appeared item in the "Extra Options" menu. The effect is as follows: Heather will lose health much more slowly, and enemies, accordingly, much faster. Even with minimal skills, it becomes almost impossible to lose. However, please note that when you activate the "Beginner Mode" your rating will be reduced by 15 stars.

But this is another walkthrough, so I advise you to go through the game with the speedrun that I posted for the Adrenaline Junkie trophy and then you will not receive almost any damage.

17 Mar 2012 04:46