Snake Pass

Snake Pass

33 Achievements



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No Diving

No Diving

Completed Lazy Lagoon Without Touching The Water



How to unlock the No Diving achievement in Snake Pass - Definitive Guide

This is by far a hard achievement to unlock, and requires a constant presence of Noodle's full body, which is hard as most of it is off screen. My biggest tip for the achievement will be to take your time. Don't rush a spot unless you know 100% you can do that spot without there being an error. The big tips are to use cn_Y for Doodle to hold onto your tail and cn_LT for Noodle to grip onto the surface he is currently climbing.

*On a side note before going through everything, if at any point you think the tail may have hit the water, or you know for sure it did, I would quit out of the level and select it again from level select.

Overall, there are 7 main bodies of water that you have to avoid. The first one is easy to avoid, as you just have to go to the left. Have Doodle lift your tail up, just in case, and make your way onto the bridge. From the bridge, go to the bit of land and climb the wall there. Again have Doodle hold your tail up and once you get to the top, you are safe to drop it and make your way to the Green Keystone.
After the Green Keystone, you will want to drop down and get ready to cross the Bamboo, but be sure Doodle is holding your tail, as this is a spot that the tail will nick the water, then cross over and go to the right after the checkpoint to avoid the water spot 4. You can climb on the wall, and once you get up there, you are safe from water until after the Red Keystone.
After the Red Keystone, take the first slide down as normal, but for the second one, you will climb over and jump down. Be sure, once again, that Doodle is holding your tail. The reason you jump down and skip the slide is that the slide will put you in the water. Follow the ledge and go up to the turn wheel, and once it is completed, make your way back towards the slide and then follow it up to the next checkpoint. Cross the new bridge, I would recommend taking your time, but my method has worked, as long as your timing and speed are on par. Continue to the Bamboo to climb up to the top area and get ready for the hardest part.
Take your time here, as getting the Yellow Keystone is a pain, and we don't want our hard work to be jeopardized by a foolish mistake. Be sure you continually wrap yourself around at the different points, as that will help keep you up and not fall into the spikes. Once you get to the end with the Yellow Keystone, wrap yourself a few times, just to be on the safe side, as Doodle will drop your tail, which in turn can fall into the water.
After the Yellow Keystone, have Doodle, once again, grab onto your tail, and jump off to the left towards the little bridge path that goes down towards the end. And here we are, the final jump, be sure that you jump far enough, and that your tail is being held by Doodle. When you make the jump, you land close enough where Doodle will drop the tail and put the Keystones into there place. With this, Doodle drops the tail around your head, keeping the length of the snake half of what it normally would be. After the cutscene, don't move until Doodle grabs the tail, and go into the portal and the achievement should pop.

Hope this helped, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to explain it.

31 Mar 2017 22:12

Skipping the bamboo bridge saved alot of hassle & time I found. It means you don't put yourself at risk turning the switch then crossing the bridge. Plus you also skip half of the bamboo climb leading up to the moving blocks so that's more risk averted and time saved. I got it on my first go using that method after multiple failures falling in or tail scraping the water.

If your snake head is doubling back on itself then it sounds like you haven't extended it enough below the horizontal bamboo for it to have enough slack to pull up the other side.
By Lockie on 20 Feb 2020 08:09
Thanks for uploading your video! Unfortunately, this achievement is extremely glitchy, and there's no way to know why. I deleted my solution, but this is the video of one of my runs that should have unlocked it:

After half a dozen perfect runs using my route, I still didn't have the achievement. You do a few things different than me, though, so I tried duplicating your route, and it still didn't work. Then I tried again, but quitting to dashboard every time I hit the water (in case there's some flag that the game isn't resetting). I got the achievement on my next run, using your route and never having touched water since starting the game. That could be it. Or it might not be. These sample sizes are just too low to debug their crappy buggy achievement. angry
By SnapDragon on 01 Apr 2017 05:05
I can confirm that doing it on a fresh playthrough works. I did the requirements for the achievement twice with no achievement, but I either restarted the game or went back to main menu and did it again. The way to unlock the Achievement is to start the game fresh from the dashboard. If you hit the water, dashboard out and start over completely.
By GlockPurdy85 on 04 Apr 2017 19:49
I could not get this on time trial.

I did it many times on time trial, then tried back on regular mode, and it popped.
By Dwaggienite on 19 Apr 2017 13:51
I FINALLY got it, since the patch. The only things I do differently is when I get the yellow keystone. After I get it and tail doesn't touch water since I'm curled up, I turn around and go back on the bamboo and drop down to the grass... I wasn't consistent on the jump. Then, I also went back near the spikes and dropped down right in front of the spikes, which allowed me to safely land on the ground and slither right up to the finish. Other than that, I did the same run. Great work! This really is tough to manage.
By adamrulz on 11 Jul 2017 23:19
Tip : You can use cn_RB to get a full view of Noodle's body.
By GoyetteQC on 12 Jul 2017 03:04
I FINALLY got this!!! One of the most difficult achievements for me personally that I've EVER earned!

Doodle dropping the tail when getting the yellow keystone definitely made it difficult & took plenty of trial & error to figure that part out. After that, I used the method outlined by adamrulz to finish this off, as the only time I managed to make the final jump the achievement didn't unlock. However, my method also varied slightly from his. Instead of dropping down in FRONT of the spikes, I dropped down BEHIND them since there was some bamboo for assistance if needed (it wasn't, but could potentially help someone else) and it seemed from my perspective like an error could be more forgiving from that drop.

Unlocking this definitely provided me with a needed smile - especially since I'm stubborn & I refused to go further in this game until I got this, haha.
By Schinderdiv on 14 Aug 2017 16:25
I tried cheesing this and tried arcade mode and it did not work.

