Sixty Words by POWGI
31 Achievements
Roll Over
Highlight a word backwards
How to unlock the Roll Over achievement in Sixty Words by POWGI - Definitive Guide
Any word will work for this. Highlight it starting from the end letter, so for example if the word is HORSE, select the E, and drag to the H.
You earn this trophy by finding a word and highlighting it backward. For example: instead of highlighting APPLE, you would highlight ELPPA. You will need to highlight all words backward in Sdorw Ytxis .
Choose any puzzle then find any word, whether it’s vertical, horizontal or diagonal. Highlight the last letter of the word then move the cursor over to the first letter.
If you are following the roadmap, I used the puzzle ‘Well Red’ for this. Refer to Step 2 in the roadmap for more information.
If you are following the roadmap, I used the puzzle ‘Well Red’ for this. Refer to Step 2 in the roadmap for more information.