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Silver Episode: Mastered

Silver Episode: Mastered

You have Achieved S Rank on all Silver ACT Missions.


How to unlock the Silver Episode: Mastered achievement in SONIC THE HEDGEHOG - Definitive Guide

A lot of people have trouble with the Dusty Desert ACT. Youtuber KoKoYoung has found a way to get through the final puzzle by sneaking through the door. Link Below.

20 Mar 2010 18:31

Thanks so much for posting this. That room took me like an hour the first time I got there! I was dreading trying to S-rank this level; this makes it look much, much more manageable! :)
By JotaroRaido on 25 May 2010 09:10
Thanks For Posting This That Puzzle Was So Annoying
By NoLimitHado on 15 Jan 2012 15:47
Get Rank S on every available Act Trail on both, Normal and Hard difficulty levels, in Silver Episode:

Act 1 Crisis City, Normal: Kill 95% of the enemy, collect Rings that are lying around on your trail, when you get hit only recollect a few Rings of yours but at least one Ring immediately, get the full Radical Bonuses, play fast and also use the Teleport Dash to get forward faster, be lucky not to get randomly hit by a meteor shard, and have some Rings when exiting the Act Trail.
My Trys: 3 (On my first try I was finding out if it proves vital when every enemy will be killed and every item will be collected, leaving the Time unimportant - this works not in this Act Trail. Then on my second try, I have done the strategy that I have detailed, but also recollected the Rings that I have lost when I have been hit - recollecting Rings gives you no Score, and you can not get that much Rings that you have had if the number exceeds 20 - so this was time wasted)
My Time: 9:49:733, pre-Score: 16080 Score: 52980, Rings: 35
Act 1 Crisis City, Hard: Same strategy, but since there are more enemies, you will get a greater pre-Score.
My Trys: 2 (On my first try I fell down with Blaze because I considered the wrong button to jump with)
My Time: 11:13:229, pre-Score: 24770, Score: 57050, Rings: 2

Act 2 Tropical Jungle, Normal: Kill enemies on your way only, except there where the 1up is - get a Radical Bonus there, ride only one turtle, stack two boxes of each other on bottom level where the three big mechs are (one is hidden in the ground there), so you can then drive up to the great upper platform, from there you jump to the final battlezone - make sure you have not been hit and got the majority of the Rings that were on your way up to this point. Be very fast - use Teleport Dash as much as you can.
My Trys: 7 (In this Act Trail you will have to learn about the environment before you know your way - the fast route is good, but you also need to find out about places where certain enemies should be destroyed, and where Rings are - because of this fact, I needed some attempts to get the knowledge about these things, and mostly orientation)
My Time: 3:49:504, pre-Score: 7520, Score: 51760, Rings: 47
Act 2 Tropical Jungle, Hard: Same strategy, pretty much equal pre-Score accumulation.
My Trys: 3 (One time I got hit and lost too much Rings, another time I fell in the water because I was not considering my energy while gliding.)
My Time: 3:51:870, pre-Score: 6510, Score: 52670, Rings: 74

Act 3 Dusty Desert, Normal: Destroy any enemies that you can without endangering yourself whilst on your way, collect Rings - but if you are not too slow by completing the Act Trail, you will not need to have Rings by the end. When you are in the final battlezone, it becomes dangerous when the mech bugs on the ground home in on you - when they come, you shall step to the border on a side, and strike with timing at a perfect moment - and the wall hugger bugs can be also very dangerous there - I chose to leave them operating themselves, and moved on to the Makro Golf Club as soon as it has been opened - it opens when the home-es are dealt with in this area. There when you trash the giant ball for some times - still proceed - because you either consider it as practice, or you will see if you still get an S-Rank - its requirement here demands a minimum level of skill only.
My Trys: 4 (I had to practice the sand wave sections, and the Macro Golf makrogame - hahaha! I also have learned about a dangerous enemy, and how to maintain safety within vicinity.)
My Time: 12:23:429, pre-Score: 17920, Score: 62800, Rings: 106
Act 3 Dusty Desert, Hard: Almost the same strategy, either avoid the enemies on Amy's path to keep your Rings (the big mechs are a pain for her), or you be fast and good - especially when you have to sink the giant ball at the end of the Act Trail.
My Trys: 2 (First time I messed up for a long time on the Macro Golf makrogame, and I found out that Amy shall not deal with the big mechs - although, I found that even the small mechs can be a problem for her when they come in numbers simultaneously. I sacrificed a good Rings count to take with me up until to the exit of the Act Trail, and preferred to destroy the enemies, even with Amy, even the big mechs - because of the Score. It was great that I had put in the giant ball at the end of the Act Trail fabuously immediately.
My Time: 11:52:653, pre-Score: 16780, Score: 53700, Rings: 14

