Snoopy Flying Ace

Snoopy Flying Ace

15 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Sky King

Sky King

Earned 25 wins (Multiplayer Only).


How to unlock the Sky King achievement in Snoopy Flying Ace - Definitive Guide

Can be earned offline with two controllers and bots. Set up a local multiplayer match, team dogfight, and put 11 bots on your team and 3 bots on the other controller team. Change to 5 minute and 10 kills You will win without playing or holding the controller. When the game is done, hit start match again. Easy achievement without even playing.

03 Jun 2010 04:07

You don't need a second controller for this
By JMJimmy on 15 Feb 2011 07:46
oh and I'd also recommend using the chopper and hitting B at the start if you have the DLC so you don't have to pay attention at all.
By JMJimmy on 15 Feb 2011 07:50
Ok I think this game is glitching on me cuz I'm doing this solution to the T and it's not working, I've played, I've not played, I've died, not died. This just won't pop. I'm having problems with others as well.
By Nurse Lorax on 11 Mar 2014 04:14
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A very easy method to get this achievement is to play local multiplayer. It will likely work best with a slow plane should you not have the DLC. If you have then one of the Kite planes will be your choice.

Set up a Dog Pile game with Time to Win set to one minute and no bots. All other settings are irrelevant. Start the game up and immediately grab the bone. Now either fly around for a minute or put your Kite into hover mode. Together with loading times this shouldn't take more than 40 minutes.

I would recommend going for this achievement after you have obtained all others, especially weapon kills, as the number of games you will have to win will be significantly lowered in the process.

09 Aug 2011 15:14

Yeah, isnt' that what you're supossed to do right, local?
By Nurse Lorax on 13 Mar 2014 12:15
Yes local is correct. "Enlist Now" - "Local Multiplayer".
By Epsilon Theta on 13 Mar 2014 13:31
Yep, that's what I did, then dog pile, no bots, get the bone, wait 1 minute to win. Did that well over 25 times probably more like 35 or so, didn't pop :(
By Nurse Lorax on 13 Mar 2014 19:20
I am sorry to hear that. Do you own the DLC? It worked for me just fine with the DLC installed. Go to the main menu and browse to achievements. The game features a progress tracker. What does it say for you, did any progress register?
By Epsilon Theta on 14 Mar 2014 11:02
Ok well this must be glitched or possibly patched cuz your solution or the other solution of team dog fight is working. angry
By Nurse Lorax on 11 Mar 2014 05:01
Can you please describe what you are doing?
By Epsilon Theta on 11 Mar 2014 09:41
I'm doing exactly what it says in your solution to do. I go to MP, no bots, 1 controller, get the bone, fly around for 1 min, I'm the winner. I did this at least 35 times (extra cuz I lost count) and I still didn't get it. That doesn't include all the times I got 25+ wins on the other guys solution for this achievement.
By Nurse Lorax on 12 Mar 2014 21:25
You are setting up a local multiplayer game, not an online one, correct?
By Epsilon Theta on 12 Mar 2014 22:48
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You can boost this, but if you care about achievements then you will want to rank up all the way as well. Winning games gains you a ton of xp obviously. So you should be able to get this one over time while you rank up. Using the tips below, I got 10 wins, 3 of them flawless 25-0 dog fights, in a little over an hour after I bought the game.

Playing Team games is also a good way to acquire wins because you have a 50-50 chance of winning. But in dog fights, you can also get Flawless, and Classic achievements easier with more people to shoot at.


Use the Leech and BAM weapons. They will be what you get your kills with! Stay on the outside of the map and fire at the high population combat areas. There are usually 2 or 3 in each map where everyone will be fighting. Fly around the area and drop your BAM mines and boost when you get fired at.

When you are back outside the main fighting areas, use the Leech rockets to take out people from a distance. Make sure the cross hair is red so you have a lock on them and fire away. Once you get too close to the action, drop BAMs and boost away to safety.

Some maps are better than others. Paris, and the wide open beach level are not that great for doing this. The Ice level with caves and a mine theme to it is really good for getting Flawless.

To unlock "Sky King", you must win 25 multiplayer games. These can be private matches, local matches, or Xbox LIVE player matches. Your wins from any type of multiplayer game are cumulative, and your progress can be checked in the Achievements menu from the Main Menu. You will probably get this on your way towards "Flying Ace", but there is an easy way to get it quickly.

Go to the Enlist Now menu and set up a Local Multiplayer match (or go the Xbox LIVE menu and set up a Private Match). Then go to Game Setup. Change the game type to Dog Pile (or Team Dog Pile). Set the Time to Win for 1 minute. When the game starts, fly to the bone, then wait for one minute. That counts as one win.

If you followed the guide for "Classic", you can get ten wins at the same time that you work toward that achievement. For this reason, it would make the most sense to follow the guide for "Classic" before following this guide for "Sky King".