Space Chimps
23 Achievements
Xbox 360
Globhopper Guru
Collect all 560 globhoppers in the game
How to unlock the Globhopper Guru achievement in Space Chimps - Definitive Guide
This list is reproduced with permission of CuriousJewbeard:
************UPDATE 4/13/12*********************************
Per TA'er Freshflock :
I got the achievement last night and I had to start a new save. I just made sure to get every globhopper in every level before progressing to the next one. Should be no issue if you do this. It appears that getting all of the globhoppers on the last level and then trying to go back to earlier levels to get missed ones will glitch the achievement. Hope this can save everyone an additional playthrough.
Level 1, Holy Blow Hole!
#1- Directly in front of you after double-jumping across the gap.
#2- On the moving platform when you're informed about globhoppers.
#3- On the viney wall you climb up.
#4 through 8- Along the viney wall you climb horizontally across.
#9- After swinging across the gap via vine.
#10 and 11- On the next set of platforms.
#12- Before jumping to the next vine, it's to the left.
#13 through 17- Jumping from bar to bar, and then to the viney wall.
#18- After climbing #17's wall, it's on top of the nearest mushroom.
#19- On the mushroom next to the friendly Malgorian.
#20 through 22- Shimmying along the rail.
#23- On the mushroom immediately after shimmying along the rail.
#24- It's on the left of the third bar, grab it before jumping across to the vine.
#25 and 26- In the two enemies after climbing the viney wall and reaching a check point.
#27 and 28- At the two platforms that move vertically, these are on the bar above the first platform.
#29- After making your way up the two platforms, it's on top of a mushroom by the toads.
#30- In between the two large moving platforms, on a thin immobile platform.
#31 through 33- In the next three enemies with spears.
#34 and 35- At the back of the toads, one in the left corner and one in the right.
Level 2, Indigestion
#1- Right in front of you when the level starts.
#2- After using the pressure pad to get across, it's to the right.
#3- Look below you from this platform and you should see another.
#4- Go down to where the enemies are, it's in the corner behind you.
#5- On the next platform after using the lever.
#6 and 7- On the platforms raised by the lever.
#8- At the end of the platform made by the pressure pad.
#9 and 10- After entering the cave and shooting the stalactites, jump across and kill the two enemies.
#11 through 13- From the enemies' platform take a left and jump across the sinking platforms.
#14 and 15- After bringing back the Zartog head, go right from the enemies' platform and jump across.
#16- Use the big Zartog head to hold down the pressure pad and go get it.
#17- From #16, hop down to the left and continue along the path.
#18- From #17 you should see it by the waterfall, hop across the moving rocks in the river to get it.
#19 and 20- Go back to #18's platform and climb the viney wall behind it. hop across the rocks to progress up the river and get these globhoppers.
#21- Jump across to the land on the other side of the river, one of the enemies has it.
#22- In plain sight after picking up the Zartog head.
#23- Follow the path until you see your next globhopper, but DON'T pick it up. Put down the Zartog head and climb up the viney wall for #23.
#24- Climb back down the wall, pick up the Zartog head and get the globhopper in plain sight.
#25- A little further along the path is another one in plain sight.
#26- At the end of the disappearing platforms. You'll fall down after you grab it, so take your Zartog head with you!
#27- After using the heads to open the door, stand on the pressure pad and jump across.
#28- You'll drift over to it whilst on the platform.
#29- Shoot the spikes out and jump onto the platform.
#30- You'll drift over to it whilst on the platform.
#31 through 33- Shoot the spikes out and jump across the sinking platforms.
#34- In the next enemy you meet.
#35- Climb up the rocks that were to the right of the enemy.
Level 3, Inside Guy
#1- Right in front of you as you start the level.
#2- On the next solid platform you jump to.
#3- In the enemy right in front of you.
#4- A little further along the path from the enemy, in plain sight.
#5- Near the middle of the rotating platforms.
#6 though 9- The four bipedal enemies here each have one.
#10 through 13- In the same area, once the enemies are cleared out hug the wall and circle round.
#14 and 15- On each side of the sticky wall.
#16 through 20- At the checkpoint, there's five on the viney wall you climb horizontally across.
#21- At the top of the pole you climb up.
#22 and 23- The two enemies at the top of the pole have one each.
#24- At the first patch of grass.
#25- Futher along the path.
#26 and 27- In the room with Luna, along the wall.
#28- At the next checkpoint, on the end of the path.
#29 through 31- There's three on the viney wall you climb horizontally across.
#32- On the big white platform.
#33 through 35- There's three on the viney wall you climb up.
#36- The enemy in front of you has one.
#37- Jump onto the large trampoline platform.
#38 through 40- Use the next set of trampolines to jump up to the enemies.
#41 through 43- These three enemies have one each.