Act4 White Acropolis, Normal: With Blaze, destroy the majority of the enemies - keep only a few Rings with you, then with Silver go on a route of choice and destroy all enemies you encounter - also go for Radical Bonuses - do not destroy the search lights, instead be in the spotlight and raise alarm - enemies will come, for you to earn Score. Be fast - Teleport Dash as much as you can. Take the three 10-Rings Items later, which are atop to the right when looking at the ramp - do so before you head up the ramp to finish the Act Trail. Consider Rings to keep only from this moment on, because caring about them and recollecting them is less valuable then time is.
My Trys: 4 (Exploration took me too much time, and caring about Rings to keep and collect also was a waste of time - especially with Blaze. I have also checked thoroughly for enemies, in order to get knowledge about there whereabouts - I have double checked. Then I found, that being fast and getting a great pre-Score- is the most important factor to get an S-Rank in this Act Trail)
My Time: 11:46:425, pre-Score: 36080, Score: 54680, Rings: 53
Act4 White Acropolis, Hard: Same strategy, but since there are more enemies, you will get a greater pre-Score.
My Trys: 1 (It became a hard cake for me, I can still eat)
My Time: 13:38:777, pre-Score: 45870, Score: 60100, Rings: 60

Act5 Radical Train, Normal: Play as fast as you can - Teleport Dash as much as possilbe. Destroy all enemies but a few during dangerous platforming. Have the intent to not get hit critically - you do not want to loose your Rings. Bring a good amount of Rings to the exit of this Act Trail.
My Trys: 3 (I was a bit to slow in my first two trys, and I lost Rings. In my successful attempt, I have played absolutely superior and ultra fast - thanks to Razer Onza Tournament Edition)
My Time: 5:49:058, pre-Score: 12590, Score: 53130, Rings: 85
Act5 Radical Train, Hard: Same strategy.
My Trys: 2 (I lost my Rings twice on my first attempt, and there was an enemy on a ciling which one interested me to defeat - but I have found no way of doing so. On my successful run, I had lost my Rings one time.
My Time: 6:08:904, pre-Score: 12750, Score: 50030, Rings: 40

Act6 Aquatic Base, Normal: Play fast, but most importantly, do not fall down - make careful use of the Teleport Dash. Kill the majority of the enemies. You may not have to accumulate Rings. Perform Radical strikes - shock magnet pillars nearby enemies, in this Act Trail.
My Trys: 3 (Firstly I was trying how it results if I accumulate a lot of Rings - but I have lost my Rings in the final battlezone. Since I was playing not fast enough, and ended the Act Trail with just a few Rings, it has not helped that I have killed almost every enemy - I did not quite make it to an S-Rank. On try two, I was falling down because I have not considered my energy after doing Teleport Dashes before intended to glide towards another platform. Then on the successful performance, I succeeded also because I did not specially care about collecting and recollecting Rings - time is more valuable here.
My Time: 12:12:032, pre-Score: 28290, Score: 60310, Rings: 23
Act6 Aquatic Base, Hard: Same strategy, but since there are more enemies, you will get a greater pre-Score.
My Trys: 4 (One time I fell down because I did not consider my energy well enough. Then two times I failed to pass past the Laser while balancing on a huge ball - the positions of those lasers are not quite the same as on Normal difficulty level, plus they toggle activity state more frequently)
My Time: 12:34:243, pre-Score: 38780, Score: 63420, Rings: 8

