Snoopy Flying Ace

Snoopy Flying Ace

15 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Flying Ace

Flying Ace

Reached Flying Ace Status (Xbox LIVE Player Match Only).


How to unlock the Flying Ace achievement in Snoopy Flying Ace - Definitive Guide

OVER 5,000 XP PER MATCH!!!! Start up the game and play Pigskin and choose the helicopter (must have DLC) with the Bird as the pilot (Whirly Bird i think). Grab the football and press 'B' to freeze your position and have a friend do the same right next to you. Now you look at each other and hammer the 'Y' button. This will pass the ball over and over giving you like 10xp a second or so. Very easy to boost you will just have to do it late at night because people will join and start killing you.

credit goes to Printmatic for telling me how to do this

11 Dec 2010 14:58

btw the way i did it was i had my account and a guest join with someone else and his guest. i would pass it back between me and MY guest and he defended me from any randoms.

reason is you need at least 3 people to start the match and there must be two teams.
By kid vicious on 03 May 2011 03:11
make sure the person doing the passing, (if passing between you and your second account), FINDS THE EMPTY GAME. that will make him host and the passes will go REALLY fast. i made ~7000 in one game where i didnt even start passing until the 7:43 mark.
By kid vicious on 03 May 2011 02:59
You are welcome. I should really get the game now so I can vote!
By Epsilon Theta on 14 Apr 2011 06:25
This worked excellently for me.
Much thanks :)
I was already around rank 42 when i started this method.
Even boosting it alone (2 consoles 4 controllers) i still managed over 4k per match.
10 minutes minus a minute or so getting the ball and lining up for the pass. Trick to this is listed in other solutions. Early morning/late night.
By izret102 on 21 Dec 2010 02:24
This is by far the best solution - worked perfectly! Thanks for posting it.
By YoshiMiyamoto on 13 Feb 2011 06:23
If you're boosting this anyother way you're wasting your time! Pigskin or nothing. Thanks for the solution.
By UIS Aquaguyy on 23 Mar 2011 18:12
There is no solution "above you". All solutions should be able to stand by themselves. Please edit yours accordingly.
By Epsilon Theta on 13 Apr 2011 18:04
Thank you Epsilon, didn't even realize it said that. Fixed it, thx
By lucas1987 on 13 Apr 2011 18:24
By lucas1987 on 29 Apr 2011 02:37
worked for me !
By dfw monkie on 14 Jul 2011 17:02
To expand upon lucas1987's solution, if you can find another booster with a guest account, play AGAINST each other with Woodstock for your primary controller. Hover in front of each other and let the extra guest accounts go loose. You can pass back and forth to each other for an interception, netting 7XP per pass, instead of just 3XP for completed pass. If spamming with no randoms, you can get this achievement in about 4 games starting from zero XP!
By Daeryoon on 30 Nov 2011 14:57
Perfect solution, worked a treat! I got this in about 40 mins starting from 0xp!
By Quantum Binman on 19 Jun 2012 10:41
worked perfectly! Thanks for posting it.
By LOAX78 on 02 Jun 2011 19:16
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***This solution is for those without the DLC content, and is proven to work the BEST******

I found the BEST method of boosting to get this achievement. My method does require 1 other (at least thats how Ive done it). Im sure with at least 1 more person it can go alot faster. But sign into Xbox Live and play a Player match later in the night when not alot of people are online. I was able to boost with the other person entire rounds of Dog Pile or Team Dog Pile depending on what others online are not playing!!!
Now take turns were one player gets all the kills in a 10min period. I just stood in the turret the entire time where the other person collects the bone (You must wait for him to get the bone each time)
Now you kill the person carrying the bone the entire match. You get +15 points for every time he is carrying the bone. After the 9+ killing streak you get Doghouse and get a Bonus too! Now here is where the BIG POINTS come. After DOGHOUSE every 2 kills you get after, you will get a +35 points for every kill!

At the end of a 10 min period, I was walking away with 950+ points each match without even trying and the other person still got a total of about 200+ points! Then rotate killers once the match is done

You will get this achievement in No time at all this way!!! A total of 25,000 points in needed for this to Pop

11 Sep 2010 13:29

Playing Pigskin when you get the football, you can pass the ball straight down to the ground and pick it back up. You can get a lot of XP by repeatedly getting the football. Everyone else in the game will hate you though.

23 Aug 2010 18:54

1 Comment
If you don't have a boosting partner this is a pretty effective way to boost for XP. The DLC helps tremendously with this too because of the abilty to use Woodstock's Helicopter. In 2 matches filled with randoms I was able to gain 5 ranks.
By UIS Aquaguyy on 23 Mar 2011 18:17
If like me you don't have the DLC for this game, just create a new game of Dog Pile with a guest controller signed in (I actually had a spare 360 so I had a second account on a month's free trial and a guest on there- only have 3 controllers so I didn't have a guest on my account but got a full screen instead).

Keep vetoing the map until you get Sand Sphinx (it's small and easy to shoot down the guest[s]). If you don't have the weaponeer achievement, use different weapons until you have 25+ kills on each. See my guide for more info: Solution for Weaponeer In Snoopy Flying Ace

Otherwise, use Leech and Squitos. As soon as the game starts, pick up the bone and start killing the guest[s].
With just two spare controllers flying in straight lines for easy kills I managed to get an average of 250 xp every 2 minutes (and a few seconds). If you can get to 15 kills that's 290 xp in 2 minutes.

It took me a total of 6 hours to get the achievement this way (including trying a few techniques as well as the weaponeer achievement).

If you get random players join you, you can just pick up the bone as normal and try to shoot them down. If you play on Sand Sphinx I kept doing U-turns underneath the Sphinx whilst dropping Squitos. Usually the randoms quit after that game for me. If all else fails you can just quit the game and start a new lobby.

I suppose you could also get a friend or do a session where other people play with you (each with a guest) and go away for an hour or so, then take their turn. You'll get mega xp that way.

This works because whilst you carry the bone, you get 10 xp every 10 seconds just for flying around. This gives you 120 xp per game.
Kills give 5 xp each, plus bonuses for a streak. After you get the Dog House award, you get a 32xp bonus every 3 kills.
The downside is that if a player dies 4 times with no kills/assists, they get a Blockhead award. This makes them harder to kill.
On a non-blockhead, just fire the leach. It homes brilliantly and is a 1-hit-kill if it makes contact. Note that performing stunts will cause the leach to miss/drop off without a kill. So if an experienced random joins the game then resort to your second weapon.

05 Mar 2011 21:32

I prefer to play the Dog Fight game mode, it tends to yield the most points. As for weapons, I use the Leach and either Squitos or EMP, a very good combination in my past experience. You can get around 100 points in a game depending on your skill level. I once went 25-0, with 12 assists and finished with 343 points, so it's all about how well you do.

14 Aug 2010 13:33

Flying Ace is the highest rank you can reach online. To reach Flying Ace Status, you must earn 25,000 points in Xbox LIVE player matches. This can be on any game type (Dog Fight, Team Dog Fight, Capture the Flag, Dog Pile, Team Dog Pile, or Pigskin), as long as it is an Xbox LIVE player match (NOT a local or private match).

Points are earned for kills, assists, and completing objectives. You will earn "Veteran" on your way towards "Flying Ace". You can check your progress towards both "Veteran" and "Flying Ace" on the Achievements menu from the Main Menu.