#44- At the checkpoint, follow the path and it's in plain sight.
#45 and 46- The two enemies up ahead have one each.
#47- Continue along the path.
#48 through 50- Another set of three enemies, each with a globhopper.
#51- The next enemy you see has one, you'll jump up a few sets of platforms first.
#52- Along the sticky wall to the right of where the enemy was.
#53- On the vine you jump to from the disappearing platforms.
#54- Jump off of the vine to land on more disappearing platforms with this globhopper on.
#55- Along the next sticky wall you jump to from the disappearing platforms.
#56 though 58- At the checkpoint, the three enemies have one each.
#59 and 60- Same place, once the enemies are cleared there's one on each side of the area.
Level 4, Ham of the Jungle
#1 and 2- Go forward, kill the enemy and there should be two here (I didn't actually see one of them, but it was close enough to warp to me).
#3 and 4- Take the vine over the water and there are two on the bars here.
#5 through 8- Jump across the lily pads.
#9- On the bar directly after the pads.
#10- Jump off the vine and the enemy waiting for you has one.
#11- In plain sight, collect it while jumping to the tree branch.
#12 and 13- Cross the bars and land on the disappearing leaf platforms.
#14- On the sticky wall you jump onto from the disappearing leaves.
#15 through 18- On the two grinding rails.
#19- At the checkpoint, it's on the left in the river.
#20 through 24- During the river section, up the sticky wall.
#25- During the river section, in the middle of the buzzsaws.
#26 and 27- During the river section, on either side of the gate; I'm not sure if both can be picked up by staying in the middle of the gate to get them to warp, I aimed for one and had to restart the level to aim for the other.
#28- At the checkpoint, on the leaf in front of you.
#29- To the left of #28.
#30- At the start of the grind rail.
#31- Jump left onto the other grind rail to get this one.
#32 and 33- When you land there's two enemies with a globhopper each.
#34- Futher along the path is another enemy with one.
#35- Just behind that enemy, in plain sight.
#36- Jump across the lily pads to reach one on the other side of the river.
#37 and 38- There's two enemies in this area, both have a globhopper.
#39 and 40- In the same area, on a pole.
#40 through 43- At the checkpoint, along the path.
#44 through 47- There's four on the grind rail.
#48- At the bottom of the grind rail is an enemy with one.
#49- Behind the enemy, in plain sight.
#50- On the isle in the middle of the river, behind the pole.
#51- Jump from the pole to the viney wall.
#52- There's an enemy at the top of the wall with one.
#53- It's on a platform before you jump to the swinging branches.
#54- By the branch you jump to, you'll drift across it.
#55- On the disappearing leaves you land on.
#56- On the grind rail.
#57- Jump right, onto another rail.
#58- Jump from the vine to the next area.
#59 and 60- You'll land in front of two enemies, each with their own globhopper.
Level 5, Splork's Army
#1 and 2- Across the bridge in front of you as you start.
#3- On top of the ledges directly after crossing the bridge.
#4- Where you began, up the viney wall next to the friendly Malgorian.
#5- Just beyond the friendly Malgorian.
#6- At the end of the Flutterfly's flight path.
#7- Before climbing the pole, jump to the enemy and kill him to take his globhopper.
#8- On the same platform the enemy was on.
#9- Climb the pole to the top and jump to the next platform.
#10- Jump to the next platform, in plain sight.
#11- Fly to the next platform.
#12- Fly across two more platforms.
#13- At the checkpoint, climb up the pole and jump to the next platform.
#14- On the same platform as #13, behind a rock.
#15- Turn around from #14 and you can see the next globhopper protected by enemies, hit them with the boulder then jump down and get it.
#16- In plain sight from #15, jump to it.
#17 and 18- On the platforms either side of #16 protected by plants, jump to them.
#19- At the end of the flight path.
#20- On the end of the platform with enemies, slightly hidden from the camera; jump to get it.
#21 and 22- Jump to the tree branch, then to the pole.
#23 through 25- At the bottom of the pole, the three enemies each have one (kill the shaman first to stop the other two respawning)
#26- Go left from the shrines and jump across to the platform where this globhopper is in plain sight.
#27- Knock down the boulder, and jump on a platform in the river to make it to the isle.
#28 through 30- When you take the Zartog head to the basket there are two globhoppers on the floor with the toads, and another on a ledge.
#31- Back at the shrines, take the right and use the vine to jump to the platform.
#32- Shoot the boulder to bring up a walkway, and there will be a globhopper where the boulder was.
#33 and 34- At the checkpoint there are two in plain sight.
#35- Take a large Zartog head up to the second floor and place it on the pressure plate to reveal the final globhopper for this level.
Level 6, Flower Power
#1- Right in front of you as you start the level.
