Snoopy Flying Ace

Snoopy Flying Ace

15 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Earned 10,000+ points (Xbox LIVE Player Match Only).


How to unlock the Veteran achievement in Snoopy Flying Ace - Definitive Guide

This is EASILY boosted in ranked matches with a friend.

For this easy boosting method, both players need the "Suppertime of Destruction" DLC.

With your friend, both search on "Turret Defense (+)". This is a downloadable content game mode from the "Suppertime of Destruction" DLC. The game's online is nearly always DEAD on the DLC maps, so you should find each other with no interruptions.

I suggest using the "L'Barrage" map, which is the map with the dam, and the lightning bolt statues.

All you have to do, when in contact with your friend, just go into one turret alternately. This will get you 10XP each time you enter the turret, and also an additional 25XP at the end of the game for a win (even though you both tie).

Both you and your friend should use the helicopter, which is controlled by Woodstock (the little yellow bird character). This means you can stop in mid-air right outside of the turret door by pressing B, and whilst your friend is entering the turret rotate around so you are facing the door. When your friend leaves the turret (by pressing Y), the player entering the turret needs to press B, which stops them hovering, and sends them flying into the turret.

Also, be careful not to stop too close to the turret doors, as they will kill you if you are too close when an enemy player (your friend), enters the turret.

15 Apr 2012 12:52

I found the BEST method of boosting to get this achievement IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE DLC (If you DO, then the method above is better). My method does require 1 other (at least thats how Ive done it). Im sure with at least 1 more person it can go alot faster. But sign into Xbox Live and play a Player match later in the night when not alot of people are online. I was able to boost with the other person entire rounds of Dog Pile or Team Dog Pile depending on what others online are not playing!!!
Now take turns were one player gets all the kills in a 10min period. I just stood in the turret the entire time where the other person collects the bone (You must wait for him to get the bone each time)
Now you kill the person carrying the bone the entire match. You get +15 points for every time he is carrying the bone. After the 9+ killing streak you get Doghouse and get a Bonus too! Now here is where the BIG POINTS come. After DOGHOUSE every 2 kills you get after, you will get a +35 points for every kill!

At the end of a 10 min period, I was walking away with 950+ points each match without even trying and the other person still got a total of about 200+ points! Then rotate killers once the match is done

You will get this achievement in No time at all this way!!! A total of 10,000 points in needed for this to Pop

11 Sep 2010 13:31

See "Flying Ace".