Snoopy Flying Ace

Snoopy Flying Ace

15 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Killed any Blockhead (Xbox LIVE Player Match Only)


How to unlock the Bully achievement in Snoopy Flying Ace - Definitive Guide

Blockhead is awarded after dying four or five times in succession without a kill in multiplayer mode. Whilst a player is Blockhead they have increased armour / health, and are identifiable by a graphic of Charlie Brown's face next to their gamertag. As the description says, this achievement can only be obtained online in a public match and not in local or private multiplayer.

A quick way to get this achievement is to sign in a second controller to a guest account and play Dogfight mode (not Team Dogfight as both accounts are usually put on the same team). Focus on killing your second player as quickly as possible and you should have this in minutes.

This can be done even faster if you have somebody to control the second player (or a boosting partner over Live) by getting them to fly towards you and avoid other players.

06 Nov 2010 20:34

Kill any Blockhead (Xbox LIVE Player Match Only)There has been a little confusion about this achievement because there is a rank called Blockhead, but the achievement actually requires you to kill someone with Blockhead status. Blockhead is earned when you are killed five times without killing one person. You can tell if someone's a Blockhead by a Charlie Brown head next to their plane and increased armor and health.