#2 through 6- Clear out the three enemies then explore this small area to find another five globhoppers.
#7- Climb the pole and jump to the trampolines.
#8- Jump to the sticky wall.
#9 through 13- There is another four on the grind rail.
#14- When you land from the grind rail, go up the ramp to find a globhopper next to scaffolding.
#15- The big enemy in this area has one.
#16- At the checkpoint, look to the left to find this one.
#17- In the area with the Zartog head dispenser.
#18 through 20- At the next checkpoint, there will be four enemies; The big one has a globhopper, and there are two more on the floor in this area.
#21- In front of the sticky wall.
#22- Instead of using the sticky wall, look to your right and there will be some enemies firing at you. jump over to them and get the globhopper in the alcove.
#23 and 24- There are two on the viney wall.
#25 and 26- At the checkpoint, the two enemies each have one.
#27- Right before you jump into the rapids, in plain sight.
#28 through 33- All in the first section of the rapids, up until the end of the short grind rails; abuse deaths if need be to collect them all.
#34 and 35- In the second section of the rapids, up until the checkpoint. One is on the sticky wall and the other on the long grind rail; fall in the water before the checkpoint to get the remaining one.
#36 through 38- The three enemies at the checkpoint each have one.
#39 and 40- At the top of the sinking leaves are two big enemies, each with their own globhopper.
#41- Cross the bars to the pole.
#42- On the grind rail.
#43- At the checkpoint, in front of the bars.
#44- Cross the bars and kill the big enemy to take his globhopper.
#45- On the disappearing leaves between the two sticky walls.
#46 through 50- Collect four on the grind rails, then jump onto the alcove to your left to get a fifth.
#51 through 53- Jump back onto the grind rails to collect another three.
#54 through 60- At the checkpoint, the rest of the globhoppers are all on top of the poles; abuse deaths/pit restarts if needed.
Level 7, Garden of Beatin'
#1- The enemy in the first area has one.
#2- The next enemy you see also holds one.
#3 and 4- Fly across to the platform to pick up the globhopper in plain sight and also the one held by the enemy.
#5- After crossing the platforms that must be shot, the next enemy you see has one.
#6- At the checkpoint, run all the way to the right.
#7 through 18- Run back and use the trampoline platforms to collect these twelve globhoppers.
#19- As soon as you land on the platform from the trampolines.
#20- Follow the path, in plain sight.
#21 through 32- Collected in the first flying section, it's a linear path with no exploration needed.
#33- The first enemy you see after the flying section has this.
#34 and 35- At the checkpoint, jump the platform and kill the enemy for these two.
#36 through 39- Cross the set of trampolines.
#40 through 44- In the next flying section.
#45- At the checkpoint, cross the bars.
#46 and 47- At the checkpoint are two monkey enemies, each with their own globhopper.
#48 and 49- Slightly further on are two enemies with gun, also with their own globhoppers.
#50- Put a large Zartog head on the left pressure plate and jump onto the platform.
#51- From #50, jump across to the next platform where it is in plain sight.
#52- With the left shrine completed, go right and jump onto the raft.
#53- When the raft sinks, fly to land and this globhopper is on the flight path.
#54- Once you land, immediately run past the enemy in front of you and kill the one by the second raft; this guy falls into the water if left alone for too long so kill him fast to take his globhopper.
#55- Now go back and kill the enemy you ran past.
#56- Continue along the path, it's in plain sight.
#57- Kill the enemy waiting for you when the platform lowers.
#58- You'll drift through it on the raft back.
#59 and 60- In plain sight once the shrine doors open.
Level 8, Fly Air Fluvian
I'm not doing a list for this because it's a flying level and they are all out in the open, even more so than the other already easy levels. Note there is no banana on this level.
Level 9, Spelunking Monkey
#1- After blowing up the first wall, go through and check to the left for the first globhopper of the level.
#2 through 4- At the checkpoint, go across the small platforms.
#5 through 10- Immediately after, there are another six on the ramps the boulders chase you down.
#11 through 19- At the flying section, there is a circle of globhoppers just to the left of the main route.
#20 through 23- Land on the platform to pick up these four.
#24- At the next checkpoint, on the revolving platform.
#25 through 36- At the next flying section, take the left route and go in a circle to collect these twelve.
#37 through 40- Land where the left route takes you, and there are another four globhoppers in a small flying spot past the enemies.
#41- Continue slightly further to reach a blue monster that has a globhopper.
#42- Flyback and take the right route to a checkpoint; once you reach the shrines there is a blue monter holding a globhopper.
#43 and 44- There are two more laying on the floor in the same area as the blue monster.
#45 through 47- Jump on the seesaw to the right of the shrines, and use it to reach some bars with three globhoppers.