Act7 Kingdom Valley, Normal: Do not care about accumulating Rings, just keep alive. Once you got critically hit, immediately collect at least one Ring. Be very considerate about your energy, so you would not fall in the water. Do not swing with the stone - just throw anything at the towers. Not all towers you have to travel to. See if you can take a shortcut sometimes. Teleport Dash, but consider your energy at all times in this Act Trail. Throwing things at groups of enemies here, proves most of the time to be the wrong strategy - instead levitate in their central position and shock them all. Getting critically hit because of doing so, can be routine. But this is going down faster that way. So, take a fast route through the trails, and destroy every enemy you can do swiftly only. Make sure, that just before the final battlezone on the two previous platforms, that you consider very well about your energy - just collect the Rings before you take off to the next platform, so in that time your energy has been recharged, and you would not fool yourself. Get it done good enough and fast, and you need to bring no Rings to this Act Trail's exit.
My Trys: 14 (Yes, I failed for about 14 times, for real. I have played really bad early in the day. I fell down for the half of my trys, and I got hit while I had no Rings as for the other part of my trys. But, I trained to get it all done ever faster and faster. I had to trouble with the frame rate issue. And so found out how to adapt)
My Time: 9:55:632, pre-Score: 29840, Score: 57140, Rings: 1
Act7 Kingdom Valley, Hard: Enemies almost constantly shooting bullets at you while rockets home in on you much more. Because of the bullethell, you are required to have always more Rings with you - just like the 20 you can recollect are fine. Once you loose your Rings recollect them, in order to maintain savety. There are these airborne units with a purple disgn that generate turrets which ones would totally destory you, if you would not fight against this, or you would not keep trailing away from the constant gunfire - when you face this enemy and you have a decent amount of Rings, und can levitate past it - if you do not have much Rings, you have to play very careful, and keep on moving while in targeting range. Whenever this enemy is near a ground, you shall shock him, and then take and discard or throw him. Collecting Rings as much as you can while still on a fast pace - like an escape from bulltes - is crucial for your survival. But this is not the only danger on Hard difficulty level of this Act Trail - expect the trail to be slightly different enough for you not be prepared for what is coming about platforming. Once you head with Sonic on the rope, the enemy trail you have to follow towards the bumper begins at the left. Turn the camera so to the side that you can home in on the first airborne enemy there, then keep angling the camera while bouncing through the trail of those enemies there to finally hit the bumper - it may be very tough to do with an Xbox 360 Controller, because this one has no MFBs, and you are actually required to have your thumb on both - A and RS. Once you get control of Silver again, and you get to the point where you pass altering spike traps and use that bumper there, you have to levitate once you have been bounced up, because there are no further bumpers around. The final battlezone will drop down the frame rate extremely due to bullethell activity - and since you will get hit, and your Rings spread away in a wide area, you better pic the most threatening enemies first.
My Trys: 5 (I got surpised by changes in platforming between the difficulty levels, and I got totally exterminated by both, the very dangerous airbourne enemies, and mechs on foot. After I knew about these changes, I was able to get it down pretty fast, by surviving even the final battlezone which I have trailed up to, where I had about 20 Rings on me upon arrival)
My Time: 12:15:181, pre-Score: 40320, Score: 61820, Rings: 9

