Sky Force Reloaded

Sky Force Reloaded

31 Achievements

80,500 XP

Google Play
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My Weekend Job

My Weekend Job

Participate in a tournament.

2,000 XP


How to unlock the My Weekend Job achievement in Sky Force Reloaded - Definitive Guide

Similar to the Sky Force Anniversary game, the tournament is back on weekends. Beginning on Fridays (you can check the countdown clock for exact time), you are given a chance to take part in an endless level and survive and score as much as possible.

No real progress is required though. As soon as you start the tournament, the achievement will unlock.

Also similar to SFA, you need to complete Levels 1 through 3 to unlock the tournament mode. It shouldn't take real long to get there so even if you start on the last day of the tournament, you should be able to get there to complete it. Worst case, you can do it the next weekend.

01 Dec 2017 16:46

To be exact, you need to unlock stage 4 to open the tournament (so get enough medals on stage 1 through 3).
By FinrazielNL on 20 Apr 2018 20:52
What Finraziel said! I just rushed through level 1-3 on a secondary account, but the tournament didn't unlock till I had enough stars to unlock level 4.
By A42TheBaptizer on 14 Sep 2018 16:51
The tournament is available once a week from Friday to Monday. It's enough to just take part.

05 Dec 2017 03:24