#48 through 51- With the big Zartog head, make your way down the ledges to get another four.
#52- With both doors open, go through and get the one on the revolving platform.
#53 through 56- Jump from the revolving platform onto the viney wall to get these four.
#57- At the next checkpoint, on the revolving platform.
#58 through 60- Jump from the revolving platform to the isle.
Level 10, Dungeons and Chimps
#1 through 4- Clear out the enemies in the room to the left and these will all be in plain sight.
#5 and 6- In the jail cell you open.
#7 through 9- Across the platforms.
#10 and 11- On the next set of platforms that sink when stepped on.
#12 through 14- Jump from the sinking platforms to the bars.
#15- Jump from the vine to the pole.
#16 through 18- On the viney wall.
#19 and 20- At the checkpoint, on the ledges the switch activates.
#21- On the sticky wall.
#22 and 23- On the grind rails.
#24 through 26- In the open area, use a Plodey on the left door for these three.
#27 through 29- Turn 180 degrees from #24's door to see another door that can be blown up.
#30 and 31- Climb the scaffolding.
#32- Climb the pole and kill the enemy at the top to take his globhopper.
#33 and 34- Blow up the pillar to reveal a pole that leads to these two.
#35 through 37- There are three on the grindrails, fall into the water before the checkpoint if you miss any.
#38- Kill the big enemy with a shield for this one.
#39- Behind the second cog's gate.
#40 and 41- These two are on the grind rails.
#42- In front of the next cog's gate.
#43- At the end of this room, in plain sight.
#44- On the other side of the room from the banana.
#45- At the checkpoint, jump to the second bar and shimmy along to this one.
#46- Jump to the revolving platforms, it's behind the gate.
#47- On the sinking platform shortly after jumping from the bar.
#48- Use the trampoline to jump directly up.
#49- Use the same trampoline to jump onto the revolving platforms, the globhopper is behind the gate.
#50- At the checkpoint, take the sinking platforms to the right.
#51- Take the sinking platforms to the left to get this one when you reach stable land.
#52- Kill the big guy to take his glophopper.
#53- At the next checkpoint, on the third trampoline jump straight up.
#54- Blow up the door and kill the big guy for this one.
#55 through 57- In the same area, open the door on the left to find one on the floor and two held by the big guys.
#58 through 60- In the same area, open the door on the right to find one on the floor and two held by the big guys.
Level 11, Storm the Palace
#1 and 2- Immediately behind you as you begin the level.
#3 through 6- There's four in the laser corridor.
#7- You'll see this one in the middle of suspicious grey flooring. double jump to collect it before you drop down a pit.
#8- Kill the big guy in the pit.
#9- The middle grind rail.
#10- Use the vine to jump onto the platform.
#11 and 12- As you enter the next laser room, they're on either side of you before you jump across.
#13 through 15- Cross the platforms in the laser room.
#16 through 18- At the end of the laser room, kill the big guy to take his globhopper and make the walls return to their original spot.
#19- On the sticky wall.
#20- On the conveyor belt.
#21- Kill the shaman for this one.
#22 and 23- On the two bars.
#24- On the sticky wall.
#25 and 26- On the platforms activated by the Zartog head.
#27- At the checkpoint, kill the big guy for this one.
#28- Jump straight up on the trampoline.
#29 through 34- There are six on the grind rails, fall in the water if you miss one.
#35- Kill the big guy to take his globhopper.
#36- Jump straight up on the trampoline.
#37 through 39- There are three on the grind rails.
#40 through 42- Kill the shaman and the big guy to take their globhopper and reset the walls to their original position.
#43- Right in front of you after the door opens.
#44- Shimmy along the pole for this one.
#45- Jump from the bar to the viney wall.
#46 and 47- Along the disappearing platforms.
#48 through 50- There's three in between the gates in the next laser room.
#51- Use the trampoline to escape the laser room.
#52- In the next room, laying on the floor in plain sight.
#53- In the same room, in the top right corner of the viney wall.
#54 and 55- When you use the elevator to enter the next room, there's 2 on the floor.
#56- Kill the shaman to take his globhopper.
#57- With the shaman killed clear out the remaining enemies, the big guy has one as well.
#58- On the grind rail.
#59 and 60- Just from the bar to the platform for the final two.
Level 12, Zartog's Demise
#1- Right in front of you as the level starts.
#2 through 5- On the four corners of the arena.
************UPDATE 4/13/12*********************************
Per TA'er Freshflock :
I got the achievement last night and I had to start a new save. I just made sure to get every globhopper in every level before progressing to the next one. Should be no issue if you do this. It appears that getting all of the globhoppers on the last level and then trying to go back to earlier levels to get missed ones will glitch the achievement. Hope this can save everyone an additional playthrough.
Level 1, Holy Blow Hole!
