Sixty Words by POWGI

Sixty Words by POWGI (UP)

31 Achievements


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There's a Word List?

There's a Word List?

Complete a puzzle without looking at the word list


How to unlock the There's a Word List? achievement in Sixty Words by POWGI - Definitive Guide

Pressing cn_Y brings up the word list. So don't press cn_Y and your achievement will unlock once the puzzle is completed.

01 Jul 2022 18:02

For this trophy, you do not want to look at the word list at all. Complete a puzzle without pressing square.png to earn this trophy.
This is not a traditional word search game as you are not provided a list of words to find. Instead, every word you find is then displayed in a list. Looking at the word list is kind of useless, so do not press button-y.png at all while you complete the puzzle.

Note: There is another achievement for looking at the word list with only one word left to find. You can earn both of these in the same puzzle by finding all but one word in a puzzle, looking at the word list for There's a Word List! (30G), then returning to the menu. Select that same puzzle again then find the last word without looking at the word list and this will unlock.

If you are following the roadmap, I used the puzzle ‘Well Red’ for this. Refer to Step 2 in the roadmap for more information.