Act8 Flame Core, Normal: Take a fast route, but also take down the big monsters while ignoring the small monsters unless they would be in your way. Do not bother to accumulate Rings, but have some with you for safety purposes. Be fast, and get some pre-Score by killing big monsters whenever there are any around in an accessible and exposed way, to claim an S-Rank in this Act Trail fairly easily.
My Trys: 4 (Fist time I was too slow, because I went after as much monsters I was able to. On my second try, somehow I fell down after lauching in the air, while I should be flying towards the volcano - better no controlling right after being lauched in the air here. On my third attempt, I was not considering my energy, and so fell down deep into the lava grounds of the final area. On my successful run, I was fast enough while also gathering pre-Score mainly from big monsters.
My Time: 12:25:362, pre-Score: 17470, Score: 54370, Rings: 7
Act8 Flame Core, Hard: Be fast, kill ground monsters and big monsters. Since there are more monsters on Hard on this Act Trail, you will accumulate a much greater pre-Score, but you will use more time in return - in conclusion, you sill have to run through by keep killing the enemy that will overwhelm you. Airbourne enemies will shoot a new kind of projectile at you - get the timing an angle right to levitate past the enemy thread. Transition points require you to levitate past these airboure enemies - keep your energy under control, and find the right way to levitate over these pits without being hit. Of course, whenever you get hit in this Act Trail, collect Rings that are considered to keep you safe.
My Trys: 1 (After the practice on Normal of this Act Trail, I managed to get an S-Rank on my first attempt, even though several surprises concerning the differences between difficulty levels. I had an intense gameplay for sure. It felt like an escape, I had pulled off - because of the many airbourne enemies shooting at me - I had to concentrate good to overcome that particular kind of enemy thread flawlessly when getting past transition points.
My Time: 14:31:947, pre-Score: 35480, Score: 52440, Rings: 8

Extra Wave Ocean (Blaze), Mission: This had to be simple. You may just finish this Act Trail fast enough while also destroying enemies on your way.
My Trys: ? (I have gained an S-Rank by passing through this Act Trail in Silver Episode, as I was collecting all 10 Silver Medals there. My stats for this Act Trail give you no pre-Score information, because I was not writing this S-Rank Guide at that moment - I can not tell how many runs I went through until I have had collected the 10th Silver Medal there, thus the records of my stats for this Act Trail, may not necessarily relate to only one playthrough - those which can be reviewed under Trail Select, are best records category specific after all - there where I may have also chosen to replay the Act Trail in order to collect remaining Silver Coins)
My Time: 5:11:701, pre-Score: ?, Score: 37760, Rings: 1

Boss1 Iblis Phase 1, Mission: Learn for yourself which hits count, because it registers not as a hit if you throw things wrong at Iblis. Collect only one Ring in the beginning of the battle. Go in the middle of the area and close before Iblis, then throw something at Iblis - do this with patience, and throw things one by one at him - you want to register hits on its head. Once Iblis's life is in a low state, go and collect all the Rings, then finish it off.
My Trys: 5 (I had problems for letting my hits on its head count. I threw things at its head in quick succession, and the hits did not count most of the times - it was a waste. I threw also from the side of the areas - sometimes it counted as hits, but this was no good in conclusion. Just because of the bad registering of hits, I took too much time to finish this Act Trail. Once I knew how to register hits on Iblis' head for most of my throws, I was able to defeat Iblis much faster.
My Time: 2:14:527, pre-Score: 10310, Score: 36390, Rings: 28

Boss2 Sonic The Hedgehog, Mission: This is very easy. Just grab items and throw them at Sonic pretty fast.
My Trys: 2 (I was a bit too slow on my first try)
My Time: 0:15:166, pre-Score: 10020, Score: 30020, Rings: 2