#1- Directly in front of you after double-jumping across the gap.
#2- On the moving platform when you're informed about globhoppers.
#3- On the viney wall you climb up.
#4 through 8- Along the viney wall you climb horizontally across.
#9- After swinging across the gap via vine.
#10 and 11- On the next set of platforms.
#12- Before jumping to the next vine, it's to the left.
#13 through 17- Jumping from bar to bar, and then to the viney wall.
#18- After climbing #17's wall, it's on top of the nearest mushroom.
#19- On the mushroom next to the friendly Malgorian.
#20 through 22- Shimmying along the rail.
#23- On the mushroom immediately after shimmying along the rail.
#24- It's on the left of the third bar, grab it before jumping across to the vine.
#25 and 26- In the two enemies after climbing the viney wall and reaching a check point.
#27 and 28- At the two platforms that move vertically, these are on the bar above the first platform.
#29- After making your way up the two platforms, it's on top of a mushroom by the toads.
#30- In between the two large moving platforms, on a thin immobile platform.
#31 through 33- In the next three enemies with spears.
#34 and 35- At the back of the toads, one in the left corner and one in the right.
Level 2, Indigestion
#1- Right in front of you when the level starts.
#2- After using the pressure pad to get across, it's to the right.
#3- Look below you from this platform and you should see another.
#4- Go down to where the enemies are, it's in the corner behind you.
#5- On the next platform after using the lever.
#6 and 7- On the platforms raised by the lever.
#8- At the end of the platform made by the pressure pad.
#9 and 10- After entering the cave and shooting the stalactites, jump across and kill the two enemies.
#11 through 13- From the enemies' platform take a left and jump across the sinking platforms.
#14 and 15- After bringing back the Zartog head, go right from the enemies' platform and jump across.
#16- Use the big Zartog head to hold down the pressure pad and go get it.
#17- From #16, hop down to the left and continue along the path.
#18- From #17 you should see it by the waterfall, hop across the moving rocks in the river to get it.
#19 and 20- Go back to #18's platform and climb the viney wall behind it. hop across the rocks to progress up the river and get these globhoppers.
#21- Jump across to the land on the other side of the river, one of the enemies has it.
#22- In plain sight after picking up the Zartog head.
#23- Follow the path until you see your next globhopper, but DON'T pick it up. Put down the Zartog head and climb up the viney wall for #23.
#24- Climb back down the wall, pick up the Zartog head and get the globhopper in plain sight.
#25- A little further along the path is another one in plain sight.
#26- At the end of the disappearing platforms. You'll fall down after you grab it, so take your Zartog head with you!
#27- After using the heads to open the door, stand on the pressure pad and jump across.
#28- You'll drift over to it whilst on the platform.
#29- Shoot the spikes out and jump onto the platform.
#30- You'll drift over to it whilst on the platform.
#31 through 33- Shoot the spikes out and jump across the sinking platforms.
#34- In the next enemy you meet.
#35- Climb up the rocks that were to the right of the enemy.
Level 3, Inside Guy
#1- Right in front of you as you start the level.
#2- On the next solid platform you jump to.
#3- In the enemy right in front of you.
#4- A little further along the path from the enemy, in plain sight.
#5- Near the middle of the rotating platforms.
#6 though 9- The four bipedal enemies here each have one.
#10 through 13- In the same area, once the enemies are cleared out hug the wall and circle round.
#14 and 15- On each side of the sticky wall.
#16 through 20- At the checkpoint, there's five on the viney wall you climb horizontally across.
#21- At the top of the pole you climb up.
#22 and 23- The two enemies at the top of the pole have one each.
#24- At the first patch of grass.
#25- Futher along the path.
#26 and 27- In the room with Luna, along the wall.
#28- At the next checkpoint, on the end of the path.
#29 through 31- There's three on the viney wall you climb horizontally across.
#32- On the big white platform.
#33 through 35- There's three on the viney wall you climb up.
#36- The enemy in front of you has one.
#37- Jump onto the large trampoline platform.
#38 through 40- Use the next set of trampolines to jump up to the enemies.
#41 through 43- These three enemies have one each.
#44- At the checkpoint, follow the path and it's in plain sight.
#45 and 46- The two enemies up ahead have one each.
#47- Continue along the path.
#48 through 50- Another set of three enemies, each with a globhopper.
#51- The next enemy you see has one, you'll jump up a few sets of platforms first.
#52- Along the sticky wall to the right of where the enemy was.
#53- On the vine you jump to from the disappearing platforms.
#54- Jump off of the vine to land on more disappearing platforms with this globhopper on.
#55- Along the next sticky wall you jump to from the disappearing platforms.
#56 though 58- At the checkpoint, the three enemies have one each.