I did everything in the video except I did not go down the ramp at the end, during the cut scene the snake would roll back and part if not all would end in the water. I ended up jumping a bit left of the ramp and landed in the final walkway to the end.
By HawkeyeBarry20 on 31 Mar 2018 05:14
Yeah slithering back on the bamboo to the middle where the spikes are and launching yourself to the exit portal is the safe/sane method. Also, climbing the left side wall as opposed to using the extended bridge was more consistent.
By Kamera on 03 Apr 2018 21:40
I don't know if it's been mentioned, but you can die and still get this achievement. I died on the spikes near the end of the level, but the achievement still popped. As long as you avoid the water, you're golden.

Also, another vote of confidence for heading back across the bamboo to the portal.
By Messiah Muffin on 13 Sep 2018 21:15
I definitely wen back across the bamboo and jumped to the end. It took me about 100 tries to wrap myself around correctly so when doodle grabs the crystal, my tail didn't touch the water. This was definitely a frustrating achievement due to that last crystal. Your tail is literally an inch too long and there is a degree of luck when reaching for the crystal.
By iceyz on 20 Sep 2018 07:04
A really important tip if your doing some speedruning tricks: in the last section where you can jump on a bongo theres a cane dripping, that also count as water!
By UnfurledEmu75 on 30 Sep 2018 18:34
Shitty achievement. Devs can introduce the damn whole snake in their asses. Finally got it, after thousand of tries. Even the water drops that fall in the drums seems to count as "touch water". This is by far the hardest one.
By NessNoldo on 02 Dec 2018 08:39
I can confirm after getting this just now, the shortcut that skips the switch to extend the bridge towards the end CAN still be used, I'm not sure if those water drops on the drum hit me or not but I still gotten the cheevo. And dying also does not void it at all since I died once at the bed of spikes to the 3rd keystone and still got the cheevo.
By Tendoman77 on 22 Aug 2019 23:25
Played the level normal the first time collecting everything in the water. Did not quit out or anything just replayed the level. Followed this path exactly until the yellow stone, then went behind the spikes like Schinderdiv said and got this ridiculous achievement on my first attempt. Thank you all for the input!
By DRMRD31 on 08 Oct 2019 20:58
After 2 hours of trying this, I finally got it. The water on the drums hit my head but the achievement still popped. Although on another try the water from the drum hit my body and it didn't pop after.
By TenebrousXbx on 18 Feb 2020 17:57
To me the bamboo bridge isn't hard. It's that damn scaffolding up to the blocks, not to mention the horizontal bar to the yellow Stone, that has been causing me rage. Every video I watch shows the player wrapping their head like it's natural but for whatever reason I can't do it that smoothly. The snake always begins the manoeuver halfway, then immediately goes back on itself before wrapping. I can't get the horizontal coiling to work.
By buttmudBrooks on 20 Feb 2020 01:50
I know everything says take your time but In some cases I use momentum to put my head under then wrap up quickly. I also used the shortcut to left like Lockie said, it was definitely more reliable for me just make sure that tail is up.
By TenebrousXbx on 20 Feb 2020 02:10
Sorry double post.
By buttmudBrooks on 20 Feb 2020 03:47
This is true, it does avoid the hardest part of the scaffolding up to the moving blocks. I think my issue is relaxing the grip ... If you relax too long you unravel but if you don't relax at all you can't move forward, or extend your head as you say.
By buttmudBrooks on 20 Feb 2020 18:46
Hmm, well I hardly ever used the grip ability in general unless I was reaching out for a collectable/keystone in a precarious position. If you're unravelling then it sounds like you're moving too slowly which means you're not comfortable with the controls yet.

Try finishing the game + collectables first then come back to this last like I did. That way you should easily navigate your way over parts you're finding tricky right now.
By Lockie on 21 Feb 2020 06:14
I can confirm I died twice and I still unlocked the Achievement.
By on 21 Feb 2020 19:28
I finally got it and I disagree with myself from earlier this week. The shortcut was an immense help. I still struggled the most with the final stone because the tower it's on is just short of your length meaning your tail will fall into it if you aren't wrapped tight on the bamboo.

And yes I died about 5 times on the spikes on the same run I earned this on.
By buttmudBrooks on 22 Feb 2020 21:02
Good video, but I couldn't for the life of me make that final jump off the ramp. As others mentioned above, jumping by the spike pit is a thousand times easier and more consistent for those struggling.
By iTz Canada Ehh on 08 Dec 2020 15:49
I can confirm that the water droplets hitting the drum don't count, meaning there's a HUGE SKIP in the last section that avoids 2 hazardous over water climbs.

In the last area, instead of going right and activating the switch to move the bamboo bridge, instead go to the left side of the map past the big tree and climb up the drum & wall onto the bamboo above with Doodle holding your tail, then get the yellow stone as usual (drop behind the spikes afterwards as suggested above).
By Lockie on 19 Feb 2020 20:35
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If you're anything like me you might struggle on getting across the 3 bamboo near the end of the mission I found doing it the way in this videos was so much easier did it second try and I don't believe hitting the water droplets count as hitting the water but I can not confirm that (I can now confirm that hitting the water droplets doesn't count as hitting water)

04 Jan 2020 19:30

I can confirm this works! The water droplets on the drum don't count meaning one of the hardest sections can be avoided. smile
By Lockie on 19 Feb 2020 20:39
Did it first try using your solution! Thanks for sharing, dude! clap
By Cakau on 20 Feb 2020 03:46
Level 6. Without touching the water, we collect three key stones and leave the level. When you fly over a cliff, try to slide in flight to the right side of the wall, where the hole is.

16 May 2018 21:05