Space Giraffe

Space Giraffe

12 Achievements


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I Adore My 64

I Adore My 64

Complete level 64 without losing a life while playing it.


How to unlock the I Adore My 64 achievement in Space Giraffe - Definitive Guide

This level is shaped like a star. What you want to do is move back and forth (firing in the direction you are moving) to almost the edge of the star. Go back to near the other side and repeat. If the rotators start going out of control use your bomb.

You don't want to go all the way at the edge since a flower can spawn and kill you. Here's a video showing the madness, if you haven't played the game a lot it may look like gibberish to you.


01 Jan 2015 11:04

Be one with the game. That is all.

I've shown tons of people this level, and most of them don't believe that I'm playing a game underneath the blur of graphical effects.

It's all drawn on screen in a very different way than you're used to, and there's plenty of the gfx corrupter enemies to really mess with your mind.

There's a video on YouTube of someone doing it, but that's on the PC and they are playing the less intense, or "pussy" version.

18 Jul 2011 21:45