#59 and 60- Same place, once the enemies are cleared there's one on each side of the area.
Level 4, Ham of the Jungle
#1 and 2- Go forward, kill the enemy and there should be two here (I didn't actually see one of them, but it was close enough to warp to me).
#3 and 4- Take the vine over the water and there are two on the bars here.
#5 through 8- Jump across the lily pads.
#9- On the bar directly after the pads.
#10- Jump off the vine and the enemy waiting for you has one.
#11- In plain sight, collect it while jumping to the tree branch.
#12 and 13- Cross the bars and land on the disappearing leaf platforms.
#14- On the sticky wall you jump onto from the disappearing leaves.
#15 through 18- On the two grinding rails.
#19- At the checkpoint, it's on the left in the river.
#20 through 24- During the river section, up the sticky wall.
#25- During the river section, in the middle of the buzzsaws.
#26 and 27- During the river section, on either side of the gate; I'm not sure if both can be picked up by staying in the middle of the gate to get them to warp, I aimed for one and had to restart the level to aim for the other.
#28- At the checkpoint, on the leaf in front of you.
#29- To the left of #28.
#30- At the start of the grind rail.
#31- Jump left onto the other grind rail to get this one.
#32 and 33- When you land there's two enemies with a globhopper each.
#34- Futher along the path is another enemy with one.
#35- Just behind that enemy, in plain sight.
#36- Jump across the lily pads to reach one on the other side of the river.
#37 and 38- There's two enemies in this area, both have a globhopper.
#39 and 40- In the same area, on a pole.
#40 through 43- At the checkpoint, along the path.
#44 through 47- There's four on the grind rail.
#48- At the bottom of the grind rail is an enemy with one.
#49- Behind the enemy, in plain sight.
#50- On the isle in the middle of the river, behind the pole.
#51- Jump from the pole to the viney wall.
#52- There's an enemy at the top of the wall with one.
#53- It's on a platform before you jump to the swinging branches.
#54- By the branch you jump to, you'll drift across it.
#55- On the disappearing leaves you land on.
#56- On the grind rail.
#57- Jump right, onto another rail.
#58- Jump from the vine to the next area.
#59 and 60- You'll land in front of two enemies, each with their own globhopper.
Level 5, Splork's Army
#1 and 2- Across the bridge in front of you as you start.
#3- On top of the ledges directly after crossing the bridge.
#4- Where you began, up the viney wall next to the friendly Malgorian.
#5- Just beyond the friendly Malgorian.
#6- At the end of the Flutterfly's flight path.
#7- Before climbing the pole, jump to the enemy and kill him to take his globhopper.
#8- On the same platform the enemy was on.
#9- Climb the pole to the top and jump to the next platform.
#10- Jump to the next platform, in plain sight.
#11- Fly to the next platform.
#12- Fly across two more platforms.
#13- At the checkpoint, climb up the pole and jump to the next platform.
#14- On the same platform as #13, behind a rock.
#15- Turn around from #14 and you can see the next globhopper protected by enemies, hit them with the boulder then jump down and get it.
#16- In plain sight from #15, jump to it.
#17 and 18- On the platforms either side of #16 protected by plants, jump to them.
#19- At the end of the flight path.
#20- On the end of the platform with enemies, slightly hidden from the camera; jump to get it.
#21 and 22- Jump to the tree branch, then to the pole.
#23 through 25- At the bottom of the pole, the three enemies each have one (kill the shaman first to stop the other two respawning)
#26- Go left from the shrines and jump across to the platform where this globhopper is in plain sight.
#27- Knock down the boulder, and jump on a platform in the river to make it to the isle.
#28 through 30- When you take the Zartog head to the basket there are two globhoppers on the floor with the toads, and another on a ledge.
#31- Back at the shrines, take the right and use the vine to jump to the platform.
#32- Shoot the boulder to bring up a walkway, and there will be a globhopper where the boulder was.
#33 and 34- At the checkpoint there are two in plain sight.
#35- Take a large Zartog head up to the second floor and place it on the pressure plate to reveal the final globhopper for this level.
Level 6, Flower Power
#1- Right in front of you as you start the level.
#2 through 6- Clear out the three enemies then explore this small area to find another five globhoppers.
#7- Climb the pole and jump to the trampolines.
#8- Jump to the sticky wall.
#9 through 13- There is another four on the grind rail.
#14- When you land from the grind rail, go up the ramp to find a globhopper next to scaffolding.
#15- The big enemy in this area has one.
#16- At the checkpoint, look to the left to find this one.
#17- In the area with the Zartog head dispenser.
#18 through 20- At the next checkpoint, there will be four enemies; The big one has a globhopper, and there are two more on the floor in this area.
#21- In front of the sticky wall.