Boss3 Egg-Genesis, Mission: Collect the five Rings next to you. Go back a bit, and hold RT while looking towards the enemy until you have collected all Rockets that are launched at you from two of Egg-Genesis' arms. Then wait a little moment before you head right under its central weak point. Then shoot only just enough rockets towards that weak point, until one Egg-Genesis arm will be destroyed. After a little moment shoot all your remaining rockets to that weak point again. Then head back to a outer place, and collect all rockets coming from the two remaining Egg-Genesis arms. Now you watch out again not to be spotted by the searchlights when heading under Egg-Genesis' great weakpoint, and then you shoot just enough rockets at it, so the third of its arms falls apart. Wait a short moment, and then shoot all your remaining rockets at it again. Once this is done, run away.
My Trys: 20 (In the beginning I was unaware that it is possible to destroy Egg-Genesis by just going for its great weakpoint. I was taking out its searchlight, and then its arms for one part of my several tries. By doing so it took much too long time. Then I have tried if it saves enough time when I did not destroy its searchlights, but only its arms - by taking out its arms I was shooting rockets at the arms only at the specific time frame when those deploy ground units, because I did not imagine that the great weakpoint can in fact be even targeted, nonetheless by damaging it causes Egg-Genesis to loose an arm. I took a lot of trys by taking out arms of Egg-Genesis this inefficient way, because targeting those is done very bad. Afterwards I have taken out only four arms that way, and Egg-Genesis was destroyed, I realized that this method also was not fast enough. Then I headed under its great weakpoint and practiced how to destroy Egg-Genesis by only attacking this weak point, until finally I have succeeded and been awarded an S-Rank for this Act Trail.
My Time: 1:14:684, pre-Score: 10050, Score: 30130, Rings: 0

Boss4 Shadow The Hedgehog, Mission: Supposedly I gained an S-Rank even though by taking a long time in the battle against Shadow. Throw things at Shadow to damage and defeat him.
My Trys: ? (I have gained an S-Rank by passing through this Act Trail in Silver Episode. My stats for this Act Trail give you no pre-Score information, because I was not writing this S-Rank Guide at that moment)
My Time: 2:01:961, pre-Score: ?, Score: 30610, Rings: 1

Boss5 Iblis Phase 3, Mission: Collect the five Rings next to you. Stand nicely in the horizontal middle and hold RT until the meteor shower is over - then throw them all at Iblis, but do this in a fair rhythm - not too fast. Then grab the meteors from the sides on your foothold and throw them also at Iblis - take only two or three meteors at a time. The second meteor shower will come - you do the same like before. When Iblis sends out rows of fire at you, then is your time to collect the ten remaining Rings. The next time you go to damage Iblis, is when you shock its head. After this is done grab the meteros that will fall onto your remaining foothold, and send them at Iblis. Now Iblis will send a giant hot meteor at you. Catch it and throw it back to Iblis swiftly. Iblis comes to look at you again, letting you shock its head again. If Iblis is now still alive you may need to have about 13 Rings on you in order to get an S-Rank on this Act Trail - in that case, swiftly grab enough meteors that are appearing on your remaining foothold again, to defeat Iblis finally.
My Trys: 22 (I had a lot of complications to make hits count. Also, I had not assumed that it will be necessary to catch meteros from the two meteor showers in order to defeat Iblis fast enough to get an S-Rank. I also fell down sometimes, since the camera perspective is often very bad, and onscreen text hinders visuals as well. But for the half of my trys, I was using Start Over, whenever I was unable for sure not to make enough hits count in the beginning of the battle. After practicing this battle, I was able to do an S-Rank)
My Time: 3:12:880, pre-Score: 10150, Score: 30290, Rings: 15

Getting Rank S on all these Act Trails of Silver Episode will be easier for you, if you study strategies and learn about dangers. Just use my detailed information I have decided to create and share with anybody to assist themselves.

05 Jul 2011 19:33

Fantastic guide. Only recommendation I have for you is formatting it so that's easier on the eyes. Well done. :)
By Saint Harri on 13 Aug 2011 06:03
I will be working on it soon!
By CyberneticHFX on 22 Aug 2011 13:48
The best thing to do is to try and memorize the maps, save your rings and take it slowly. Most of the time, if you lose your rings your rings you can kiss your S good bye which really sucks but with a lot of time and patience your can do it. If you need help with a level, head on down to Gamefaqs for some great guides.

21 Aug 2009 01:47

For this achievement you need to receive an S-Rank on all of Silvers act missions and boss fights on both normal and hard difficulty. The game will keep track of your best rank achieved on each mission. See the link at the bottom for an S-Rank guide.