Snake Pass

Snake Pass

33 Achievements



Xbox One
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Completed Every Level Without Dying



How to unlock the Quetzalcoatl achievement in Snake Pass - Definitive Guide

Hello everyone,

This is more of a warning/tip rather than a solution. I played through all the levels and when I died I would just retry. When I completed the last level, the achievement did not unlock. DO NOT RETRY (Press start than cn_X). This did not work for me. What you need to do is either dashboard or quit out of the level and reload it. I did a mix of both, but if you want to be safe, just dashboard and reload.

Now some tips:

1. You should be good until the last water level. For the obstacle where you need to ride it to get the pink gem, and than traverse onto the next one. I would not coil and the moment you get the gem, haul ass while lifting your head up. This should make you clear the gap easily and the rest of the level is smooth sailing.

2. On the fire levels, if you fall in some lava, there is time to escape, you just need to move quickly.

3. The middle two fire levels are the harder ones, for the turning obstacle that you need to ride across a large gap (I believe in the third? level). I would wrap yourself over the long horizontal bar, and than quickly coil one of the smaller vertical bamboo sticks. When it gets close to the other side, start lifting your head and use the momentum to shoot yourself forward.

4. For air levels, you need to commit. Don't try and backtrack on an obstacle as I found myself failing more often than not. Noodle is quite resilient and if timed correctly you can use gravity and the momentum to your advantage.

5. Last level is the hardest. I recommend practicing this level a couple times before you get the hang of all obstacles than going for a clean run.

6. I DID NOT DO TIME TRIAL. I only did normal mode.


1. Do not use the retry option (cn_X). This messes up the achievement.
2. Practice makes perfect.
3. I didn't do time trial so, you can unlock it through normal mode.

Thanks for reading, I understand its more of a tip rather than a solution, let me know. First time writing a guide so I appreciate any feedback!

According to HawkeyeBarry20, you can now press (cn_X) and it will no longer void the achievement. This now makes this achievement a lot less annoying! Good luck everyone!

27 Apr 2017 15:54

Can confirm is this correct, I couldn't complete it on the first go even after going back and retrying several times . So I started a new game on the 2nd save slot and did the levels one by one in order of unlocking without retrying. I also exited out to dash and quit the game when I died or was about to die.

Like I said I did it one level after the other so I never went back and did a time trial either
By JACKKAV on 26 May 2017 22:11
Is there a way to know which levels were done deathless ?
By GoyetteQC on 11 Jul 2017 23:18
GoyetteQC, unfortunately there is not. I wish it was like "Max: The Curse of Brotherhood" which shows a skull (or something) if you did it deathless. It would help quite a bit. I just have level 15 left. I used a notebook and wrote level 1-25 and checked them off as I did them to keep track. Do the same for the Idols.
By adamrulz on 11 Jul 2017 23:24
I got this finally, and it popped straight away after finishing the level. Anytime I knew I was doomed, I quit out to the main menu before it gave me a death and reloaded the level. No need to go to dashboard and restart IF you quit before you actually die.
By adamrulz on 16 Dec 2017 02:54
Maybe they patched this because I hit retry on the last level a few... a lot of times and once I finally beat it this did pop for me.
By HawkeyeBarry20 on 05 Apr 2018 01:15
You should update your solution since you can press "X" to retry and it'll still count.
By Kamera on 12 Apr 2018 19:19
By BryanLovesCowzz on 03 Jun 2018 05:55
Is this done in a sole and unique speed run?
By NessNoldo on 02 Dec 2018 08:26
Nope, looks like you can go in any order you want
By Inferno118 on 08 May 2019 01:46
Did this out of order and over a couple of days with hitting X to restart a level if i died and unlocked achievement fine after doing the last level without dying. Trickiest level imo is LVL 14. A tip for people aswell in most levels there are "easy" routes for sure to avoid some obstacles so if your struggling with something see if there is an easier way around this helped me out lots in the lava levels.
By Adamantium NZ on 21 Jul 2019 04:34
I would like to add that the 8-bit skins seem to prohibit this achievement. Please don't use them when attempting this achievement.
By The Button King on 13 Sep 2019 22:42
Can you replay levels once you go through the game, considering I've died on all of them many times? What I am mainly asking is can I do this on the same save file I have used or do I need to start a new one on which no deaths have occurred?
By buttmudBrooks on 19 Feb 2020 17:51
Yes you can replay levels. I just did it and the achievement unlocked.

Ideally you want to get all the collectables in your first run through then replay all the levels to get the Gatekeeper idols and no deaths. You should be confident enough by then with the controls to nail most of the levels first go.
By Lockie on 20 Feb 2020 05:03
Yeah there's so many coins in places that are sure to get you killed that only people who somehow get these controls right away would attempt it all in one go. I'm looking at two plays minimum, though the majority of time is spent searching out collectibles, so subsequent playthroughs shouldn't take too long. There are a few spots I am dreading because I still haven't mastered the coiling around horizontal bars (long ones over gaps). The head swiveling seems hit or miss.
By buttmudBrooks on 20 Feb 2020 18:15
I can confirm you can replay the level and unlock the Achievement, I've replayed level 14 and 15 level and unlocked the Achievement.
By on 25 Feb 2020 22:46
If you are attempting it in Time Mode, it looks like the levels are counted separately to the other modes. I had done all levels without dying, but after going back and looking at the leaderboards realised that two levels didn't have a time. Once I redid those two levels it popped for me.
By FlutteryChicken on 29 Feb 2020 15:48
Just to add further clarification, if you die mid level, you can definitely just pause and hit X to restart the level from the beginning and immediately retry (without needing to back out to the game menu or to the Xbox Home screen). Also, you don't need to start a new save file for this achievement, you can just replay all the levels (on normal mode) on your main save game. Getting damaged on fire will not void a no death run, and using the 8-bit skins for either character (from the unlocks menu) will not void the achievement either. Final point.... Level 14 almost broke me whilst going for this achievement, (did level 15 on my first try strangely enough), so you may want to start there to get it over with? Good luck...
By Jeffchob on 23 Oct 2018 20:00
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You might have seen that loading tip that tells you that collecting all the Gatekeeper coins is the hardest challenge. That's a complete lie.