#22- Instead of using the sticky wall, look to your right and there will be some enemies firing at you. jump over to them and get the globhopper in the alcove.
#23 and 24- There are two on the viney wall.
#25 and 26- At the checkpoint, the two enemies each have one.
#27- Right before you jump into the rapids, in plain sight.
#28 through 33- All in the first section of the rapids, up until the end of the short grind rails; abuse deaths if need be to collect them all.
#34 and 35- In the second section of the rapids, up until the checkpoint. One is on the sticky wall and the other on the long grind rail; fall in the water before the checkpoint to get the remaining one.
#36 through 38- The three enemies at the checkpoint each have one.
#39 and 40- At the top of the sinking leaves are two big enemies, each with their own globhopper.
#41- Cross the bars to the pole.
#42- On the grind rail.
#43- At the checkpoint, in front of the bars.
#44- Cross the bars and kill the big enemy to take his globhopper.
#45- On the disappearing leaves between the two sticky walls.
#46 through 50- Collect four on the grind rails, then jump onto the alcove to your left to get a fifth.
#51 through 53- Jump back onto the grind rails to collect another three.
#54 through 60- At the checkpoint, the rest of the globhoppers are all on top of the poles; abuse deaths/pit restarts if needed.
Level 7, Garden of Beatin'
#1- The enemy in the first area has one.
#2- The next enemy you see also holds one.
#3 and 4- Fly across to the platform to pick up the globhopper in plain sight and also the one held by the enemy.
#5- After crossing the platforms that must be shot, the next enemy you see has one.
#6- At the checkpoint, run all the way to the right.
#7 through 18- Run back and use the trampoline platforms to collect these twelve globhoppers.
#19- As soon as you land on the platform from the trampolines.
#20- Follow the path, in plain sight.
#21 through 32- Collected in the first flying section, it's a linear path with no exploration needed.
#33- The first enemy you see after the flying section has this.
#34 and 35- At the checkpoint, jump the platform and kill the enemy for these two.
#36 through 39- Cross the set of trampolines.
#40 through 44- In the next flying section.
#45- At the checkpoint, cross the bars.
#46 and 47- At the checkpoint are two monkey enemies, each with their own globhopper.
#48 and 49- Slightly further on are two enemies with gun, also with their own globhoppers.
#50- Put a large Zartog head on the left pressure plate and jump onto the platform.
#51- From #50, jump across to the next platform where it is in plain sight.
#52- With the left shrine completed, go right and jump onto the raft.
#53- When the raft sinks, fly to land and this globhopper is on the flight path.
#54- Once you land, immediately run past the enemy in front of you and kill the one by the second raft; this guy falls into the water if left alone for too long so kill him fast to take his globhopper.
#55- Now go back and kill the enemy you ran past.
#56- Continue along the path, it's in plain sight.
#57- Kill the enemy waiting for you when the platform lowers.
#58- You'll drift through it on the raft back.
#59 and 60- In plain sight once the shrine doors open.
Level 8, Fly Air Fluvian
I'm not doing a list for this because it's a flying level and they are all out in the open, even more so than the other already easy levels. Note there is no banana on this level.
Level 9, Spelunking Monkey
#1- After blowing up the first wall, go through and check to the left for the first globhopper of the level.
#2 through 4- At the checkpoint, go across the small platforms.
#5 through 10- Immediately after, there are another six on the ramps the boulders chase you down.
#11 through 19- At the flying section, there is a circle of globhoppers just to the left of the main route.
#20 through 23- Land on the platform to pick up these four.
#24- At the next checkpoint, on the revolving platform.
#25 through 36- At the next flying section, take the left route and go in a circle to collect these twelve.
#37 through 40- Land where the left route takes you, and there are another four globhoppers in a small flying spot past the enemies.
#41- Continue slightly further to reach a blue monster that has a globhopper.
#42- Flyback and take the right route to a checkpoint; once you reach the shrines there is a blue monter holding a globhopper.
#43 and 44- There are two more laying on the floor in the same area as the blue monster.
#45 through 47- Jump on the seesaw to the right of the shrines, and use it to reach some bars with three globhoppers.
#48 through 51- With the big Zartog head, make your way down the ledges to get another four.
#52- With both doors open, go through and get the one on the revolving platform.
#53 through 56- Jump from the revolving platform onto the viney wall to get these four.
#57- At the next checkpoint, on the revolving platform.
#58 through 60- Jump from the revolving platform to the isle.
Level 10, Dungeons and Chimps
#1 through 4- Clear out the enemies in the room to the left and these will all be in plain sight.
#5 and 6- In the jail cell you open.
#7 through 9- Across the platforms.
#10 and 11- On the next set of platforms that sink when stepped on.
#12 through 14- Jump from the sinking platforms to the bars.
#15- Jump from the vine to the pole.
