Soltrio Solitaire

Soltrio Solitaire

12 Achievements



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Minute Man

Minute Man

Win at Klondike within one minute.


How to unlock the Minute Man achievement in Soltrio Solitaire - Definitive Guide

Play either game of Klondike (Easy or 3-Card) with auto-play turned on. As soon as the game begins, alternately hit "X" (deal a card) and "B" (auto-play card). The fastest way I've seen to do this is to put your forefinger on "X" and middle finger on "B" and just tap away. Occasionally you'll need to go down to the tableau to move some cards. The quickest way to do this is to move down, then alternately tap "B" and right on the joystick. Don't bother trying to go to a specific column, just cycle through the whole tableau. Hit "X" as soon as your target column has moved to get back into cycling through the deck.

08 Feb 2009 20:48

nice job i finally got it after trying so long to do legit, thanks
By Spilner on 21 Aug 2009 23:46
GREAT!!! I got it, and I think this same strategy will help towards making 1000 games =) ... 1 per minute
By Chino Skeleton on 06 Jan 2011 18:18
I did this for hours and it never worked.
By Scenic Route 16 on 06 Mar 2023 12:13
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Play a game of Klondike with the auto-play feature on then when the game starts just mash away your B button and hope to get lucky. Also note pressing X will turn the next card in the deck for you which is faster than you pressing A on the deck yourself.

03 Nov 2008 21:29

This achievement takes skill, luck and patience. One minute seems impossible but there are ways to help out. Go to the Options menu, Settings then Play Options and do the following.

Turn animation speed all the way up.
Turn auto play on.
Turn auto finish on.

These will all make the game go quickly, so you will save those precious seconds. Now keep playing single player CLASSIC klondike matches, the achievement cannot be unlocked in voyage matches. Also be sure to use the button shortcuts to make things move more quickly, draws more cards and will move a card to an available pile. After a while you will be able to finish matches very quickly, hopefully one of those occasions will be under one minute.