Snoopy Flying Ace

Snoopy Flying Ace

15 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Completed any mode with 20+ kills and no deaths (Multiplayer Only).


How to unlock the Flawless achievement in Snoopy Flying Ace - Definitive Guide

Easiest way to get this is to boot up a multiplayer match with a second controller present, stick the kills to 25 and the time to as much as you can, then just keep killing the idle second controller so that you get 20 kills... but don't die yourself.

If you want to speed it up a bit and feel brave, stick a few bots on to give you more enemies to kill.

Once you end the match the achievement will pop.

03 Jun 2010 01:09

Finally got it, after like 4 tries, IDK what the prob was I didn't die at all any of the times angry
By Nurse Lorax on 11 Mar 2014 02:22
Is this glitched or something cuz this is the 2nd solution that didn't work for me, not sure what's wrong but it's just not popping.
By Nurse Lorax on 11 Mar 2014 02:08
You can do this solo. Choose Enlist Now, Local Multiplayer, Game Setup, and then Dog Fight, Lost Island Map, 25 kills, 10 bots, and Cadet Difficulty.
When the game starts, look for the turret and start killing people. If you start to get hit, hit Y to leave the turret, do a 180 loop, and come back to it. Keep shooting. This also helps with getting the 10 Doghouse rewards.

18 Jan 2014 03:27

I did this exactly as you said (I got 23 kills, 22 were turret, 1 was in air) and it didn't pop.
By Nurse Lorax on 11 Mar 2014 01:21
Ok this time I did it all in air, 25 kills no deaths, still didn't pop.
By Nurse Lorax on 11 Mar 2014 01:32
Sorry to hear that. Maybe you already have it. This is how I got it, no issues with it. Are you doing this in Multiplayer?
By Eric Filtro on 11 Mar 2014 16:56
I did get it eventually. I had to get a LOT more than 20 though, more than 25 even. I set kills to 25 and I think after trying it 3 times I finally got it. I remember I didn't die AT ALL and no turret. One of the times I know I got a kill or 2 then died then got more than 20 kills and it didn't work so apparently it's not just getting 20+ kills without dying but not dying at all.
By Nurse Lorax on 12 Mar 2014 21:29
That's right. You have to end the game with 20+ kills and no deaths.
By Eric Filtro on 13 Mar 2014 10:55
Ok, I was thinking as long as you had a streak of 20+ it didn't matter if you died before or after, just have a 20+ streak, I think it's just buggy. Thanks for responding :)
By Nurse Lorax on 13 Mar 2014 12:17
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Like said before, you need 20+ kills without dying to get the Flawless achievement. This can be easily boosted, but while ranking up you should get this with little effort. Below I will post some tips for getting 20+ kills in a match. Within an hour of buying the game I had 3 flawless 25-0 dog fight matches, 2 other matches of getting 20+ kills without dying, and 10 wins using the strategy below. Getting consecutive kills and winning matches will rank you up very fast, so it is best for you to try and get this legit while ranking up to Flying Ace.


Use the Leech and BAM weapons. They will be what you get your kills with! Stay on the outside of the map and fire at the high population combat areas. There are usually 2 or 3 in each map where everyone will be fighting. Fly around the area and drop your BAM mines and boost when you get fired at.

When you are back outside the main fighting areas, use the Leech rockets to take out people from a distance. Make sure the cross hair is red so you have a lock on them and fire away. Once you get too close to the action, drop BAMs and boost away to safety.

Some maps are better than others. Paris, and the wide open beach level are not that great for doing this. The Ice level with caves and a mine theme to it is really good for getting Flawless.

For this achievement, you need to complete a multiplayer game with 20 or more kills without dying. This can be in a local match, a private match, or an Xbox LIVE player match.

To get this achievement easily, go to the Enlist Now menu and set up a Local Multiplayer match (or go the Xbox LIVE menu and set up a Private Match). Then go to Game Setup. Make sure that the Game Type is Dogfight (or Team Dogfight). Set the time limit for the maximum of 30 minutes. Set the kill limit for 25 kills. Add one bot with the difficulty of Cadet. Use whatever map, plane, and weapons you like best. I prefer using the turrets, but you can use whatever methods you like to stay alive and get kills. Keep in mind that the bot will not regenerate health, so run away if your health is low.

Once you get 20 kills, you need to either get the five remaining kills or let the time run out. You will not get the achievement until you complete the game (without dying).

You need to complete the entire game without dying. Just save before each scene and if you die, load and complete it again. You can complete it in parallel with the Lair King achievement.

13 Dec 2013 22:41