Sky Force Reloaded
31 Achievements
80,500 XP
Google Play
Sublight Engines
Finish all stages with the Swift Justice. Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
1,000 XP
How to unlock the Sublight Engines achievement in Sky Force Reloaded - Definitive Guide
The Swift Justice is a ship you earn for collecting all 5 of its parts. The order of part drop is completely random so unfortunately you'll be stuck waiting until they all eventually drop to go after this one.
The Swift Justice has a few changes from your basic model:
1) -50% Health
2) +10% Speed
3) Tight Fire Pattern
The 10% speed increase isn't a huge thing to notice. It can help at times, but I barely noticed the change.
The 50% health decrease can be a pain. You'll want to be mostly able to complete levels without taking a hit at this point. For the most part, the earlier levels will be a breeze. The ones that can get really difficult are 11 and 13 mainly. You will need to know the boss patterns really well to avoid taking hits here. If health is really an issue, consider upgrading your armor more before tackling this. I usually shy away from armor upgrades, but they could make a difference as you fill the other upgrades in.
The tight fire pattern is pretty much straight up the width of your fighter. This can really help focus your attacks. I think there might be a slightly faster attack speed, but I couldn't confirm it (it felt that way at times though and could have been the sole result of the shots being clustered together a little better).
Keep in mind, for this achievement you only need to beat all 13 of the base levels (not B1 and B2). Additionally, beating them on Normal is sufficient. Additionally, the medals you earn doesn't matter either. All that matters is that you go from the beginning of all 13 levels to the end and see the "Mission Clear" message.
You can check your progress by going to the "Collected Parts" portion of the main menu. Any ship you have all the parts for will show you which missions you have completed at this point for each of them.
The Swift Justice has a few changes from your basic model:
1) -50% Health
2) +10% Speed
3) Tight Fire Pattern
The 10% speed increase isn't a huge thing to notice. It can help at times, but I barely noticed the change.
The 50% health decrease can be a pain. You'll want to be mostly able to complete levels without taking a hit at this point. For the most part, the earlier levels will be a breeze. The ones that can get really difficult are 11 and 13 mainly. You will need to know the boss patterns really well to avoid taking hits here. If health is really an issue, consider upgrading your armor more before tackling this. I usually shy away from armor upgrades, but they could make a difference as you fill the other upgrades in.
The tight fire pattern is pretty much straight up the width of your fighter. This can really help focus your attacks. I think there might be a slightly faster attack speed, but I couldn't confirm it (it felt that way at times though and could have been the sole result of the shots being clustered together a little better).
Keep in mind, for this achievement you only need to beat all 13 of the base levels (not B1 and B2). Additionally, beating them on Normal is sufficient. Additionally, the medals you earn doesn't matter either. All that matters is that you go from the beginning of all 13 levels to the end and see the "Mission Clear" message.
You can check your progress by going to the "Collected Parts" portion of the main menu. Any ship you have all the parts for will show you which missions you have completed at this point for each of them.