Skate 3
68 Achievements
Xbox 360
Xbox One
Xbox Series
In Stereo
Complete Coach Frank's skate.School Tutorials
How to unlock the In Stereo achievement in Skate 3 - Definitive Guide
Get your way through Coach Frank's skate.School regiment. Even hardened Skate players should go through the tutorials (aside from hearing Jason Lee in top form) to learn about how to use the new gameplay mechanics, such as darkslides and underflips. as well as the new method of pumping.
If you feel like you've missed any, have a look under Training in the challenge map, and if there's anything under skate.School, go get them done.
If you feel like you've missed any, have a look under Training in the challenge map, and if there's anything under skate.School, go get them done.
By Hoaxs on 11 May 2010 21:03
Rofl. Bloddy love jason Lee.
By Neko Pounce on 13 May 2010 13:51
Complete Coach Frank's 11 Training courses that will teach you how to flip/grind/air/push/etc. If you skipped this you can go to your challenges menu and find it under "Training."
- Basic skate.School
- Flipping Wood
- Grinding
- Ollie Timing
- Riding On 4 Wheels
- Sessioning
- Intermediate skate.School
- Advanced Grinds
- Air Tricks
- Pumping Transition
- 2 Wheeling It
- Advanced skate.School
- Darkslides
- Underflips
Coach Frank has 11 total training courses that you must complete. These range in everything from basic flickit moves and grinds, to more advanced things like darkslides. If you skipped when you first started the game, just go to the challenges menu and select "Training" Once you complete all 11, the trophy will pop.
Thanks to Roosterteeth for the video.
Thanks to Roosterteeth for the video.
This guide was translated automatically.
At the very beginning of the game you will be asked to complete a tutorial.
We answer "Yes"
We answer "Yes"
This guide was translated automatically.
it is necessary to undergo not only initial training, but also training, which will then appear on the challenge map in the 'training' section