#16 through 18- On the viney wall.
#19 and 20- At the checkpoint, on the ledges the switch activates.
#21- On the sticky wall.
#22 and 23- On the grind rails.
#24 through 26- In the open area, use a Plodey on the left door for these three.
#27 through 29- Turn 180 degrees from #24's door to see another door that can be blown up.
#30 and 31- Climb the scaffolding.
#32- Climb the pole and kill the enemy at the top to take his globhopper.
#33 and 34- Blow up the pillar to reveal a pole that leads to these two.
#35 through 37- There are three on the grindrails, fall into the water before the checkpoint if you miss any.
#38- Kill the big enemy with a shield for this one.
#39- Behind the second cog's gate.
#40 and 41- These two are on the grind rails.
#42- In front of the next cog's gate.
#43- At the end of this room, in plain sight.
#44- On the other side of the room from the banana.
#45- At the checkpoint, jump to the second bar and shimmy along to this one.
#46- Jump to the revolving platforms, it's behind the gate.
#47- On the sinking platform shortly after jumping from the bar.
#48- Use the trampoline to jump directly up.
#49- Use the same trampoline to jump onto the revolving platforms, the globhopper is behind the gate.
#50- At the checkpoint, take the sinking platforms to the right.
#51- Take the sinking platforms to the left to get this one when you reach stable land.
#52- Kill the big guy to take his glophopper.
#53- At the next checkpoint, on the third trampoline jump straight up.
#54- Blow up the door and kill the big guy for this one.
#55 through 57- In the same area, open the door on the left to find one on the floor and two held by the big guys.
#58 through 60- In the same area, open the door on the right to find one on the floor and two held by the big guys.
Level 11, Storm the Palace
#1 and 2- Immediately behind you as you begin the level.
#3 through 6- There's four in the laser corridor.
#7- You'll see this one in the middle of suspicious grey flooring. double jump to collect it before you drop down a pit.
#8- Kill the big guy in the pit.
#9- The middle grind rail.
#10- Use the vine to jump onto the platform.
#11 and 12- As you enter the next laser room, they're on either side of you before you jump across.
#13 through 15- Cross the platforms in the laser room.
#16 through 18- At the end of the laser room, kill the big guy to take his globhopper and make the walls return to their original spot.
#19- On the sticky wall.
#20- On the conveyor belt.
#21- Kill the shaman for this one.
#22 and 23- On the two bars.
#24- On the sticky wall.
#25 and 26- On the platforms activated by the Zartog head.
#27- At the checkpoint, kill the big guy for this one.
#28- Jump straight up on the trampoline.
#29 through 34- There are six on the grind rails, fall in the water if you miss one.
#35- Kill the big guy to take his globhopper.
#36- Jump straight up on the trampoline.
#37 through 39- There are three on the grind rails.
#40 through 42- Kill the shaman and the big guy to take their globhopper and reset the walls to their original position.
#43- Right in front of you after the door opens.
#44- Shimmy along the pole for this one.
#45- Jump from the bar to the viney wall.
#46 and 47- Along the disappearing platforms.
#48 through 50- There's three in between the gates in the next laser room.
#51- Use the trampoline to escape the laser room.
#52- In the next room, laying on the floor in plain sight.
#53- In the same room, in the top right corner of the viney wall.
#54 and 55- When you use the elevator to enter the next room, there's 2 on the floor.
#56- Kill the shaman to take his globhopper.
#57- With the shaman killed clear out the remaining enemies, the big guy has one as well.
#58- On the grind rail.
#59 and 60- Just from the bar to the platform for the final two.
Level 12, Zartog's Demise
#1- Right in front of you as the level starts.
#2 through 5- On the four corners of the arena.
Thanx, BRAH!!!!!!!!!! :D
By OMG iTz Slov on 01 Sep 2011 21:54
Level 4 - 53 is on a platform before you jump to the swinging branches. 54 is at 53 description.
By BobWings on 05 Feb 2012 01:51
just to let people know ..that this achievement is not glitch....just make sure that you go thru all the mission...specially FLY AIR FLUVIAN!!!!!!
first i didn't get the i started playing a second save...but i remember that i didn't go thru FLY AIR FLUVIAN again....then i went back to the 100% save ...replay that mission and after a got the last globhopper..the achievement pops up...hope this save you the trouble of play again
Again...i don't think this achievement is glitch,,,just go thru the FLY AIR FLUVIAN too
first i didn't get the i started playing a second save...but i remember that i didn't go thru FLY AIR FLUVIAN again....then i went back to the 100% save ...replay that mission and after a got the last globhopper..the achievement pops up...hope this save you the trouble of play again
Again...i don't think this achievement is glitch,,,just go thru the FLY AIR FLUVIAN too