Sixty Words by POWGI (UP)
31 Achievements
Complete a puzzle using only one color
How to unlock the Chromophobia achievement in Sixty Words by POWGI - Definitive Guide
The first puzzle to do this with is the 2nd puzzle "A Little Green". There are only two colors to choose from for highlighting letters, green and teal. Either click on the first letter or use the bumper button to change color and highlight ALL letters in ALL words the same color to unlock this.
I also used the same puzzle to complete highlighting all words backwards, not looking at the word list by pressing Y, and completing "A Little Green" unlocks another achievement. Expect to spend 12-15 minutes to unlock those 4.
I also used the same puzzle to complete highlighting all words backwards, not looking at the word list by pressing Y, and completing "A Little Green" unlocks another achievement. Expect to spend 12-15 minutes to unlock those 4.
The easy option is to open the Custom Pallete option from the menu and disable the "Cycle loop colors automatically" option. This will allow you to use just one color for the entire puzzle. This trophy will pop when you complete the puzzle.
Choose a puzzle, press then select ‘Custom Palette’. There are 10 colors along the top of the screen. Select each color so that only one of them has a number (whichever you prefer to use) and this will be the only color used in the puzzle.
If you are following the roadmap, I used the puzzle ‘Well Red’ for this. Refer to Step 2 in the roadmap for more information.
If you are following the roadmap, I used the puzzle ‘Well Red’ for this. Refer to Step 2 in the roadmap for more information.