First of all, let me give you the best advice to make your life easier. Switch the control scheme to Easy. You get far more control over your actions, which means you're also not fighting against the awkward physics system most of the time. The hardest stage in my opinion is 14, because you can't really cheese it as much, and the addition of wind pushing you around can throw off the physics engine a bit.

However, there's one thing that the physics engine allows for... and that is manipulation. With some practice, you can skip large chunks of stages making this far more easier than it should be, and let's be real, the devs have a really sick sense of humor when it comes to making an achievement for no deaths in a game where you're constantly at war with the controls (and chances are they didn't even do this achievement themselves).

I used the following video to get a lot of ideas on how to run each stage, but remember, you'll need a very good understanding on how to perform some of the more advanced tech as they require very tight movements to pull off.

Sadly there's not much else to say... you can cheese this achievement in a sense, but it still relies heavily on personal skill, and some luck since the physics may not want to play along on helping you along. I suggest doing this first so you can keep track of what stages you cleared without deaths, or alternatively, start a new save file and just aim for this.

06 Oct 2018 20:15

Easy controls are harder and more confusing that normal ones.
By NessNoldo on 02 Dec 2018 20:26
that was easy 1000 gamerscore for me
By MarcusMaxximus1 on 12 Dec 2018 01:31
"easy" controls might be good for streamlined play, but the standard controls felt much more suited to exploring off the main paths and pulling off some really questionable maneuvers. I played through everything with the standard controls, and I prefer them, personally.

95% of this achievement just requires that you be intimately familiar with the game's mechanics and quirks. I took my time when playing the game my first time, collected everything in each stage before progressing to a new level, etc... that way I didn't have to bother with any of it a second time, and I could just blaze through the stages again for this achievement.

The slower you go in certain areas (especially when trying to snag wisps or coins), the more chances you have for overthinking a move and falling to your death. If you just smear along on top of stuff quickly, then even some of the hardest obstacles are a cakewalk.
By AG Wolf 2097XL on 07 Jan 2019 23:24
I don't know what you've been smoking, but the "Easy" control scheme does not give you more control. It actually limits you.
By fvagelis on 29 Oct 2018 11:19
Limitations are set based on the player. Easy has been known by the speedrunning community to be the ideal choice for pulling off some off the advanced tech.

I can safely tell you that stage 14 gave me nothing but trouble with the normal controls over two days. Once I switched to Easy, I cleared with no deaths within 20 minutes.
By ChaosAlert on 01 Nov 2018 22:25
Again, it's all down to personal preference. Speedrunners have said that Easy controls are much better to use if you're going for fast clears, but I can't say how much skill is needed for Easy controls either. I, personally, felt like there was more precise control on Easy.

It would probably help a lot to start on Easy controls over the default, because there's a very high chance that the default controls could be messing with your perception of how difficult they are, when in reality it's a mind trick, caused by a famailiarity of getting comfortable with one thing instead of trying something new.
By ChaosAlert on 12 Dec 2018 19:23
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It is recommanded to do this achievement ather a 100% collectibles playthrough. First, you will have the knowledge of the levels and the tricky sections. Second, some Coins and Wisps highly increase your chances to die so you will save a lot of effort doing them first.

As previously said, there is no way to track this achievements's progress. But I can confirm replaying in any order works, as long as you don't die. If you do, just Start -> Retry, it does not affect your achievement other than starting a level all over again.

11 Jan 2022 00:00

Possibly the hardest achievement in the game.

If you are trying to complete the game ASAP, try to get your first playthrough without dying, by just following the main path, and the 2nd to get all of the collectibles.

Take your time in the last level. It takes around 8 minutes to complete if done at a decent speed, but any mistake will make you restart completely. The other levels are a lot easier, and mistakes won't cost you that much

Also, make sure you note somewhere which levels you've complete without dying. There is no way to track it inside of the game, so you might have to redo everything once more if you aren't sure of it.

Besides that, I don't really have any tips... Doodle's a saver in most cases though.

14 Jun 2020 00:00

On the Internet they write that the trophy is slightly glitchy. I replayed after finishing the game, replayed all the levels and nothing dropped out. Then I started a new game, saved it to the cloud and ran through it. In case of death, I closed the game, loaded a save from the cloud and tried further. It was long, muddy, and uncomfortable, but in the end the trophy fell out.

08 Apr 2017 17:28

1 Comment
If you are sure that you are about to fall or die, then there is a chance to quickly press pause and exit the game . Restarting the level after exiting does not block the trophy. The main thing is to always save every progress without dying to a cloud or to a USB flash drive.
By Black Fox on 16 Sep 2018 02:32